Name 1 flaw with this desert paradise.
Name 1 flaw with this desert paradise
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Arabs and Islam
Looks like Mordor.
The people who live there.
The fact that they censor your internet and have people hanging from cranes in the streets.
They're doing a pretty bad job if Sup Forums is uncensored.
It's a desert. It's full of A-rabs. Robert Smith sung it best
Lack of water
and again sandniggrs
Wahhabi extremism
Well duh of course it'll be full of arabs/sandniggers the word "arab" is in its name.
Supports Israel
Gulf Arabs are the most disgusting group of people on planet.
What would happen to you if you started fucking a man in public?
The sand, it gets everywhere
Who would you say are the best Arabs then?
Probably beheaded next Friday since it's in public and more than 4 witnesses exist.
the ones that are death.
Lebanese and Syrians are pretty good. Palestinians too.
Egyptians are based for actively fighting ISIS/wahhabists with ground troops.
but falafel aren't even saudi food, they're levant/egyptian
Lebanese and Syrians.
worldwide islamic conquest
The dead
Saudia is based. I can't wait until we go together and butcher those Shia dogs in Iran.
Ruled over by a jewish family LARPing as muslims.
The people and the enviroment
I never thought Israelis tolerated, let alone liked Saudi Arabia.
Is that a common ideology there or is it just you?
How's Iraq after the Gulf War?
Because ISIS controls your country politically, hence you fund ISIS in return.
Please kike, you can kill your self
to me that city looks like a comfy mars colony
The Persians are going to push your shit in kike. Only Alexander the Great has ever truly conquered them.
Best ally :3
Do you ever find heads rolling around in the street?
Who do think we are, frenchmen in the 18th century? No, we clean the heads off the street.
Is this too haram for you?
That's a good one
idk those heads are collected and buried somewhere. Arabs like to bury people as fast as possible when they die.
if that thing in the middle is female, then ofc not dude
>Sup Forums
>bringing people together
You wanted a flaw you sandnigger. What do you expect?
I'll give you three flaws:
1. No alcohol
2. No jacking off
3. Sand: It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.
You know Saudi Arabia are extremely close diplomatically right?
It doesn't matter if your ideologies are polar opposites because your government is Wahhabi Islamist only when it suits them (generally only to pacify the abundance of retarded Wahhabi terrorists in Saudi Arabia).
It's hilarious that the people of Saudi Arabia stress their desert cult as being morally perfect but at the same time their leaders are banging western whores for thousands of dollars and doing all kinds of debauched things with their oil money.
People would rather go to Dubai if they wanted to experience a desert paradise.
None of them.
We are.
The middle bird is a female.
>Kikes & Saudis
Pick one
House of Saud
It's not America.
Saudis would be cool, if not for the religious fundamentalist, government-mandated nonsense, the barbarism of their laws, and their silencing of any dissenters, or the way in which wealthy saudi citizens, including members of their royal family, fund Islamic extremism around the world, or how the Saudis were behind the september 11th attacks, or how the Saudis have a strangle-hold on oil prices via OPEC, or any of the other number of reasons why the government of your country is complete and total shit.
That said, I don't have anything against you average Saudi citizens who dindu nuffin, but your government is a disgrace.
I have to agree with that, especially that minister of defense retard starting shit with Yemen for no reason.
pipebomb, is that you?
This. They are so fucking depraved and beta it's ridiculous, and fat too.
>Short buildings
>Except for the fucking massive hotel next to the Kabaa
people tend to leave that paradise... maybe because it is not, I don't have problem with islam or SA as long as they don't come to Europe
How do you people spread terrorism around the world in such a painfully obvious manner and still get away with it? Is your fucking oil this priceless? Seriously.
Saudis don't really emigrate dude.
It should be obvious to anyone in this thread that WWIII will be a fight between the Saudi/Jew/globalist axis and the Russian/Shiite/nationalist axis. /pols only shitskin ally is Iran/Syria. Iran literally means land of the Aryans, they even allied with Hitler during WWII. The kikes and Sunni arabs are the true enemy.
All buildings built by anyone that isn't the government were limited to being 2 stories max.
But they removed that rule recently so now anyone can build whatever.
Whats the opinion off your people about the Balkan conflicts in the 90s??
Since your Royal family sent mujahideen and all...
you wont see THIS on the mayne steam meteor!
Idk I'm not even Saudi myself I just made this thread for bait, but if you want my 2 cents I say pls stop killing bosnians, they're people too.
>shitting on Yemen for no reason
>Houthis are the wrong brand of desert cult
Also you aren't "shitting on Yemen" your inept army (which even for all their funding would have been destroyed easily by Saddam that's why you begged us to come help) can barely control your strip of desert. The laughable weakness of the Saudi military is on full display in Yemen for the world to see and believe me Iran is taking notes.
Islam breeds degeneracy even though the tenets of it are supposedly anti-degenerate (though this is a laughable claim since Muhammad was such a disgusting heathen). It's hilarious
If you went outside and urinated on a Quran, what would happen?
Convert to Christianity and join the civilized world.
Heads off, buddy.
>Not even Saudi
Are you an imported worker? I know the Gulf states have almost no domestic employment and instead rely entirely on foreign workers to support their massive oil welfare state.
Not imported, just an immigrant since parents came in looking for work opportunity a long time ago.
Where's the lie at?
I never said "shitted on Yemen", I said "starting shit with Yemen".
pls learn 2 read thx
Ahh so your parents were economic immigrants.
What country are your parents from? And what form of work do you yourself do?
Honestly, get out if you can. Your country will go in civil war first and than a nuke will be dropped on Mecca.
Well, I'm still a subhuman Moroccan Berber, and it's my last year of school here before I gtfo to uni in some other country
Can Westerners even go there? Don't you guys hate us anyway?
Saudi arabia
Interesting I thought Saudis generally stuck with taking poor people from neighboring countries to work for them (Iraq, Jordan, etc). Hope for the best but don't come to a western country
you named it yourself
Actually Saudis worship westerners like they're demi-gods, they let them live in cozy compounds with other westerners and you can wear and do whatever you want there, plus they get a shit ton of money just by being western.
Not full of Finns
There's people from all over the Arab world that come here to work since the pay is so good + no taxes. But Dubai is beating Saudi Arabia at that.
They like to import indians and indonesians to work for spare change, but those are so unqualified they can't do much more than hold a shovel.
Also Morocco is still pretty poor in comparison.
>Part own a student block of flats in bristol
>hundreds of degenerate cunts every year but they pay £120 a week
>Top floors are the top tier suites/studios/apartments
>gooks and sandniggers always bid off for them
>a suite i'll rent out for £900pcm will go for over £2000
>to note rent out a few places to white phd students on the cheap
>bank holiday sunday hits and we need a plumber for sandniggers room
>boiler is gone (groan)
>usual plumbers are off and won't come in
>Turns out sandnigger is in the saudi junior royal family or something
>calls daddy
>says they can send out his plumber and he'll be there by monday
>they were being serious
tl:dr rich sandnigger wanted to send a plumber from saudi arabia to bristol for a boiler
UAE is better.
Pakis and Bengals are the go-to people for shitty shovel work that pays like dog shit, filipino swamp people get the retail/mcdonald's job and their women become nurses, and the rest go as teachers/barbers/doctors/whatever.
>he doesnt even have his own personal plumber and chief.
fucking poorass whites.
الرمال الزنوج
It's a goddamn desert
I heard there is a website where sluts aka all women of saudi arabia can find a saudi chad for sex despite the sharia law. Is it true? Also you import indian and paki barbarians on even a larger scale than we.
Not sure about the website thing, but yes millions of indians pakis bengalis filipinos indonesians sri lankans nepalians and other get imported here.
prostitution and drug crime is raided every now and then
whats the general consensus of indians, pakis, bengalis, filipinos, etc? Are they discriminated against? Are some groups more disliked than others?
Plenty of Finn qts though