Raising a Family in the Modern World

anybody here married or planning to get married?


protips for avoiding degeneracy and having a traditional marriage appreciated

Bump. Im having trouble finding a non-degenerate lady friend as well

>Protip: leave Canada

Go to church.

And not one of those lame ass evangelical ones with their own bands either.

Stoner chicks are alright.

>tfw i matched this girl and rawdogged her in her friends bathroom

literally all burger churches

yeah, I don't know what to do

I start dating a girl and then find out she has tattoos, watches electric jew shows like you're the worst or orange...black or loves jewlywood movies, listens to r&b and modern nigger pop...etc and it just turns me the fuck off and I end up eventually breaking it off

I can only date and fuck a girl that I could see myself having a kid with since contraception does have a fail rate, and it seriously bums me out, I want to date girls that I could see myself marrying but their habits/views just eventually kills it for me

do I just gotta keep looking? What the fuck aren't there any normal girls?

1. Get your shit together. No conservative qt that wants to stay at home mom and needs security is going to want a beta tier neckbeard that doesn't have career options or worldly means. Hit the gym, get a real job, own your own home. Shit like that.

2. Not all chicks are hurr durr millennial femshit libtards, they are out there. You'll end up dating a lot of them that won't work out. Deal with it or start dating based Eastern Europeans, but if you're taking that option, see tip #1.

>risking impregnating a diseased slut and having the state force you to pay for the corrupted spawn

I'm the exact same way. I cant stand snapchat/EDM/420/nig rap culture. And 99% of women fall into one of those categories

I am a flawed human.

>anybody here married
Going on 7 years in July.
>protips for avoiding degeneracy
First step stop using retarded buzzwords.
Maybe if you want a bitch who will put the Church over you. You should be the ultimate authority in her life, not the Church.

I can feel the virgin aura from here

-T. Alpha

> Get your shit together. No conservative qt that wants to stay at home mom and needs security is going to want a beta tier neckbeard that doesn't have career options or worldly means. Hit the gym, get a real job, own your own home. Shit like that.


I'm working on that. Currently at uni but most of the girls at this supposed institute of "higher learning" are degenerate... hot but degenerate. I'm in STEM and the contingent of these nicer girls is unfortunately slim pickins in terms of the looks department

I used to be jacked but got fat over the last year... stress and shit. g2g lift again brah

guess I just gotta keep looking and not settle for any inferior poon

cheers brother

Better the church than tumblr memes

Just find an interracial couple and give the woman half of your net-worth. Save yourself a few years.

I dont think you ever go to church

Alpha. Falling for the vaginal jew.
okey buddy.

stoicism not even once.

well, I don't have to justify shit to some burger on a Cambodian glass blowing forum but I've had casual sex and have bitches trying to hop on my dick actually all the time, have to reject them since I'm unattracted to their personalities

I realized I can't do casual shit since it leaves me feeling nihilistic afterwards

I can't brother, not religious... like, I'm traditional with my values, but agnostic with regards to a white-bearded man up in the sky, I can't be bothered to give enough of a fuck to go listen to some celibate potential-kid-diddler and drink the blood of some zombie jew every sunday

shit sucks

post pics of urself faggot

fxcking do it

oi bongo, I have some bad newz...

I've been married for 2 years, and I have 2 kids with one on the way.
Be yourself. That's literally it. don't hide anything from your potential partner. Reveal all of your habits pre-marriage and tell her to do the same. You want to make it last, so it's better to know now than after the wedding and "honeymoon phase"
Go to Church and read books constantly, encourage you both to read books and expand your horizons. I mean actual non-fiction, not some harry potter bullshit.



youre not serious rite lmao

I'm 23, engaged to a 20 year old white high school dropout. Comes from a trashy redneck family.

Met on tinder, been dating a year. Wedding isn't for 2 or so years tho.

Anywho it's ok, better than my previous gfs. She recently passed her GED, I'm gonna help her with enrolling in the college I work at currently. She wants to become a nurse, I'm almost done with engineering shit.

Values loyalty and honesty above all cause her family is full of liars and cheats and she wanted to get away. Wants 2 kids, is very low maintenance and seems to have a strong desire for a traditional nuclear family.

Can't get her to say nigger though. Only flaw.

Sign prenuptial agreements so you don't get cucked later on. No matter how much you love her, there is literally no reason not to. If she refuses even after reasoning with her, leave her immediately. If she can't understand the thought that maybe one day one of you will fuck up or grow into a piece of shit somehow then she's lost to naivety and isn't worth a fuck. If you're not okay with leaving her for that reason you should understand that you are simply settling instead of choosing a good wife.

Marrying in May. I convinced my wife to be that smartphone and media usage for young kids causes autism, so we decided that we won't allow our kids any of that. We'll also have no tv and when we are home smartphones etc. will be put away.
This gives me a lot of time for reading and hopefully kids will emulate that.
I'm aware that it get's more complicated when they go to school and every 6 y/o already has to iPhones, but even there's ways like letting the kid have a phone whilst sacking it whenever it is home.

Will fill them with old German patriotic books when they got nothing else to do at home, like 'A Struggle for Rome' which is late 19th century book aimed at teenagers that thematises giving it your all for your people.

I'm married.

Its nice.

Don't worry so much about "degeneracy" its a stupid meme.

Worry about the individuals quality of character.

Post conversation

>Will fill them with old German patriotic books
>like 'A Struggle for Rome'

We all know you mean Mein Kampf.

Avoid the 3 "L"s: Losers, Leftists, Liberals.

Take your life seriously, identify progressive and trendy stuff, learn to flab your yapper and walk away from a bitch if she's not your thing.


dead serious.


no I actually look like a less faggier version of fantano. or sorta like beckham with a buzz cut or some shit that's what people say

I have to tread easy on my wife with the redpills, but we're getting there. Also I reckon A Struggle for Rome will do more to entice them than Mein Kampf can it's good stuff

How inferior do you feel to the big-cocked niggers who had the nuts to actually make it through high school?

until she puts your kid in the microwave thinking it was a pizza roll

>protips for avoiding degeneracy and having a traditional marriage appreciated
Don't use dating websites to find them.

Christianity is pretty much mandatory these days, you need the church's social circle to keep your wife and kids in line.

Born of a broken men never a broken men

Build a self sustainable house in the countryside and home school your children.

You are in North America so you should have plenty of opportunity to volunteer on Earth Ship projects if you have the time, where you can learn how to build your self sustainable home.

the traditional family structure is over. the only solution is to impregnate as many women as you can to enure you pass on your genes.

this is the only option until women get their shit together. (which probablty wont be within our lifetimes)

yeah, that's my main motivation for this... is to not have fucked up kids

If I have kids I want a stable relationship and to teach them the traditional tales and how corrupt society is and how to watch out for the bullshit and indoctrination

This single motherhood is what fucked me up, I barely managed to get myself out of the hellhole of nihilism, degeneracy and violence without a proper male role model, took a while to unfuck myself and went through a lot of addiction and bullshit to realize that it's that society is fucked up, not me and that the media and the narrative is against me... realizing the truth made me stronger and I want to work towards building a better future even though society is going down the fucking tubes as we speak

If you don't get married solely for religious purposes with someone like-minded, then there really is no reason to get married at all.

A secular-based marriage is a recipe for disaster. Praise Kek

>this is the only option until women get their shit together. (which probablty wont be within our lifetimes)
Women won't get their shit together without men forcing them. See all of history.

Would love yo get marries but I have no idea where to find a decent woman

The only options I see are find a unicorn (non slutty red pulled western woman) or roll the dice on an Eastern European grill

>inb4 slew of insults ugly neck beard etc
I spent my youth studying and applying myself so that I would have a stable and wealthy life later on, I didn't waste my time honing my pick up artistry and dicking sluts

whats wrong with stoicism...

>protip: you can't

Yeah. In a couple of years. We met on Sup Forums, she browses Sup Forums, was a virgin when we met, we hold pretty similar moral and political views, though I'm a bit more stringent on acceptable clothing than she is, but she likes that I instruct her on what to do and how to act.

If you met her on tinder it was fucked before it began. Try and meet someone in real life, or on Sup Forums, the former is more healthy and organic, but the latter guarantees you'll have plenty in common.

shit was from 2015 lost it man lol

clean ur face, get a qt haircut or style it, change clothes

tfw you'd rather stick your penis in another mans anus than a girl with a bad hair dye job.

>dating women you met on Sup Forums

Can you read? My gf is the dropout, I finished high school. I'm a senior in college now.

High school was a giant waste of time anyway. I initially had my hang ups about her because she dropped out but she passed her GED. I work as an advisor at a community college and the students with a GED when they first come in are the ones that actually put effort into their education because they want to improve their lives. They know they fucked up and have nowhere to go but to school or a trade to make a better situation.

A vast majority of the kids coming with a hs transcript as opposed to a GED are lazy shits that don't really care about their education and end up failing all their classes, only going to college cause their parents force them. They're the same stupid fucks that come in and whine about losing their financial aid, then I check their transcript and they have a fucking 1.2 gpa.

I'd take her annaleigh, if you catch my drift

>was a virgin when we met
He believes this.

lad status: top wew

>You should be the ultimate authority in her life, not the Church.

That's literally what the Church teaches, you moron.

I'm convinced I can get rich off these idiots. If nothing else they represent no real competition in the job market. If your biggest accomplishment is smoking pot in a shitter, I'm not worried.

That shit isn't even impressive to my teenage stoner self from the past. When I was a kid we built a fucking car-bong. Had a bowl in the center console and a tube running to every seat that were hidden under them when not in use. It was fucking rad. I don't brag about it like it was an actual accomplishment however, it was just something dumb-ass teenagers did for kicks.

Broke the hymen myself lad.

>that thematises giving it your all for your people.

you mean my people nowadays right?

Believe it or not some girls are actually virgins before the first time they have sex

Weird, I know

>b-but all girls are whores like my mother

I fucked this pregnant whore on Tinder. Am I a degenerate?

Everyone fucked your gook gf at lulzcon my mane

Is she a cgl poster into Gothic lolita display?

i agree personally i think its going to take something major like a big war or economic crash for that to happen so until then im fucking and ducking.

maybe 5 whole generations of single mothers will do the trick

>dating women you met on Sup Forums
bad idea family.. trust me..
if ur just tryina fuck then it's all good but do not engage in a relationship with these women

>You should be the ultimate authority in her life, not the Church.

I expect my wife to put god first and me second, as that is how I would rank God and her.

The most stable marriages center on God. Yeah I know you're going to call me a christfag or >kike on a stick, don't care. Just as a lot of Sup Forums has come to realize premarital sec and premarital co-habitation cause divorce rate to go up significantly, you will all start to realize the same is true regarding religion and marriage. Christianity lays an excellent blueprint for keeping a marriage fulfilling and stable. Hell, if you're Protestant you can fuck your wife six ways to Sunday all the time, as sexuality within marriage is celebrated by God, just not outside of it.

Unfortunately 99% of "Christians" (both Protestant and Catholic) in the US don't follow the doctrine at all, they just go to church and either sing shitty contemporary rock (Prods) or go to church and recite hymns and prayers, but then for all intents purposes become atheist upon leaving the building (Catholics).

>If you met her on tinder it was fucked before it began

lol no I don't go on tinder that kind of shit is disgusting... it's just pussy on the pedestal x10, women are already evolutionarily the pickers and choosers... online dating just makes the game which is easy for them even easier... sluts with STDs no thx

I just found a pic of the kind of disgusting women that you see everywhere, modern nihilistic culture breeds them she could be very beautiful and valuable if she just kept her natural hair color and was a respectable, educated woman but she chooses to be proud of getting high in a box where people shit on a casual sex app... smdh

more pics


I'm going to need to see more of her to properly evaluate your morality

Shit was lit famm

of her dumby

>risking disease to not even impregnate
Whaat m8ti. I wouldn't even dare going unprotected with someone from Tinder or a bar.

'degeneracy' is a catch-all term for people with a lack of strong morals and character. it means not only promiscuity, but also drugs, alcohol, gossip, and other such pitfalls. also any woman who is promiscuous will be worse off for it mentally and it's a sign of a lack of character.

>my dick felt lit from the clap from her slit


>What's your number beautiful

slutty non-virtuous women have been around for a relatively long time
as time progresses they take up a different shape and look depending on the culture of the time
no point in complaining about it
'good' women are still out there

Nah. Only browses Sup Forums, /k/, /ck/, and /vr/.

Married 14 years.

Traditional Christian values are your best friend. (For fedoras: Golden Rule)

Marry someone you have common goals with, particularly when it comes to family. Plan long term with your spouse.

Invest in your marriage like you do in any relationship. Getting married isn't the end goal, staying in a healthy and happy marriage is.

>'good' women are still out there

No need for the quotation marks desu

Still saying "x has been around for ages" is a waste of time, it's proportions that matter. Rapists and murderers have also been around since the beginning of humanity, doesn't mean we should tolerate increases in such behaviour.

>promiscuity, but also drugs, alcohol, gossip, and other such pitfalls

exactly this.

I can't believe even in university there are massive droves of these vapid slags, I think the problem is they let everybody in nowadays, the kids of people who are fit to work as custodial staff at wallyworld just end up spending 4 years getting into debt to learn "muh oppression" instead of going straight to wallyworld

damnit I must be forgetting this all the time, I think that's why I get frustrated, perhaps grad school is gonna be a better pool of relationship candidates

what are you basing this disproportion on
just because the internet has made it more apparent doesn't mean the number of thotties sky-rocketed
the main reason i put quotations around it is because you will most likely end up with a woman that fits your personal niche and definition of 'good'

Help guys.

20 yrs old, have QT college freshman gf. met her 3 yrs ago in hs, dated since then, lost virginity to me.

Shes awesome. Not degenerate at all (at least compared to every single other girl I know). she is pretty redpilled for a person her age. Also hot as fuark. Should I marry in a couple years when shes out of college with an ironclad prenup (and hide trust fund overseas, assume i can afford legal fees) and just get this locked in? I dont want to be oneitis, I bet i could get a 9/10 if i waited a few years rather than 8/10, but I really dont care at all about that and don't want to deal with degeneracy/whoredom in any new woman. I dont want my kids raised by a whore and I figure that this is the least amount of whore I will find.

Idk what to do. this is a rare shot it seems today, having an RP woman who actually sort of loves you and wants a family. I will graduate with no debt and probably a decent income that will only go up over ten years (and have some assets saved already that could be hidden for a rainy day.

I know theres other women but honestly, I don't really see the appeal of spending my 20's dating and such. A lot of the other girls I talk to who are doing that basically disgust me.

Not sure how to play this.

>I last dated when Clinton was president but let me give you advice for dating in the most degenerate and hookup prone culture in the history of mankind

Lol k

we actually are fucking less than the last generation desu

this guy just said marry someone you have common goals with, invest in your relaitonship and have a happy marriage

if your girl doesnt want a family and is a hyper slut, dont fucking marry her. are you really going to disregard this guys advice because hes been married for 14 years?

>in the most degenerate and hookup prone culture in the history of mankind
implying bar and clubbing culture hasn't plagued the west for the past few decades

I was blessed to find a girl who had hardcore traditional russian parents and was a virgin until our wedding night. I whored about like any young guy these days but I value who she is so much. No swearing, no tattoos no partying etc. A huge bonus is she is also super realistic about multiculturalism between people of different socio-economic background. It doesn't work and she fully supports how racist I am. I love it. To top it off, she is really beautiful too. Couldn't be happier. I know thats hard to find in a girl with such values but you may want to try going to a chapters and finding some of those true nerdy girls there. They almost always will be more interesting than your generic club whore. I'd stay off tinder, it's just a hook up site. Do you have any hobbies? A great way to meet people is through a common hobby. Could be music, outdoors even horse back riding. Anything can bridge the gap. A girl with interesting hobbies will be a lot less likely to be your run of the mill whore bitch slut

>avoiding degeneracy
Either you or your girl are degenerate or your not. I'm married I had a traditional wedding high mass. You just find the right fucking girl and do it the way you want. Are you virgins this clueless just get fucking married and raise your kids your way and everything will work out. Holy Fuck.

"We" are , yes. Stacy and Chad certainly are not. Hypergamy just kicked into overdrive with the advent of social media and tinder

Face it, you have literally no idea what modern dating is like if you last dated in the 90s

>holy fuck just find a non degenerate woman its easy

>holy fuck just win the lottery its fucking easy

That's you, that's how dumb you sound

>I was blessed to find a girl who had hardcore traditional russian parents and was a virgin until our wedding night
>No swearing, no tattoos no partying etc.
Doesn't it kind of come off as if she is programmed to act a certain way?

where did you meet?

>I bet i could get a 9/10 if i waited a few years rather than 8/10

What probably would happen is you date a couple of other girls, all of them turn out to have fucked other guys previously or are lacking in some other department, and you regret leaving.

The fact that you have a girl who was a virgin, and isn't degenerate at all, and is pretty redpilled, is something you should treasure more deeply than you do, to be honest lad. The bond of 'first love' that she has with you is a lot deeper than any bond you're going to find with some girl you meet if you 'wait a few years' (How do you expect a find a virgin when you're 23, really)

Moreover, this bullshit about "finding a 9/10" is fucking ridiculous; do you think she'll always be a 9/10? 10/10s aren't found, they're made, relationships are a long term thing and if you work with each other like how an actual partnership should be, your current gf can grow into a 10/10.

i married a jap girl

Probably, but so what? People dont act righteously with no input or "programming". Order requires energy. otherwise just entropy

Never date a women with weirdly dyed hair. They are always, always, fucked in the head.

Only date women smarter than you (at least I've found this helpful).

Never accept the tradeoff of a woman being physically attractive but having a shitty personality, because the looks will fade with age/time, while the personality will likely remain shitty.

No I don't. You sound like you could fuck up a wet dream. Just meet fucking girls anywhere but bars try a fucking church adult group or something.

Listen to wise user.