CNN Earns Title Of Least Trusted Cable News Network


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why do so many people from Brazil die on my internets, user?

Earned 100%.

Everytime I'm visit their page I always see

>hurr durr russian hacrker
>Trump x Putin
>hurr durr Fake news

Nothing to do with neutral journalism anymore

Ohhhh nooooo that sucks

I hate CNN but WTF

>“Fair and balanced” Fox News scored the best with 50 percent reporting they trust the political news they are getting from the network. Meanwhile, 43 percent of MSNBC viewers said they trust the political news offered there.

Fox News is the only network that report both left and right news.

It's a rammussen poll so it's probably inaccurate and overpolls conservatives. I don't even watch the news anymore desu senpai.

They don't even go by that slogan anymore. That was a decade ago. Now they go by "America's Most watched cable network".

>overpolls conservatives
You mean it underpolls them. Even Rammussen was giving Clinton a slight edge.

CNN Confirmed for FAKE NEWS

Can we literally make FAKE NEWS stick to CNN pls 4chins? This is the next front of the meme war.

I love how the supposed most "neutral network of the big three" (MSNBC for the liberals, Fox News for the conservatives, CNN the "neutral" one) is rated as the least trust worthy. Serves them right after what was revealed in the DNC leaks.

Is it true it was illegal to view the wikileaks emails and you could only legally know anything about them by watching (((CNN)))?

This past election taught me that CNN is the most incompetent.

Well I can say as other anons they deserve it.

The amount of doublespeak, lies, obvious propaganda, pandering and race baiting.. Its hard to take them seriously. I can't even take them as a joke to watch. Its like they went out of their way to be infuriating, or patronizing to everyone.




Well they were investigated by the IRS because they dared to look into the death of Vince Forster so I would say they are pretty legitimate.

>Fox News

Ignoring Fox News opinion pieces, which are definitely right leaning, they deliver the news in a neutral manner

The fact that Chris Cuomo isn't some retail greeter shows that CNN has let nepotism go too far.

FOX has more balanced reporting than either MSNBC or CNN. Straight up, no joke.

Due to timings I usually catch chunks of Neil Cavuto and Bret Baier and they're both great. Hannity seems to be a Trump propaganda machine and therefore a waste of time - exactly the type of thing to avoid.

Are any of us actually surprised?

nobody gives a shit