FUCK YOU Stefan Molyneux, you really radicalize me. Yes, I'm a beaner

FUCK YOU Stefan Molyneux, you really radicalize me. Yes, I'm a beaner.

Listening to this non-American piece of shit now start giving the Muslim treatment to "Hispanics" really pisses me off. This shithead is responsible for the growing plague of ignorance and hypocrisy, a psyop against non-whites. Ignorance because they forget what most "Hispanics" are mixed with: Amerindian (NATIVE American -- What? are you going to give a lecture about how they migrated from Asia? Well, didn't Europeans migrate from North Africa and the Middle East within the same time frame? So open up your borders to all the refugees Germany because you're all the same peoples) and Spanish (the 1st Europeans in the present-day continental U.S.). Hypocrisy because they are still the majority, act like poor victims, and preach nativism yet wtf are they doing in the Americas? Shouldn't this clown be in Europe like based ThuleanPerspective? As well, why does he posses a nativist mindset while living in America? In a post European Union world, doesn't this idiot feel ridiculous being a European-Union-mixed monoglot? Canadian, American, Mexican, etc... are not races or ethnicities. I swear, pretty soon the narrative from these shitheads, despite the anti-globalist propaganda from them, is going to be: "we wrote the constitution for this planet, if you're not white, you're not allowed here" "you need to pay a tax to breath clean air". Stefan makes a living catering to the lowest common denominator of white. The only reason one watches his videos is because they are subpar and having difficulties in life, so they come to his videos to dissect their depression. Stefan Molyneux has perfected this market niche. "Preach the pride of having racial-based high IQ to subpar peasants of the same race so they take out their anger on non-whites".






This is heavy jewing. By attacking him poorly, you make him look good

It won't work, though. Defooing, donations, and his brother's company will keep people away from him

Go back to Mexico if you love it so much.

fuck Hispanics and fuck brown people

What did he say about hispanics?


only rural and suburban retards listen to this cunt


you have to go back beaner

"we wrote the constitution for this planet, if you're not white, you're not allowed here"

Imagine how much better that would be

you shouldn't exist you filthy beaner

t. actual white hispanic

Fuck off taconigger
t. Puerto Rican descendant

He's a con artist with mommy issues. He makes some good arguments from time to time but overall he's a mess.

I actually agree with you, America "nativism" is retarded. That's why they invented "white nationalism", like I want to be on the same landmass as the Germs or Frogs. All I need is Britain.

I keep seeing this type of statement about rural and suburbans being inferior to urbanites. It is pretty a weak assumption considering that if there was a crisis, people in urban areas would die en mass while the rural people would survive due to having a more self sustained lifestyle.

And without the technology provided by city people, rural and suburban retards would have a life expectancy of 20 years.

Can you shut the fuck up and let me finish reading the article?

You smelly beaner rats are pieces of shit and you always come from shithole countries and bring your cockroach socialist policies. I'm glad socialists in Venezuela are starving to death - may every communist die a slow painful death

Capitalism loving beaners are ok though

Will you admit that we probably wouldn't even be having this discussion if Mexicans weren't getting violent over the fact that we are asking that they go through an immigration process, and take responsibility if they haven't?


I'm white in northern Arizona. I grew up in central Phoenix. (Mormon professional and Catholic ranching parents) I don't get the Hispanic hate. I'd live in a Hispanic neighborhood before a black one. However, cholos and illegals are ruining the reputations and good names of Hispanics in general. Just my two sense

One more thing


>puerto rican
>calling anyone a nigger

HAHAHAHAHAHA Stupid afro monkey doesn't even realize he's a dirty mulatto!!

Nice try, but urbanites will starve and murder each other. The rural folk will form community, commerce, and provide security for themselves. They don't need technology. They are tradesmen and those that reap the rewards of their hard work.


Nobody gives a shit about natives or indians, it's not an indian tribe or mexico-land its AMERICA. You were conquered get over it whining faggot. Races and ethnicities are not stagnant. Mexicans are an ethnicity of half-spaniard half-head chopping aztecs = Mestizo. If (someone) hadn't been guiding soft-hearted Americans to import muds across the ocean then who knows? With time American could have developed into an actual ethnicity mix of people of English, German, French, etc. of European origin. Instead we now have a situation where only the white countries on earth are considered multi-cultural with no ethnic identity. Also, we don't want to kick you off the earth, Pablo. We want you out of our countries.
Everyone caters to the lowest common denominator when trying to preach to people, that's how movements work and leftists do it.This guy is trying to be palatable. As for why there are so many people that are subpar with difficulties in their lives nowadays, with suicide and depression rates so high? Maybe there is an actual fucking problem. Reflecting and trying to fix the problem is a normal and natural response.

Waaah waaaah i dont like WHAT he says, but its seems to be the truth and i cant cobble together an argument to defend my views...so I'M GONNA.. WAAAAAH... WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!
Fuckin baby-like reasoning capabilities. I'm mestizo kys if you can't handle it.