A massive weather system is about to hit California, which could mean over a FOOT of rain in some areas.^tfw


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If california doesn't go to the sea, the sea comes to california

Wayne here. In Guerneville, ca.
We have gotten 2" so far in 24 hour.

Check my 22s

>Wahh it's too dry here :^((((
>Wahh it's too wet here :^((((

Make up your fucking mind California

Thank God.

Heres your water bitches! HAHAHA

Finally some retribution.

global warming confirmed

Thank you, God. Please get to them before they have a chance to repent. As you know Californians are a cancer who'd willfully open the gates of heaven to Satan if given half a chance.


I want it to be wet all the time but the problem is idiots don't know how to drive in rain and we see a higher number of vehicle crashes

Hopefully this will lubricate the fault lines and trigger the final collapse.

Sacramento here. Its drizzling outside but the worst is expected tonight into Monday.

2-6 inches. The real danger comes in the hills and from a lot of snow falling and then melting die to warmer rain systems moving in.

Look up sac's storm of 1984 for worst case scenario

Please be nice to California - we feed a lot of the states and world. Us out here in the central valley hate the libtards destroying the country. we are bible banging gun shooting veterans and patriots

also fxck jerry brown


A massive dumb is about to hit Sup Forums which could mean over a DOLLAR in ad revenue on my channel.


Trump not even president, fixes drought

Lord Kek unleashing Chaos on the enemis of the God Emperor

Some lube for San Andreas.
Beat me to it.

Make it happen, Kek

>california flooding

California is basically the biggest state in the nation and only a very, very, very small portion of northern California (all nothing but farmland and forests aside Frisco) is getting any rain. Middle and southern CA aren't getting any wetness for a few days and when it "hits" it's supposed to only be drizzle/short quick storms like we've been having anyway.

But isnt this a good thing? What about the drought?


An liberal land for liberal people.

It is doomed.

Heh. No.


Dont forget, Sup Forums, there are a lot of red counties in California. A lot of the Central Valley, in the foothills and mountains, and Northern California. I live in Sacramento near the river and I'm hoping I don't fucking die.

No relevant fault lines are anywhere near where any of this rain is happening.

>literally all of southerna california has barely any to LITERALLY no rain

You sure showed me(????).

You're dead m8.

Water from melting snow and 8-18 inches of rain will come down from the mountains.

>A massive weather system

a what?


>over 1ft of rain
>not over 3ft
No happening

>only a very, very, very small portion of northern California

California bro here,
Don't lump me together with the rest of those degenerates, dammit!
Right wing politics are actually having a real resurgence here, even in the hearts of darkness LA and San Fran, gun ownership on the rise also.

Sacramento here

It's pretty bad rain and strong wind

>1ft of rain
Florida here, ya'll niggas fucking casuals

Well I'll give you that one.

kek confirms

>obviously doesn't live in northern California.

Obvious because I literally said "like we've been having" in regards to southern California.

Being California, we don't have any systems in place to capture the large amounts of rainfall that can occur and reliably store it.

Top kek

>California burns before God floods it
>California then gets a giant earthquake which sinks the entire state.

Honestly. Repent. You don't wanna turn into Haiti do you?

I always make sure to stock up on food and run as many errands as possible before we get a storm

When it rains its constant sirens (i live next to police and hospital) because So Cal drivers are TERRIBLE even without extra conditions

>5-8 inches
san francisco won't even notice

Always thought it would be pretty nice to live somewhere near Modesto or Stockton.

>every time there is a cloud in the sky the local news stations statewide are on 24 hour """"""""storm watch""""""
>end up getting at most 4 inches of rain

There is no happening.

I'm going to blow up my raft and leave it sitting in my living room next to some supplies. Fuck this.

Where abouts bro? I'm over near the river near Watt and La Riviera. Am I kill?


r u gubmint user? very specific coming from finland

So pray your areas are spared and repent from sinful activities.

North Cali here,got at least 8 inches of snow.Earlier this week there was maybe 14 inches.


Basically a suburb of Sacramento

Not to rain on your parade Sup Forums but where i live the rain is piss spray at best. And besides, flooding will only affect rural people (aka Trump voters).

Holly shit! A huge dark cloud just came out of nowhe-

I go to uni in San Luis Obispo (central CA, right north of Santa Barbara. Can confirm we've gotten quite a bit of rain and the towns north/south of us have gotten some flooding in areas. I'm comfy tho

unless its a hurricane+earthquake+meteorite+Zika combo breaker its FUCKING NOTHING!!!

What did Kek mean by this?

Fucking hate the STORM WATCH shit. They play it up like it's the end of the world.

Remember that record breaking EL NIÑO we were supposed to get? Fucking cunts lol

Roseville here. Can't fucking wait.


Sorry m8, it read like you could have been anywhere in California.

Don't forget Muh 4 million people around Sacramento. I know it's not l.a. but the white homeland is just northeast of here.

>Based God (literally) flushing away all the degeneracy before it can take root even more


Atheist cucks BTFO'd as well. How come this feels like Christmas when Christmas happened already?

Melanin affluent gentleman, we've been in drought mode for a while, ain't none of us worried about a slight drizzle. Our storms in california are weak as shit and they only gain strength once they travel toward the central US

fuck you and your overpriced cashews

No, I just live in northern funland so I spend most of my time just reading about other places. Also surfing google maps.

>a FOOT of rain in some areas

I've had that happen to me while living in a river flood zone. Shit was total shit.

When you flush a toilet the shit has to go somewhere. (Texas)

inb4 massive exodus of californians turns texas blue

The problem with that is with the ground so dry, the possibility of mudslides and landslides becomes much greater.

no one is living off fucking olives

n modesto atm is why I ask

>mudslides and landslides
Those aint shit either.

Remember, its california. We don't even flinch at earthquakes lower than 5 magnitude

No, but if you get a cm of snow at lower elevations at least a dozen people die.

eat shit faggot you still eat them

huh - try milk diary meat almonds avacado n much more... fxck you

You know it's coming. Might be worth it to book a hotel in the next few days.

I can't wait to see hot new videos of:

1.) Water running into a storm drain
2.) A car driving across a puddle
3.) A meth head being rescued from the LA river

Until the end of Spring.

califag here

nothing happening

r/The_Donald fag?

Why do you keep saying fuck like fxck?


And there are plenty of other states that produce milk and meat


It dont snow here, famalamwhambamthankyouma'am

In my city, the last time it snowed here was like 1997

why is that picture named plasma rifle?

How many people died?

Is it comfy? Any cons, might plan my next summer trip somewhere in Cali if it still exists. I don't do big city vacations because I can't handle large crowds for long.

Dont move anywhere near stockton.

Move north or northeast of sac.

I think it's supposed to look like a video game weapon from an alien.

>live somewhere near Modesto or Stockton.

It breaks my heart to tell you "No you don't". If you live waaaay out in the country, Central valley is the way to go.

But, I mean WAAAAAAY out in the country.

nah just a /r/conspiracy - tard
>Expensive and grainy. California produces a sizable majority of many American fruits, vegetables, and nuts: 99 percent of artichokes, 99 percent of walnuts, 97 percent of kiwis, 97 percent of plums, 95 percent of celery, 95 percent of garlic, 89 percent of cauliflower, 71 percent of spinach, and 69 percent of carrots (and the list goes on and on). Some of this is due to climate and soil. No other state, or even a combination of states, can match California’s output per acre.

quit being a cuck man California is neccessary (the coast can fall off tho)


Sometimes I forget that there are literal children on here

Gas yourself



garlic and carrots I'll give you, but honestly no one would really give a fuck if the rest of those crops no longer existed

Slow paced - not fast at all like the cities. very pretty, summer is super dry so a lot of the parks wont be green

nice bling in the rim ese

and youre a leaf and here we are

my only point is that NOT ALL of cali is a liberal decadent wasteland



Garlic and carrots can be grown in the American south. All the rest of that shit would be pretty easy to live without.

Norcal here. Woke up to snow. Flood watch is set to begin at 4

Was of by two years, it snowed in 1999.

Before that it snowed in 1972 LOL


>less than an inch in areas where it's actually dry
this is just business as usual, leaf