Ummm... no sweetie, he lost by a massive margin. Hillary Clinton won by over FIVE MILLION votes.

She is the true winner. She is who the American people chose. Any time a drumpf supporter tries to brag, I laugh HARD in their face, and educate them with the facts. It feels good being on the right side of herstory. Drumpf is literally the least popular candidate of all time.

She fucking won.

Other urls found in this thread:


Lel, that pop vote gap has basically torpedoed Trump's political capital harder than the 2010 midterms shellacked Obama.

We are in the timeline where nobody is going to be able to do anything, because we are basically at each others throats. Dems will be just as disruptive to Trump's admin as republicans were to Obama.

I mean, if you count all of the voter fraud and illegal votes, sure. She lost if you only count the American citizen votes.

By my definition, she lost. Get ready for at least 4 years of progress, princess. 8 If you're lucky.


Why do you post this every day?

Over 231 million Americans are eligible to vote. However, based on early results from the 2016 Presidential election, just over 130 million of them voted for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

Who cares how many illegal aliens voted in California?

The dreamers the rapists and the murderers are going back to Mexico.

>be a leaf
>don't understand that politicians campaign according to the rules of the election
>Trump barely campaigned in major cities (high density population zones) since they were already lost
>"hurr pop vote durr buh muh right side of history", as though that will change the outcome of the election

You have reminded me why I am so giddy for January 20. But please, keep whining; your tears and butthurt power me through the day.


We're sorry that trump won.
I know that your fee fees are eternally hurt, but we'd like for you to take a break posting.

That was because the republicans controlled the house and senate in his second term.

The republicans now control all 3. You can say that the dems will be disruptive, but even with filibusters, they can still be beaten on any vote.

>SHE WON!!!!!111

I love how your popular vote number changes every day.
You sound just like (((them))).
>muh 6 million votes
>muh 6 gorillion jews
O Vey Leaf, remember da holoplasty.

Why does it have to be ALWAYS A FUCKING LEAF?

Well then, enjoy President Hillary, sweetie!

>She is who the American people chose.

a leaf shilling for a woman that wanted to start a war with russia only to have her sponsors happy..

Go back to sucking Trudeau's LadyBoy benis

According to polls 13% of Illegals admit to voting illegally. There are an estimated 30 million Illegals.

If the majority rules and is incompetent while they naturally gravitate towards
self-destruction than for the survival of our species the majority should not rule.

Thank GOD for the electoral college.

why do you faggots keep responding to this shit




fuken sage

Those results are from the 2012 election
Majority of maine rural parts went trump, Pinellas and many other places in florida went red etc.

Just look at wisconsin, majority of the counties are supposed to be red


Set the record straight.


>according to polls
according to sources, Russians cast 7 million votes for Trump illegally

Nice one leaf. Crackin me up

>5 million
You mean 2.86
Many of which are highly suspect, considering there were more votes in many "democratic" counties in Michigan than there were registered voters to the tune of over 130%.

I really hope Trump does a recount in California and New York and exposes more bullshit and uses it as a basis for voter ID laws.

Source: your ass

2 million, 3 million, 5 million. Pretty soon Hillary will have a 6 million vote victory.

6 million... Hmmmm... Where have I seen that number before?

I don't know how it works in Leafland, but here in America, presidential elections aren't decided by popular vote.

exact same source you used for your "polls"

Herbs and spices in email field

Low GOP voter turnout in CA.

>There are an estimated 30 million Illegals
top kek

nice try, but that number is only ~10 million




Alaska has 3 electors 738,432 people.
California has 55 electors and 39 million people.

Let's do some quick maths: how many people from each state equal one elector?

One elector from Alaska = you need about 250,000 people.
One elector from California = you need about 700,000 people.

Does this seem like a system which fairly represents the opinion of the public to you? to me it does not.

All realistic estimates put the number at 30. Don't believe Obama's bullshit propaganda.

Each state holds a popular vote on the subject. Fuck off.


>Americans claim to have freedom and democracy
Why not weight votes by economic output instead of by how small the state is?
Oh wait, that's because you don't want people with actual policies that benefit everyone from having power

Yeah but faggots only count as half a person and California has a lot of faggots

>Canadian Flag, doesn't know how American election system works.
>Calls Americans that do know how their government elections work "Sweetie."
>Average IQ of a Leaf, 79.

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I'm voting Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day.


The electoral college gives all states a voice. Its the UNITED STATES not the united citizens.

If you don't like it, image if the United Nations was the United Humans and popular vote was all that mattered...

Under that situation China would rule because they have the majority population. No other peoples would have a say.

See why we have an electoral college?


Your attitude is nothing a good hard spanking can't fix.

yes because you are actually fucking retarded. two of those electors are senators the last elector for alaska represents the 700k people.

Hey watch this: I'm Mississippi and the Electoral College doesn't exist. I hereby put in 10,000,000,000,000,000 votes for Trump. See? He won now. No problem to see here.

California was responsible for all of those popular votes, and seeing as how California allows dogs to vote multiple times you'll see why I don't put too much stock in your pathetic faggot argument.

Not again leaf , for fucks sake we need to tell the bull that fucks your wive to limit your internet acces

That moment california lets illegal immigrants vote

>June 3rd, 2015
nice source

>13% of illegals admit to voting illegally
nope, that's not what the poll says.
The poll surveyed 800 hispanics

>Based on a sample survey of 800 Hispanics in 2013, McLaughlin found that of foreign-born respondents who were registered voters, 13 percent admitted they were not United States citizens
Doesn't say anything about 13% of illegals voting.
They only had ~100 people admit they vote illegally

>The Pew Research Center indicates that there were 11.3 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S in 2014
Pew Research is noted for being unbiased, and is often used by right wingers as a source too

No, Canada, our political system is not like your entire nation where if you defeat your opponent, they win. Donald Trump had more votes that mattered - electoral votes. Therefore, he won.

>each state is just as different from each other as each country guise!!!

where i live, we have no leaf during winter. please dont spoil it for me here



Being demonstrably retarded and condescending broadcasts your worthlessness to the universe.

If you are not a citizen, and you vote, that's illegal. Hence voting illegally, dumbass.


Hillary spending was over twice as much money as Trump's.

Is this a feminazi copypasta of navy seal? I really can't tell, but I'll have you know I'm top or my class. Etc.
Your wall of textual validation also makes you look insecure. Not becoming of a CEO...


Lol unfortunately for losers like you, sheer number of votes dont win the US election, Electoral votes do. System was designed that way so the states remain independent and weild their own power. You have to win the states. Crying about hillary winning is the same as saying the Leafs won the game because they outshot the opponent, yet scored fewer goals. Point is game is won by goals and not shots. US election won by winning the states and not a popular vote, so blow me

Negative, we don't elect presidents on the popular vote. Think of it like racing. Sometimes the guy who wins didn't set the fastest lap time, but he crossed the finish line first. If the dems actually understood our election process they might have won, though running a candidate that wasn't a criminal and traitor might have been an even better strategy.


>reading comprehension
try reading a book for once, retard
The study doesn't say that 13% of all illegals vote illegally
The study said that 13% of the polled hispanics who were registered to vote were illegals
And this is with a data size of 800 people

It's amazing to me that leaf's don't know kind of government we have. Popular vote isn't a thing. There is no prize for a metric that isn't even a part of the contest. The WHOLE battle is for electoral votes and that's how they campaign. If it was popular vote they would only campaign in Florida, NY and California. A "pure" democracy is a shitty political system fraught with a myriad of inherent problems that are mitigated by the government that was set up.
Before you keep talking about OUR country at least know the philosophy behind our government, what type of government we actually have and make sure to fuck yourself before you post faggot.

>going to be president

same as our PM is elected by havign their party win the most ridings, not by popular vote.

>parents were born in Niagara Falls, NY

Dodged a fucking bullet there. I could have had parents that were Canadian or worse, have been born a Canadian myself.


Your temper tantrum won't change the fact that DT is the next president.

The only people that voted for Clinton are illegals and leftist retards.

Patriots all voted for Trump.

Nice to see you again, leaf.

>1 vote for spotted eagle
>1 vote for kasich
>1 vote for sanders
>1 vote for paul
>1 vote for powell

>You have reminded me why I am so giddy for January 20. But please, keep whining; your tears and butthurt power me through the day.

This, these dirty liberal assholes are so stressed over Trump's victory that they must be shortening there own lifespans LOL :^)))))

Get fucked leftist scum! hahaha


>one post only pleash

You're right. Also, the Cubs didn't win the World Series. It's still tied at 27-27 runs over the 7 games.

>The study said that 13% of the polled hispanics who were registered to vote were illegals

And that they voted. Those votes are illegal.

Shoulda coulda woulda

I think we're still outnumbered with the neocons in the house and the supreme court is pretty even but slightly to the left. Remember Bush's guy voted for Obamacare.

>Does this seem like a system which fairly represents the opinion of the public to you?
At least try to refute its central point.

EC was founded to avoid a situation where densely populated Dixie-land and its issues would win in every single successive elections therefore making northerners and people in frontier 2nd class citizens.

You can argue that it's unfair in many ways but the thing you're talking about is the entire point of Electoral College - the voters from small states are relatively more powerful than the ones from big ones.

The bitch won California.
Commiefornia an election does not make.
Check the by-county map you piece of filth.

Trump would've won the popular vote if the election were based on the popular vote. For example, I would have voted for the first time living in California. But it's useless right now, so why bother?

Kasich didn't even get that vote in his home state.

100 voters who registered to vote admitted they are illegal
Wow, what a national crisis

It's called a "representative sample" you retarded cuck.


Your final attempt to shit up the world before all Trump supporters finally die out doesn't change the fact that the future is overwhelmingly liberal

>Rejected by America
lol, she won by 6 million more Americans than Trump the KGB useful idiot

the rest were niggers

>Look at me Im another faggot unironically replying and bumping 1 post by this fag sliding copy pasta

wow, you faggot really wanted to be drafted for WW3, more luck next time

Because we dont want every single idiot getting his say. At least this keeps mob rule in check.

>Your final attempt to shit up the world before all Trump supporters finally die out doesn't change the fact that the future is overwhelmingly liberal
They probably said the same about Reagan vs. Mondale.

>drafted into WWIII
>while there is a president threatening China and increasing tensions with NK
oh no Hillary will say mean things about Putin we shouldn't vote for such a fear mongering president
Vote Trump!

So why not let the ones who have successful economic policies get a say instead of letting retarded rednecks living in the middle of nowhere get a say?

>she won by 6 million

Latvian IQ everybody, Google "Electoral College" and educate yourself fool lol

Oh, and daily reminder Trump has won the Presidency and has the Senate and Congress. Buttangry leftist scum on suicide watch lmfao :^))))

>comparing this incoherent rambling retard with reagan

>Hillary Clinton won by over FIVE MILLION votes
She lost by 77 votes.

Well, Reagan thought that after he'd give the amnesty to Mexicans in Cali they would vote for Republicans forever because they are good Christians, Trump doesn't join the GOP "make believe" philosophy which pretends that Reagan was right about it.


>So why not let the ones new aristocratic elite who are ripping everyone off with government support rule instead of letting the peasants get a say?