Brit/pol/ - YKTD is a paki cuck


>Lib Dems NO! Vince Cable lashes out against immigration

>STIRgeon: "I will stop asking for independence if you give us a Soft Brexit"

>The noose tightens around Corbyn as he comes under pressure to turn Labour around

>UKIP's Spring Conference to be held in Bolton

>Pro-EU Tory ambassador accused of leaking Brexit plans to the EU before quitting

>Thanks Theresa - Britain will be Europe's most populated country by 2050 because of mass immigration

>BETRAYAL - Andrea Leadsom: "We'll make a loophole so that mass immigration can continue"

>Good Goy, take out those loans - Household debt at its highest since 2008 crash

>Sharia May's off to Turkey

Other urls found in this thread:

Nottingham best city confirmed

Is YKTD actually non-white or is this a meme?

He wont wake up for another 5 hours you know - he wont see this.

No it isn't.


Freude Shoener goetterfunken tochter aus elysium

he loses almost every argument so i'm guessing he is non-white


Nottingham will stay white in the next 10 to 20 years

>labour tells government they are underfunding NHS
>labour leader has no problem with unlimited immigration
Are they really this ignorant or are they trolling us?

anyone have proofs that YKTD isnt white?

Required viewing for those who have not seen it

They're not ignorant they're (((compromised))). Both parties are.

He constantly praises Islam and prophecises it taking over the UK with positive language, and he refuses to confirm his whiteness under the guise of "p-pls don't dox me guys". So probably true.

Jeremy Corbyn's primary political project is to take control of the Labour party, not take control of the country.
The Labour leader is essentially an insurgent fighting against most of the apparatus of the Labour party.

Being unambiguously pro-immigration while other politicians desperate for a pop at the leadership when you're inevitably couped (for real this time u guys #savinglabour) have to hold their tongues is a good way of keeping the membership on-side.

It's bloody hard to tell at this point

He won't prove he is white therefore he's a paki

Same - 95% White but way too many middle class English cucks

Why, are you planning on getting into his pants, DJ Racemixer?

>Sir Andy Murray
I can't believe they made that jock traitor a knight, he supported Scottish independence and couldn't even be arsed to hold the Union flag properly at the Olympics. Not to mention his general "meh" attitude about everything.

And don't get me started on that gaunt Somalian who does le ebin mcdonalds sign on his head.

>65.4% White British


It's fascinating to watch. I don't believe that Jeremy Corbyn is an especially stupid man, so he must know that under his leadership there is really no chance that they will win the general election, his poll numbers are stunningly bad, even when you don't take into account the fact that the Conservatives internal fighting over the EU could have been exploited, or when there was a rather nasty leadership battle, or the fact that he failed to fight back against UKIP who were taking ground from them in traditional labour heartlands, who have, at best kept their opinions and plans on the NHS ambiguous, and at worst have been outright hostile, and the NHS is the sacred cow of British politics. He must know how badly he is doing, and that he wont win, so from that you can only deduce that he has no ambition of Labour being in power. I think he is perfectly happy for Labour to remain a protest party. The problem is that it would be better for them to be a more moderate voice with power than a super left wing voice with none. It's either that or he has been cocooned from reality by the likes of Momentum or he is actually stupid.

What does Brit/pol/ think of based YKTD?

Is he redpilled?



>The problem is that it would be better for them to be a more moderate voice with power than a super left wing voice with none.
This is the meme they spread, though.
When he won, a girl gave an absolutely wonderful quote that I've never been able to find since. "We ARE prepared to compromise for power: We're not prepared to compromise for 230 seats under Yvette Cooper"

There is no bigger meme in politics than the "centre ground", as Harold Wilson correctly diagnosed it's all about perception, not about reality. (Though given the choice between Blair, and an actual party of protest - why bother? Blair was as shit as any Tory from a left-wing perspective, "muh-inimum wage" aside.)

tfw no proper right wing party in the uk

one step at a time lad

Newbury m8

Isn't he constantly giving May shit for being pro-Shari'a?

g y n o

I think it's time that Brit/pol/ infiltrated the Conservative party like the Yanks did with the Republicans.


How tragic it is that in the few threads Brit/pol/ can manage where I'm not here, all they do is talk about me

The Battered Wife Effect is real

Problem is the Tories are fundamentally undemocratic internally to prevent exactly that.

And good enough I got here in time to debunk this utter wet horseshit of a post

USA and British political parties' leadership contests and sign-up processes are so different that to say something like this is naive at best and fucking cretinous at worst

The Tories are Blairite through and through, almost all of their donors are as well, there's no changing them

Omid, plz.

Tories are jew/freemason riddled

>no better than labour

The absolute fucking STATE of the BBC.

Half tempted to seek employment there just so I can work out what the hell is going on in that organisation.

What's your favorite nasheed? How many kebabs have you eaten today? Have you beaten your child bride yet?

t. Pakhmet

>the absolute state of Saturday night ITV (and BBC too)
2/3 presenters are mixed black, about half of contestants are ethnic/mixed, and just about every fit person has a partner of a different ethnicity in the crowd (and they make sure the audience knows it). Feels a bit like cognitive bias but it's just staring me in the face.


Even aside from the centre ground issue, he's still completely unelectable, when he speaks he has no conviction in what he says, and when he does open his mouth it gets even worse. Remember that time he said that he would like to spend all the money on nuclear submarines but then publicly stated that he would not use them? It completely undermined the whole point of having a nuclear deterrent and showed that either he had no understanding of the mutually assured destruction and deterrent principle, or that he was willing to sacrifice it to keep his supporters happy with him. Or, how he has had a very sympathetic view towards the IRA, or when asked if armed police should shoot to kill terrorist in a cafe storming situation, he just flip flopped and almost refused to answer the question? Or how he said he would have no problem with unlimited immigration? It's not even like he is keeping to his word, he is perfectly willing to bend his opinions if he thinks it will make people like him, like when he had to pretend to be pro-eu during the referendum.

What's your opinion on inheritance tax lads?

Anyone here from Bicester ?

>ever watching ITV

Normie pleb detected

if you rent property you are doing everything wrong

Literally where?


Has anyone got that image of the cut away view of that person crashing the plane into the side of the mountain, and the people trying to break into the cockpit?

>he's still completely unelectable
You say this as though it matters.

His job is to ensure the left-wing will control Labour, literally everything else he thinks says or does is irrelevant except within the scope of that goal.

Consider thus: You let a fox into the henhouse. It starts killing all the hens. You start talking about how unpopular the fox is, how he rakes in bins, kills babies and so on... The Fox is only there to get dinner, it doesn't give a fuck.

It's a small place near Oxford.


>2/3 presenters are mixed black, about half of contestants are ethnic/mixed, and just about every fit person has a partner of a different ethnicity in the crowd
To be honest, this is how the world sees Britain. If you lied to most people around the world, and told them that Britain is only 10% white, they'd 100% believe you. The power of the media is unreal.

Can't change the channel because it's taping (disgusting taste from my stepfamily - just fuck my nuclear family up senpai).
People would buy actually houses if they weren't all taken by pakis swarming into the country and breeding like rabbits over the years, and if wages had inflated with the rest of the economy. You can't really blame people for renting when buying is no longer an option for none-rich cunts.

Shit, but the fact it's not more onerous makes a mockery of the way we pretend to live in a half-egalitarian meritocracy.

Within the scope of a properly run economy it would be unnecessary. (Within the scope of a global one it's just not that useful. You need to get at foreigners, not the domestic rich.)

If the mortgage payments are less than rent, and you have the cash to make a down payment, and you happen to be living next to the job you want to be doing, then it makes sense, otherwise not so much.

>required deposit keeps going up as house-price bubble is reflated
>huge parts of the country in unstable meme employment thanks to oursourcing and immigration
>dude just buy a house lmao



You'd have no chance of scoring a job there unless you're any of the following:
>disabled (mentally or physically)

I'm buying my 4th this year, just waiting for something good to hit the market now Christmas and New Year are over.

>not living with mummy saving money and waiting for the market to shit itself

>His job is to ensure the left-wing will control Labour

But a hard-Left Labour will wither and die within a few years. The unions will be forced to ditch them, they'll lose all of their remotely sane voters to the Lib Dems, and then they'll be left fighting the Greens (who poll under 5%) for "real left wing" voters.

Taking over the Labour party isn't a coup for the far left, because there won't be a Labour party if that happens. It's completely asinine and shortsighted.

Is moving to New Zealand the best option if Britain is doomed?

tfw no proper liberal party in the uk


>disabled (mentally or physically)
Hey, I post here. Maybe I could take a swing at autism. :^)

Plus they can't prove I'm not gay. (Wait, they're privileged now aren't they?)

>there are people here RIGHT NOW who pay "rent" to their parents.
I don't mind helping with household expenses, even food, electricity and other bills (that may well amount to the same amount as "rent") but actually calling it rent feels disgustingly American.

so you can buy it at a bargain price when people like thisget burnt for over leveraging

You say hard-left.
Like I said, it's all about perception. John Smith would have won 1997 on a similar manifesto to the "too left wing" 1992 Kinnock.

Either explicit Blairism dies, or the Labour party dies as a sacrifice to stop it. There is no value in a Blairite Labour party. Zero. None.

Scotland can fuck off. Its basically England's shitty socialist hat.


I'm not over leveraged, fully paid up on 2, number 3 will be fully paid in april.

i can beat everyone here at the same time

Implying even people's parents 'own' their houses.

Going shoplifting lads, want anything?


i don't give my parents anything, I'll help them when they are older

>We'll keep going, of course
>But the question is, 'In what manner?'

You look like a white nigger lad

Get in my guard faggot

>one earphone in
Cunt detected

Isn't it more biased against lower-income families?

I'm sure the likes of Corbyn would be completely fine with idea that young working class couples won't be able to inherit a house from their parents if they leave or pass away. It's literally the only way our generation can afford a house of their own.

I have 1 in England and 2 in Scotland. Scotland is dirt cheap and you get good rental income: value ratio.

Remember these posts next time someone accuses tripfags of being cretinous shitposters.

>watching any form of tv


Cunts like you are the problem


what's your other job? i wouldn't recommend going too balls deep into property

>dude free markets lmao hayek was right
>wtf i love unemployment now
>investigate devolution
>fuck fuck fuck oh fuck fuck fuck reflate the economy oh shit this is a total fucking diasaster
>join EEC yay btw please fucking help this is a total mess
>wtf high inflation now
>o shit i fucked up electricity unions hate me
>lose election on points: "Not you, Edward."
>wtf i hate devolution now
>Couped by Thatcher

>This entire mess is forgotten and the Conservatives retain their economic credibility while Labour gets the blame for what they inherited and to some extent controlled.

the UK isn't white

BBC4's alright, BBC2 sometimes has decent stuff on too. Not remotely worth paying for, mind, considering how little taxpayer money actually gets spent on quality programming.

There's an asset-value cutoff. It's only biased against them if the value is set too low.

It's only biased against a subset of low-income families who live in high-value areas of cities.

literally who?

Is that where your caravan is parked gypsy?

Another day, another retarded libertarian 'MUH ECONOMY AND DEMOCRACY!!!' Euro"sceptic" BTFO

How much do the commonwealths care about the Queen? Is there any special feeling of unity with them?
>tfw people will blame this increase in demand on cuts and not immigrants

Are you the guy that started the fascism thread while saying the Tories are right wing?

>A (you)
And most of the ones that have or go to these threads are, Preube, Meme Merchant, The Desert Fox, Rimmer, to name some