>fucked US elections
>fucked media around the world
>memed Putin as a good guy
>memed Trump as a good guy
>memed RT is a good news source
>memed Russia is not cancer
Have some self respect, faggots. Snowniggers are starting WW3 or new cold war and you're going to be manipulated.
On your fear of being a cuck.
As always.
Because you're already one.

Other urls found in this thread:



i truly, TRULY do wonder who could be behind this post

Do you think snowniggers are any good?

Jews of course.

>Russian women are dating and marrying Chinese men in droves because there are just not enough Russian men and likewise for Chinese women.
>slavs literally getting cucked by the chinese
>russian women who do not want to settle with an abusive drunken slav will go for a chinese husband

>We've come for your women.

That delicious pink russian pussy deserve the long hong kong dong.

>stormfront thread full of angry cucked white bois

Fucking snowniggers NEED to be nuked. Just look at them.

*rolls eyes*

They need to be put behind an iron curtain or a gate.

They are the garbage of evolution process.

not exactly but close :^)

>>fucked US elections
>>fucked media around the world
socjus/cultural marxism did that
>>memed Putin as a good guy
putin in a strong leader whether you like it or not. is the guy good? no, but he's trying to do the best for his country, which is what every single leader of their nation tries to do.
>>memed Trump as a good guy
trump is god
>memed RT is a good news source
you can thank the cultural marxists for making this a 'meme'. when most every US media outlet is race baiting and pushing identity politics people are looking elsewhere for different perspectives, mostly alternative media but includes RT too.
>>memed Russia is not cancer
it is cancer, but ide rather try to work together with cancer than nuke the fuck out of eachother


These faggots should've never born. Russia should've been nuked back in 70s.

Relax Ivan, everybody knows your country is shithole and Putin is a manlet with napoleon syndrome.

All Russia is like pic related. It's good only in its media, or in media under control.
In fact they are only a big territory owned by alcoholics degenerates.

Do you like to be fucked by vladbots, Sup Forums? Do you have any self esteem left?

Beautiful russian women.

Glorious russian men.

>15 posts ITT
>10 post from OP

You're desperate bastard, arn't you?

Hey, user, come join us here in this thread.

I'm here to show everyone who you're are. ANd you are all scum.

Why didn't America nuked this degenerates? What's the point to let this assholes live?

This is what every russian has to look like when you meet him.

H-hello g-guys I heard you l-like Putin in h-here?

Be afraid of powerful russians Sup Forums.

Another vladbot is about to be created.

How could you even let yourself to fall so low, anons?

What's wrong with you people?

How fucked up are you, anons? Pretty fucked, I'd say.

Did you just let some russian fags meme you into some shit? It's 2017 and you're still behaving like kids.

Vlad chill the fuck out

How deep would you swallow Putin's cock?

Can you just relax and enjoy my little performance, user?

Absolutley please continue, post more russian slags

How is it even possible for intelligent men be fucked by such primitive life form like russians?

Sadly i think pol wants Pizza

russian pizza served by their numerous gangs

And then would try to secced from russia and start their own country when putin cracks down

I w-was in t-the movies, y-you know. F-france, you know. B-back in the d-day, you know.

here's your (you)

>it's a raid from self-loathing 2ch cucks episode

All russians are raised this way. Or worse.

Don't be so mean to me, Ivan. Please.

Beautiful russian landscapes.

Russian resorts are waiting for you.

Dirt. Shit. Mental illness.

Shit. Dirt. And more shit.

>America is dying
>Europe is dying

Have a snack with us here at the grave, user.

They literally eat burgers on weddings. Because america is evil.

More russian hotties? I've got some.

Like this one.

Or this chick.

Oh this look.

Store this one to your fap folder, user.

They look almost happy. That's more than you got Ivan

Helo from maza rusha.

I got some flowers. It's not much, but still.

And I got this one. Smoking hot.

Would you, user?

You want some?

Is there something wrong, user?

What about true aryan men?

Watch it, jews!

Fucking nature, what are you doing to us?

Why evolution is so rude to us?

Mom, are you ok?