Southern Europeans are not White

Continued from Pic related is what I propose we should consider Europeans to be.

The simple fact is that in modern times, North-West Europeans and even Eastern Europeans have far excelled their inferior, swarthy shitskin tier southern ""European"" counterparts. As a man who has been to Spain/Italy/Greece I can tell you that these places are utterly indistinguishable from middle eastern shitholes. They're swarthy Arab manlets and we just can't share the same continent anymore.

>inb4 b.bbut London is infested with pakis
Yes, that's unfortunate but those people aren't native to Britain. Native Spainards are pretty much arabs. Italians are arabs etc. Anything considered Mediterranean is simply an arab state

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off you Arab cunt

average beach in spain

Southern European detected. We had a 4 hour long intellectual discussion last time and I hope it will be the same

All I see are white tourists and Arabs - who I presume are the Spainards

All English/Irish/Scottish. Nice try though.

you seem to not understand you don't get to define what "European" is, genetics and history does that

if you want to use some term for your gay ass club use "white"

>Is X white?
literally against the rules, sage and report

Leave Greece offa this. They are not so cucked and sucking jew dick like majority of the angloshpere. By the way you call yourself white? I think white is going to be a minority in your countries by 2020.

I wasn't asking. I was stating and giving a good reason as to why we should discount them. Boo hoo bitch boi.
Then why the fuck are you moaning

Greece = Turkey V2.0

pic related is Marbella, Spain in the SOUTH

literally ANY public place in your country with this many (roughly 100) people in one photo is GUARANTEED to have AT LEAST 10 Nigs and Muslims if not more in more populated parts of your Island

t. lived in Bristol, Sheffield, Manchester, London and Liverpoop

Am I white?

>105 posts by this ID

your really trying hard mohammad


According to the dipshit Americans ITT yes you are.
You haven't lived in Britian you fat Hispanic cunt. I'd beat you to a pulp for what your cancerous people did to the once great USA

>waiting for the brit cuck from the last thread

>claiming George Bush as your national heritage

just keep posting back Nuh-Uh Nuh-Uh Nuh-Uh Anglos are whiiiiiiiiite

If you aren't North-western European you aren't European. You Arab fuckers can pretend as much as you want but you just aren't.


you do know that the italians and greeks created the modern europe basically?

you are embarrassing

back to apricity fagggot

Industrial revolution is modern Europe.

Ironic considering there are more arabs in Northwestern Europe than in the East or South

source: demographics of France, Germany, Belgium, London, Sweden, and Netherlands

what do these cities have in common? Every single one of their capitals has already approached a Non-white future

stop acting like your government has any legitimacy or advocates for white people. They're all just as cucked as you.

No, it isn't ironic. If you actually read OP you'd see that you're a spaz. Please just fuck off, Jose.

Is France south Europe ?

you're not whitenor is anywhere developed in your country even close to modern, its more like New York City in the 1980s; a shitskin ghetto

keep posting 1950s pictures tho, because its not like Spain Italy Greece and Portugal are in the high 90s of their own race in their countries or anything

No, France is North Africa.

What does the x and y axis of this graph represent?

you are the OP, samefag

and a KIKE too

kys mudskin

Lol at this literal brownskin trying to insult me. If you're Spanish/Italian/some other moor derivative then you're not European. Get over it.

There's nothing wrong with what I said

absolute values don't matter too much, they are the principal directions of genetic variation in Europe, basically the two axis were you see the biggest variation, they are basically a graphical way to represent diversity in an approximate manner

don't ask OP, he is completely clueless

relax cuckberg, I'll call Tyronne to assfuck your wife soon

Literally nobody in Britain's history has done anything to defend the English race

Fuck off Jose. You aren't welcome in here. Tell your cousins to fuck off back to Mexico

>As a man who has been to Spain/Italy/Greece I can tell you that these places are utterly indistinguishable from middle eastern shitholes.

...So, you got from India to the UK by foot?

Post your face you coward and settle this

Eat a kike SHLOMO


> Anonymous (ID: 2NmNHJI/) 01/07/17(Sat)12:29:03 No.106085298 ▶
>File: anglo GOD.png (25 KB, 1262x638)
> (You)

anglo nose u nigger

Not all of Southern Europe, but South Italians are definitely brown.

Cypriots are white. Greeks are white. Italians are white. End this meme already you literal idiots

nice meme map
are northern Finns/Siberians arab as well?

...Mind if show you my other head...?

>tfw part of the white club

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Maybe in America they are but not to a sane man like myself. You are asking me to call LITERAL ARABS Europeans.

nice doubles file mou

They are Sami/Siberians, obviously. What are you even trying to say.

Finns are black.

not only that the map is hardly reliable but that it has fuck all to do with race


So Greeks, Cypriots and Italians are arabs? Seriously lmao

Oh look Shekelstein posting divide and conquer crap again.

Then post more reliable map instead. I just want to make clear about scientific facts.

They're as close as you can get
Nope. I just think it would be nice for us to not share the same title.

Didn't you guys leave the EU anyway? So why want to be European at all.
Just go be an inselaffe and stop bothering us with your divide and conquer shit Abdul Ibn Shekelberg.

>As close as they can get
They literally set the foundations for civilization. While they made empires and philosophy, your anglo cucks made straw huts. Nice try though

I'm talking about European as a race and you certainly aren't in it

They're inferior stupid cattle people

So what?

Fuck off then

Inferior stupid cattle people made this? And Rome? Funny how they had empires while you guys were being cucked by Vikings n sheeiittt

Funny how nobody cares about the stone age anymore n sheeit dipshit jose


Just that?

Well preferably gas yourselves but we can't get everything we want

Your inferiority complex is showing, Nigel

I won't.

>implying who made Rome or Athens are the same people as today's residents there.
South Europeans (except Iberians) share the same DNA with Turks.

j2 originated in Turkey 10,000 years ago you uneducated mongol

west asian admixture precedes Rome by many centuries, stop shitposting

>Jap telling us about our own genetics



J2 haplogroup originated in central Asia, then spread to west with the Turks advance. That's exactly what make you one of "Turkic tribes"

>then spread to west with the Turks advance
utterly false, it spread with metal working, which is why you don't find east asian lineages and admixture in Italy or Greece while you find it in Turkey
did Turks also reach Scandinavia and the British islands?


is albania white
we are illirians

the oldest j2 findings date thousand years before turkics came west

the original turks are mongols just like japanese


>J2 haplogroup originated in central Asia
That makes no sense. J1 and J2 are middle eastern. J2 spread *into* central Asia via the silk road and trading in general.

Trading continued after the fall of the roman empire as well.


Yeah but you're muslim, so you basically gave away your white card

>Finnish is European
>Italian is not
Im surprised that this does not comes from american, because i only heard stuff this stupid from them.

I'm surprised according to this genetic map that Ashkenazi aren't closer related to lithuanians.
They really were insular community.

As for southern europe, I wouldn't mind them if they wanted to remove arabs and jews.

J1 is the haplogroup found in semites
J2 is mostly found in Anatolians who were also indo-european


fuck you copycat

Ok, but I wasn't too incorrect either.

are you shitposting or are nips really this dumb?

I don't agree with OP though. Southern Europeans are still European, and I don't care if they are called "White people". I just make it clear that there are two type of European regions, superior one, and inferior one. Northern Europeans are smarter, taller, more beautiful but they suffer from brown immigrants. Meanwhile, Southern Europeans suffer from their own laziness and stupidity. That's the fact.

fuck you that's my flag you're posting with

Divide and conquer shill, disregard.

There were great empires in tbr Mediterranean, and the middle east before that. These are great people and deserve to be counted among the great white race. If they can prove there is no Semitic (which includes Arab) blood in them, they can be white (protip: there isn't any Arab admixture in the Mediterranean that isn't from recent incursions, the middle east is a different story but there are still based pure blood Aryans in Iran, Syria, Jordan, among others in isolated areas).

It's an honorable trait to care about all of our people, no matter where they've migrated to. Pan-Europeanism is the only way we're going to survive as a people in these trying times. We'll worry about genetically engineering the master race afterwards.

Everyone on that map is white, even the Turks.

why dont you worry about your own rat hole? are we on your mind 24/7?? I bet we are. We're all you ever think about. hahahaha pathetic

fuck off

Italians never archivied anything since the fall of the roman empire three thousands years ago.