Why do so many millennials love Bernie?

Why do so many millennials love Bernie?

Well in your picture I see fags, a spic, an old guy who doesn't give a shit about his appearance, and women.

You have your answer.

brainwashed into thinking the economy or something called "the market" doesn't exist
they think the live in wonderland, where only their imagination is the limit

That's a nice hat, I think the old dude is just haggard from decades of degeneracy.


I'll give him that.

he pandered to them the most?


I mean fuck the bernie fags, but at least there are a couple of american flags there and they possibly have a touch of patriotism

Clinton didn't have a single american flag at the DNC convention until they called her out on it and ive never seen a flag at one of her rallies

Good point.

because they believe in fantasy

They are glosoc instead of natsoc. Globalist socialism is an imposibility so I would blame it on idiocy

Free shit
Free college
Free health care
Race pandering

>Why do so many millennials love Bernie?
Because they have never had to work for a living, or if they do work are dependent on constant help from family, or pissed away tens of thousands on a degree in Afro-centric Basket Weaving and Womyn's Studies.

Because they're retarded faggots

Freeee. Nothing will cost us anything! We can make money out of thin air because our liberal overlords love us!

Because we need to be cucked

They're normies, they're just a tool of the jew. Normie's Politcal opinions are largely based on social environment, and the social environment of college is "yay bernie!"

demented snowflakes

get ready for the new, stronger generation of trumpetes

granny with soul young communist Hippie

First, he had less baggage than Hillary. He made the right call in regards to Iraq, he was a defender of socially liberal values while Hillary was selling herself out to social conservatives, he didn't have the corruption scandals, he was independant of the democratic establishment before the election, and he lacked the links to rich old bankers that fucked over the youth.

Second, how can you not see the appeal of socialism?

>I'm gonna take from the rich and give to you
>You guys being wealthy will make everybody wealthy, because less income inequality means an economically stronger happier society.
>Lets do the right thing by taking money from an extreme minority and giving the money to you!

I think the appeal is pretty straightforward.

>American education

Bernie is to millenial lefties what Ron Paul was to libertarians in 2012. I see the same patterns like complete denial of reality outside their internet bubble and having delusional hope to the point of absurdity.

Liberals these days also legitimately believe that supply side economics are a myth, and if you give more money to consumers, the companies will come because they will want the money the consumers have!

They are blind to jews like Apple lobbying the democrats to allow immigrants to replace their jobs, and then after getting a bonzana of cash from poor-middle class socialists that just got a ton of money from barnie flanders, they pay their taxes in Ireland, because Bernie will have set taxes so high he will have given companies a huge incentive to dodge paying taxes in the US.

It's OK though because Bernie made vague promises about closing the loopholes!

They don't quite understand people getting a shitton of money and buying clothes, restaurant meals, and consumer electronics is not very efficient stimulus for the economy. They think of the rich as a piggy bank, which you can force to pay taxes in the US at the stroke of a pen regardless of the tax rate. They often cite the WWII tax rate in the US where you know, companies had a little bit of a harder time offshoring their taxes.

People who suck at life get jealous and think the system is rigged against them, and fall for the sweet songs of the Commie Jew Sanders because it makes them feel good.

Trump logic

>We will bring jobs and money to America, after years of not competing with the rest of the world on taxes. By building a strong economy filled with valuable companies, and making it smart for companies to pay taxes and do business in America, we will set the groundwork for a strong economy.

Barnie Flanders logic:

>We will shakedown the rich, and they will never leave, because American exceptionalism and the wealthy middle class! Bush tax cuts didn't work so you're retarded if you don't increase your OECD leading tax rates even higher! Canada and Mexico who are already undercutting us aren't going to rape us even harder!


Can you explain me what's a millenial ?

Because they think he will wipe out their student debt

If Bernie proposed funding his healthcare using consumption taxes, and gave a tax rebate to make up for the fact he will have reduced income for the very poorest in the country who already had healthcare covered under obummercare, and didn't increase cooperate tax costs, and increased income taxes a bit it wouldn't be so bad.

The fact he was trying to do everything based on "tax the rich!", which would have resulted in the free healthcare overall giving the poor a bonanza of free cash while the rich suffered an economic shock, resulting in the poor invariably pissing away all their money. It would have also meant, on top of Americas already high debt, big trouble in the case of a recession as suddenly the rich would be able to avoid paying taxes and his "lets get all our money by taxing the rich" idea would look really really fucking stupid. You should fund ideas like this from a broad base of taxes, and consumption taxes would incidentally put a damper on retarded wasteful spending and encourage people to actually invest their money.

He avoided using the most economically sound tax, consumption taxes, and proposed using the most retarded tax, a tax on wall street speculation.

If he would have pushed Americans, in his tax hikes, to use more economically sound taxes WHILE also adopting a more progressive tax scheme I wouldn't have called him as retarded. He used meme economics where he wanted to rob from the rich using really badly thought out taxes.

Because of our indoctrination centers telling them cultural marxism is fine and dandy.

Who fucking cries over politics? I understand getting angry.... but crying means those people are mentally unstable because a candidate didnt get elected.

er, I didn't mean he will have reduced income for the very poorest, I meant that consumption taxes would increase taxes for the very poorest. So he would need to do something for the very poorest since that's who he would be trying to draw votes from.

It would also mean people like illegal immigrants got taxed more.

Because the vast majority of the Waltham in the USA is being horded by people 55 and older leaving nothing for the generations below them

They're spoiled children, not used to being denied anything. This is the normal response.

I could beat them up even if I was full of Italian food. Jesus.

Only retarded rural and suburban millennials loved Bernie.

City millennials all voted for Hillary.

Rural retards voted for Trump

They're the generation of the participation trophy and "everyone tied for first place".

He ran on a platform of everyone gets the same handouts despite many people not actually doing anything to earn them.

It was kismet.

call in the commie crusher.

Because Clinton is run by the International Jew.

rural dipshits unironically were with Trump and I'll never stop laughing about it

Because they're fucking idiots.