You pathetic virgins get BTFO'd on a constant daily basis, how do you even handle it?
Sup Forums BTFO
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Le meme war
We're a board of peace.
I only have seen Antifas here getting beaten.
More like antifa attacks then gets rekt by groups 1/10th their size like the trad workers party.
well he is right. none is actually a nazi its just edgy shy boys that get their kicks out of triggering people.
>when the numbers are even
This. They seem like cowards. I bet they gang up on you and stone you from afar like the muslims they love so much.
Are you telling me we should be violent?
It is pretty fun triggering people with nazi stuff
>beating someone
must suck being CTR and still being a poor cuck
well it probably is if you don't mind spitting on your gradfathers grave. but i guess everybody got a different uncrossable line.
but also i would be lying if i said that none of them are fun, a lot of them are but its important to draw the distiction between internet life and reality or else you might find yourself in the local nazi party irl.
Antifa won't do shit unless they outnumber their opposition 5 to 1.
They're a bunch of limp wristed faggots who don't even lift.
Nazi clubs are ridiculous, I could understand if you live in Germany. I wouldn't mind a Nat Soc group, but idealizing another country for a failed leader is kind of ignorant.
Mummy approves this image.
Who's winning the culture war again? Every mainstream news network are shitting their pants in unison over the so-called "alt-right." Who takes antifa seriously? Anybody? Not really. No.
Antifa likes forgetting what happened in Sacramento. Don't worry though, a song was made to commemorate the day :^)
Never forget Sacramento,
What's that Churchill quote again?
"The fascists of the future will be called..."
Damn, I just can't seem to finish it. Help me out?
>Spitting on gradpappies grave
Because grand dad fought for this
>well it probably is if you don't mind spitting on your gradfathers grave.
Some thing I realized at some point is that there aren't really any good guys and bad guys in wars. The "moral" wars of the past were often pretty misguided. The more recent wars were about power. What the US does really is about world domination at this point.
The nazis lost and history was written by the victors. A lot of it is bullshit. Really seems like the soviets were planning on backstabbing Europe too.
But in all seriousness, the scientific racism was often too much. It lead to atrocities. It could've lead to more in the future (or not, I don't know desu). Not as much as the allies made it up to be though. It was necessary for them to demonize the nazis as much as possible to make the denazification process acceptable (both to the germans and the world). They won and they intended to takeover germany this time. The soviet's war crimes were probably a lot worse (many of the concentration camps were on their territory towards the end too), but they were covered up because at the time they were part of the allies (and it would have made germany look not as bad in comparison).
>winning a fight
top kek
>antifas apparantly beating the shit out of fascists.
>Nazis apparantly post memes on the internet and never goes outside
All I can understand from this is that the antifas are constantly on drugs and beat the shit out of either their friends or illusions
Isn't antifa just a bunch of betamale hungry skeletons and sjw type women?
The right wing also has white trash who are in it to fight other white trash, I promise
Well, I still have to go outside to buy crap. Sometimes I wear my "Hitler did nothing wrong" t-shirt. That's how antifas could gang up on me I guess.
>I'm going to make fun of people on social media on social media
he fought against this kinda of shit
>Millions of books were burned, including an estimated 80% of all school libraries, and three-quarters of all scientific libraries.[111] Polish children were forbidden from acquiring education beyond the elementary level with the aim that the new generation of Polish leaders could not arise in the future.[110] According to a May 1940 memo from Heinrich Himmler: "The sole goal of this schooling is to teach them simple arithmetic, nothing above the number 500; writing one's name; and the doctrine that it is divine law to obey the Germans. I do not think that reading is desirable."
>35,000–60,000 in Volhynia, 25,000 or 30,000-40,000 in Eastern Galicia
(I wanted to add more but chacters limit)
its not even about the jews you see. the germans wanted to exterminate all poles (and maybe incorporate the like 10% best "aryna" looking ones through heavy germanization). you can read up similar storie on western front too (like germans letting french villages starve to death) but of course the biggest horors were probably conducted on the muddy and harash eastern front.
another argument I can bring you up against your claim is the simple matter of a fact that this wouldn't be happening if for the nazis ruining europe (UK lost girp of its colonies, commusnism spread etc). But thats the past of course and im willing to cooporate with right wing movements across europe to defeat islam and others however that cannot draw a inspiration from the nazi ideology. if thats the case i am out and so should every at least not germanic person do. (unless you are a literal cuck for german supremacist).
>hurr durr
The pen is mightier than the sword
>don't have anything useful to say
>posts meme
wow how will I ever recover.
Accurate as fuck
Fascists scared because AntiFA is better than every nationalist group combined world wide. You're a dying breed NaziCucks
antifas: zero seats in house, zero seats in senate, zero presidents
anime nazis: president, house and senate control
I remember last time you antifa wimps came to my city, got your asses royally handed to you. You're a bunch of pussies
Do you tell yourself that when you fap or are you just delusional
I wish we had antifa in my country. I guess we will have to wait for a few decades.
>be antifa
>get stabbed
AntiFA will win. Deal with it. We outnumber you 100,000: 1. We're government funded. We're on the right side of history. And we're WINNING, (Refuges in the EU, Austria going hard to left, Merkel will win another term, EU banning guns). It's happening.
Maybe those poles shouldn't have resisted and they would have been treated better.
That's not a good thing.
Antifa is a joke
First you get the memes
Then you get the power
Then you administer the beatings the day before the day of the rope.
2 options for you , either you lose to us or to the immigrants you import to your own countries . You can impossible be that delusional and think that the fuges will adept to you political views
How is flooding Europe with people who are even more reactionary than neo-nazis a win?
I'm genuinely confused at what you hope to accomplish with that.
>100,000: 1
Refuges are integrating fine. Stop believing fascist propaganda.
>Sweden GDP increases by 8% since refugee
>Germany GDP increases by 12% since refugee
No nations, no borders.
>Muh Imaginary lines
Small country in europe , governed by a liberal faggot and cursed the world with Junker
>EU falling apart
>Brexit and Trump winning
>Merkel is trying to save her own ass by saying she will send refugees back
>"moderate rebels" btfo in Syria
>U.S. and Russia working together
>Rise of several right-wing parties in Europe
>"But Muh Merkel! Muh Gun ban!"
The EU is already incredibly chucked on guns, taking maybe 100,000 guns away is no accomplishment. Plus Germany is chucked beyond redemption.
>antifas: beat the shit out of "fascists"
antifas: get their face smashed, stabbed and shot when they run into an actual fascist
>going outside
Fuck no
>AntiFA will win
Brexit victory June, Trump elected November and Marin Le Pen (with luck) elected in May 2017. The right is rising all over the Western world, filthy leftist scum tears are so delicious XDDD
Pretty much this. Video related was something like 30 antifas against 5 and the antifas got btfo.
Sactown here. Still brings a warm smile to my face when I think or hear about it.
By plotting the death of millions of commies to be enacted when the time is right.
>Marin Le Pen
lol..0% chance. The right is in its death throes. You have no chance. Some hamburger orange retard being elected for 4 years means nothing. Brexit STILL hasn't happened (and wont).
You're delusional, the echo box has rotted your fascist idiot brain
>British Nazi
Your G.Father is rolling in his grave, unless you're (GGGGASPP) an immigrant :^)
>Backing up their alarmingly fascist threats
Pick one
Post your info faggot. Fight me 1v1.
>You pathetic virgins get BTFO'd on a constant daily basis, how do you even handle it?
Are these coordinates to your address because my GPS can't find your bitch ass..
>n-no, I'm just going to pretend the tides aren't changing
Oh no. They are changing. Demographics in every western country are becoming more diverse and more socialist, borders are being erased.
Change is certainly coming.
lol stop responding to the swampnigger guys, jesus
Why should I give a shit about spitting on your grandfather's grave?
I'm not a Pole. The only difference I'd notice if Poles suddenly vanished would be that there would suddenly be thousands of open applications for cleaning jobs.
>austria hard left
>number one in polls is FPÖ
>övp and SPÖ courting based HC to form next coalition.
Yeah ok tard.
>Marin Le Pen
>lol..0% chance.
>Trump Victory
>lol..0% chance.
>Brexit victory
>lol..0% chance.
Hahahahah get fucked leftist scum :^))
Le pen can't win. Ask any frenchman. Cuck delusion right here.
>Brexit happening...uhhh... later......uhhh...
>x can't win
i keep hearing that and yet leftists keep losing
>there aren't really any good guys and bad guys in wars.
WOII is often portrayed as a moral drama, good vs evil which it was not, but that was done in order to...
>demonize the nazis .. (both to the germans and the world).
It was a fight of globalism vs. nationalism. After WOII all forms of nationalism were taboo in the West at least.
Did our grandfathers fight for globalism, did they have this in mind? Probably not if they knew.
>Refuges in Europe
>Far Left parties leading every European government
>EU removing guns
>EU removing borders
Hows your delusion
>Le pen can't win. Ask any frenchman.
>Trump can't win. Ask any american.
>Brexit can't win. Ask any englishman.
You dirty liberal assholes are so stressed over the rise of the right that you must be shortening your own lifespans LOL :^)))))
Get fucked lefty scum! hahahahaha
>Beating the shit out of people
I literally just beat someone up last night
I don't know if he was fascist or antifascist though
it was just Friday night like
Don't worry, as we go more right we will pull a good ole fashion "U.S Liberation." Your SJWs won't begin to be able to compete.
But they do, their own kind for false flags or the elderly.
this man.
Face it, Reactionism thrives off of being suppressed. Infact look at what Yuri Bezmenov and Albert Pike have said, worse to worst we dictate in your "gommunism :::DDDD" government destroying your type. Its stupid to push this envelope, but you are too retarded to see what your movement will cause.
The only overtly anti-fascist person I know posts on Facebook on "The Fash." It's so childlike. They can't bring themselves to say "Fascist." "The Fash did another Fash thing today, I'm glad they're so happy in Trump's America."
Call a spade a spade.
Taking your political activism off Sup Forums is strictly frowned upon and should not be done.
Normies get out!
They can't, their whole lives are filled with buzzwords to influence their own dillusions.
>According to a May 1940 memo from Heinrich Himmler: "The sole goal of this schooling
I really wanted to read this for myself. Unfortunately I can't ...
Not yet available :/
>death throes
LITERALLY just won Brexit and Trump
This is shit-tier b8 m8
The votes speak more than anything. Believing the left is rising is a meme. They're dying, and quickly. They can't maintain institutional power, and have zero control over the house, senate or presidency. They will lose the supreme court.
Brexit, even if it never happens, already speaks volumes, but I don't have to care.
We all know you're just toothpaste anyways.
I would give up my wealth and education just to join a NSDAP in its founding years and become the next Heinrich Himmler
The only Antifa I've ever seen was a homeless 20 something begging for change.
Antifa seems bigger in Europe, are their members poor as shit too?
This is usually what happens.
Mate, just go and live in America. You clearly are ashamed of being British and wish you were American.
needs a broomstick in his ass, rr-right guys?
I didn't even know that ANTIFA existed until I heard about them on Sup Forums. They're not a thing in America.
I'm very pro-British, you anti-Trump vermin are just butthurt or retarded or salty or all of the above.
This is some really gay shit. I don't know why these braindead antifa homos think it is a good idea to try and "beef" on the internet. They are always surrounded by drug-dealing, squatting, underage prostitution, etc. which are all illegal. It's worse than the nigs making facebook posts about all their guns and murders, at least nigs won't get immediately murdered in prison.
Hahahahahah yes the terrorist attacks is a normal thing now