Ask a Marxist anything.
Ask a Marxist anything
Have you told your parents you like sucking proletarian dick yet?
Why are you a faggot?
Why do you hate freedom?
What should I have for donner?
Why do you hate the family unit? Abandonment or abuse?
Go hungry tonight. Mexico needs to pay for the wall.
Why aren't you in a mental asylum?
Why don't you do the world a service and kys?
you diet seems to be working
Why still you believe that you can reach stateless communism with help of the state?
Why don't you fully examine your beliefs using your higher powers of cognition and reason rather than depending on your childish emotions and fears?
Are Irish redhead girls hot?
What went wrong in your life?
are you considering find a job?
Fantastic question.
Why haven't you been thrown out of a helicopter yet?
do you like potatoes?
are you a manlet
have you seized the memes of production yet?
Marxism advocates for maximum individual liberty and freedom from hierarchy. I don't know what you're on about.
It's Capitalism that oppresses people
I don't. Why would I?
How much do you make a month?
How much do your parents make?
Why do you believe the means of production are a tangible, finite commodity that can somehow be seized instead of the far more rational belief that man himself is the means of production and that all tools are merely by-products of his creation in which he has no rightful claim to?
Why do you believe that a stateless entity is going to be stable without the creation of an armed, governing force which in turn is the creation of a state?
Why do you believe that class struggle is anything other than the inevitable by-product of human inequality which stems from our own potential and thus is healthy and that meritocracy is something that should be enforced, not removed?
When are you going to get a job that is applicable to the proletariat lifestyle instead of wasting your life and/or chasing a degree?
We don't.
"Dictatorship of the Proletariat" doesn't mean literal dictatorship. It means workers' control.
Why do you bother coming on pol you fedora wearing potato Nigger?
I have one. Here comes the stereotype again.
What does a fat black cock feel like going in and out of your ass?
why do you want another potato famine?
>Why do you believe the means of production are a tangible, finite commodity that can somehow be seized instead of the far more rational belief that man himself is the means of production and that all tools are merely by-products of his creation in which he has no rightful claim to?
They're not. The means of production are simply tools we may use to produce things. We do not believe that these should be in the hands of one or two people. We believe the workers should stop being exploited and rise up. It also leads to a more just society, as Democratic elections are fairer than top-down centralisation.
Of means of production through state issued force.
It's the same thing.
Even the anarchists understood that. Thats why the nearest thing to socialism was a product of anarchists and not of marxist.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
What type of marxist?
Do you have any rope?
No, idiot. It means Stateless communes where the workers control the businesses and other means of production collectively.
Trump is asking congress not mexico to pay. HAHAHAHAHA
But a tool does not produce anything, it is man himself that produces the product. Tools are simply, by definition, tools, and the only reason any socialist, marxist, communist, etc. applies the label of "means of production" to them is because Marx has created a false dichotomy in which the means of production are a tangible, finite commodity.
You just said
>They're not
>But they are
And it leading to a more just society is assuming that Marx is without fault, and that justice is as you see it, which is a subjective point of view so it is not concrete whatsoever. And Democratic elections also assume that the population is capable of making "good" decisions and cannot be subverted in anyway.
Your entire ideology depends on a guy who achieved nothing other than being a leech to Hegel being absolutely correct, anecdotal evidence, and the constant fallacies and false dichotomies found in Marx's works.
Libertarian Socialist.
Believing that people are "classes" struggling against each other is a belief based in fear, is it not?
Why you believe that diamonds have value in the desert?
Last I checked capitalism has led to the largest amount of choice for individual happiness. Marxism is great in theory but in practice it's about as useful as a wet napkin. There will always be classes.
Nice. Good thing your not a marxist leninist.
he literally needs congress approval to build the wall you dumb nigger
My nigger.
Mexico isn't paying. Kill your self you slave to ideology.
And how the fuck you reach that?
Theory says a thing, but in the practice, it always has became a form of authoritarian assistentialism.
Explain me
How do you reach a horizontal government without a central enforce if you start with a central agent with force reaping production means?
>inb4 marxism is always bad applied
Anarchist say otherwise: Marxism is flawed because the stupid round trip that proposes.
How's the fifth grade?
retarded potato fuck off
Bet you're that butt blasted faggot potato nigger that's every where complaining about shit?
Fifth graders aren't allowed on Sup Forums, user.
I am very curios how it is to adopt other peoples ideas? Are you not creative enough to participate with your own thoughts? Would you describe Marxist as intellectual incapable but desperate to appear intellectual therefore adopt other people visions and ideas and circlejerk them with fellow friends who each want to sound more intelligent than the other while spilling empty word phrases?
Are you able to question and adjust your worldview?
I forget how much do you think Marx would disagree with your interpretation of Marxism on a scale from 1 to 10?
Why do you follow the teachings of a man who is responsible for more human suffering and more dead and mutilated bodies than Genghis Kahn?
Are you evil?
>Ask a Marxist anything.
How do you think Venezuelans are enjoying their North Korean style socialist burgers these days? (They ate the Zoo animals already.)
Why do you follow a system that has killed the most europian people in the history of the west?
For or against the 'RA?
Shame on you
What would be the Marxist replacement for money? Because whenever I ask this question, the response is usually some token system that's exactly like money
No man, like, there totally wouldn't under perfect communism because reasons
I'm not a Communist. I still believe money should exist. It's just that we Libertarian Socialists believe workers should be paid the amount relative to the value they produce.
For example, if a McDonald's worker makes ten burgers in an hour, and those burgers sell for €3 each, is it fair that the worker only be paid €8 per hour?
How much profit does the company make from those burgers? That is important information for your question.
If it wasn't for the McDonald's providing the capital, they would make no burgers and earn $0. So yes, as both sides benefit
Why don't you come and chill in my commieblock with a minimum salary of 400 euro a month? I mean we wuz communist and this wonderful system made our economy boom.
So it's exploitation then?
>political ideas can be mental illnesses
Brezhnev pls go
GTX 1060 6GB or RX 480 8GB?
Then you are not a fucking Marxist you moron
Class shifting in some form may be inevitable, but the hierarchy we see is definitely not just the inevitable result of concrete individual potential.
How did society and your parents fail you, kiddo?
marxism isn't just marxist-leninist
The potato famine came from capitalism and imperialism.
"Chilean education"
>For example, if a McDonald's worker makes ten burgers in an hour, and those burgers sell for €3 each, is it fair that the worker only be paid €8 per hour
How about you take into account all the money used to get the ingredients for that burger, as well as the taxes you have to pay
>400 euro
more like 200 euro
There are libertarian and moderate socialist states. Look up Rojava, socialist Seychelles, Chiapas, the CyberSyn project, or Yugoslav workers' self-management.
That's not up to that individual worker. It's up to managers, which would be democratically elected under a Marxist system.
North Koreans don't have any burgers.
The system that killed the most Europeans would be either fascism, religious interference in the state, or imperialism.
How can you believe in an ideology that refuses to acknowledge that genetics have an impact on a persons characteristics?
You know jack shit about your own fucking ideology.
I'm not sure how much Marx even knew about genetics. When his career was beginning, I don't think Mendel had even come along with the pea experiments.
and who creates new businesses in order to grow the economy?
It is so fucking clear that you have only been watching a few youtube videos and scrolled through some leftist forums a couple of times.
Dunno man, tens of millions dead? really makes me think
Why is gommunism so popular with potatoes?
Are you the cunt putting communist Propaganda posters around Cork?
If so, get fucked.
>le oxymoron politics meme
Who knew the USSR was fascist. :^)
And you think that a democratically chosen manager would get better ingredient, rent, tax, utilities prices than someone who got there with their hard work? You commies are just so dumb and know nothing about economy. Ps. Your system is evil.
It's just people blaming a system instead of fixing it.
Corrupt cunt politicians ruin everything.
No, I don't live in Cork.
If you are unhappy with how people are paid at mcdonalds why not start your own burger company with some kind of system where everyone who works there has a say in how the company is run. That is the great thing about capitalism, if you think you can do better than do it. Burger places in the US usually do pretty well almost everywhere. We love burgers. I think New Belgium Breweries have a kind of system where all employees are stock holders or some shit.
How can you be a marxist when marxism has a 100% track record of creating oppressive and failing societies? It was tried so often and always had the same result.
source? Also state health insurance came from Capitalism and Imperialism. Go look up Bismark.
Why do you believe a discredited 19th century ideology that has no empirical support?