He won't. If you paid attention to what he says it has a very strong emphasis on christianity and helping other individuals.
At no point will he accept thinking in groups, not SJW vs white cis het males, not brown vs white people.
He won't. If you paid attention to what he says it has a very strong emphasis on christianity and helping other individuals.
At no point will he accept thinking in groups, not SJW vs white cis het males, not brown vs white people.
Except that classical liberal societies always adopt elements of fascist societies in times of danger. Even the UK ceased to have elections during WW2, because there is an implicit recognition that classical liberal societies are only possible during times of peace and plenty, in highly homogeneous societies, like Japan. If there is war, or strife, moral decay or the threat of conflict, to survive, fascist elements will re-assert themselves, or the society will perish.
It's debatable what the best course of action is, whether to keep fascism as the ace up our sleeves, the full moon transformation into the werewolf etc., or to have a more permanent fascist/authoritarian element governing our society in order to keep threats against us at bay, like a monarchy or aristocracy.
There's literally nothing wrong with fascism.
Sounds reasonable to me.
Holy shit, he's getting somewhere. These tweets are from minutes ago.
>the government will not approfe of any business activity _unless_
and that's a bust.
>Believing in sky-daddy
Why people are still doing this
>discover this guy yesterday on jewtube
>i've seen him in Sup Forums twice in 24 hours
are you a delusion of me Sup Forums?
How long until this guy gets fired? I'd be worried about losing my job if I were him (not that I wouldn't say those things if I were in his position).
Individualism is stupid because groups will always out-compete individuals.
If some Marxist government wanted to drag Peterson off to the Gulag for thoughtcrime, the only thing that could protect him is a well-armed group. As individuals, they'd all be picked off.