Why would closer ties with Putin be a good thing?

I've struggled to figure this out for a while now. I thought American republicans hated Russia and everything it stood for, and that the Democrats were the socialist commie swine.

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The biggest enemy is Obama, so the enemy of my enemy is my friend

USSR was shit. Russia is fine. Old grudges are hard to get over, but the democrats have more reason to oppose Russia now that they're traditionalist capitalists and the democrats have gone full race-baiting commie in the past 5 years.

Because liberals hate Christians. They hate nothing more than the idea of a communist state "regressing" into christian values.

>protestants and liberals
yeah, no
>but we were first to break away, that makes us legitimate

Only "stupid" people, or fools, would think that it is bad!

With the exception of Bannon, who else on his cabinet could reasonably called anti-establishment?

Tillerson is the CEO of the world's largest oil company.
Mnuchin is Goldman Sachs.
Mattis was an Obama appointee.
Sessions has been in the Senate for decades.
Zinke hasn't been in politics too long, but I can't find anything particularly "anti-establishment" about him.
Ross is a billionaire banker.
Pudzer worked for the Romney campaign.
Price has been in politics for decades.
Carson, I will admit, is an extreme outsider for HUD.
Chao is a life-long Beltway insider.
Perry has done little else than work in politics.
Kelly is an Obama appointee.
DeVos is a billionaire.

Most of these people are anti-establishment in the sense of "your average television news viewer has never heard of them".

>I've struggled to figure this out for a while now. I thought American republicans hated Russia and everything it stood for, and that the Democrats were the socialist commie swine.
If you want to look from the lens of foreign policy...
We don't need closer ties, but we need to normalize relations with Russia quickly to focus on China. This was the plan Obama and Clinton had in mind and they initially wanted to to a Russia reset so America could eventually have an undivided attention towards China and the Pacific. The Russians are going to be a waning threat for now because of their awful demographics. What we hopefully can get is a Russian cooperation when the US deals with China, but Russia right now has very little reason to do so.

why work against people when you can work with them?


The cluelessness of the 'Left' and 'Minorities' has no comparison. Don't tell these scumbags anything. Let them live in the dark like the scum they are.

Don't tell them anything.

>why would the strongest country having close ties with the second strongest country be a good thing?

can you imagine if russia and usa actually worked together. ISIS would be over in a week.

Leftists would cry if Hillary successed and started to brin rapefugees near their colleges.

They donĀ“t deserve Trump.


Good thread


Disregarding resources... It's a militarily powerful nation in control of a landmass the size of Pluto. When it comes to the war on terror, which we are both fighting, it's good to have allies with reach and the means to strike.

Not really. In order to not be at odds with Russia we'd have to cuck ourselves to them and let Russia take over as the world's superpower and most influential nation. We'd have to take a backseat, lose world reserve currency status and watch the resulting inflation kill our middle class' standard of living to be more like European countries. They consider every household having multiple automobiles and computers and every family member having their own smart phone and a fridge full of food in a detached house to be excessive luxury you know.

Petrodollar is the only thing keeping us afloat right now and we're already sinking as it is, kids can't buy their own home in their early 20's with their first job anymore as it is.

Russia isn't communist anymore for one thing. Second, even if I disagree with their policies I recognize that it isn't my right or problem to tell Russia what to do. Until it comes to actual conflict, I want to have decent diplomatic ties with them. We don't have to love each other, but neither of us really wants to end the world anymore either.

Russia is literally a third-world shithole propped up by a fascist and access to a few nukes.

The second strongest country right now is China and I could guarantee that if Trump did a heel turn and started advocating for being friends with China Sup Forums would collectively shit itself.

Put yourself into Putin's shoes. You are basically Russian President for lifetime. You don't have to pay any attention to the democratic process and can plan for the long game.

Now you have to deal with governments that might change every 4 years, causing a shift of foreign affairs. Putin will be friends with Russia, but never be allies with the US.

Because fighting each other gets us nowhere, just a continuation of this endless cold war that drains both of us.

Together though, setting our differences aside, we can buttfuck the rest of the world. As in, we can literally do whatever the fuck we want, backed up by the other, and get away with it.

This isn't the '80s. Russia kicked the (((communists))) out and now they're literally the only thing standing in the way of the Jew World Order.

>anything but a regional power

Russia is the second most powerful nation militarily, if you think China is anything more than a paper dragon than you are a fool.

Draining the swamp means getting rid of corrup career politicians.
That is what he's done you idiot.

good place for you


>Cucktholics trying to speak with any kind of authority.


Nobody wants to end the world, yes, but we both want to be the dominant countries in the world. But there really is only room for one Hegemon/Superpower. If we both try to be superpowers then we'll be at odds with each other. That's just the way it works.

oh i dont know, maybe cause he has fucking nukes??

and we share the same goal of defeating ISIS

youtu.be/lktuR-rzTqQ Trump enters at 2:00
This is now a Serebro appreciation thread

>politicians baaad
>Wall Street bankers and oil company CEOs gooood
I love how Trump ran on being anti-globalist and Sup Forums not only bought it but continues to believe it's true while he hands the keys to the transnational corporations

The terrorist problem will be over soon, but after that it's going back to power politics. If the US is going to assist Russia in expanding their sphere of influence and power, we might as well nuke ourselves or become some politically irrelevant country like Canada. The Russians have almost no common interest strategic interests with America besides terrorism, and economy is only a vehicle to a stronger military. Once they become a proper Eurasian superpower, they will throw the US away and we will be powerless to influence them.

Corrupt career politicians are bad
People who actually know what the fuck they are doing and have experience with it are not

Experience can be bad experience, to quote Trump himself.

>I thought American republicans hated Russia

The cold war ended a generation ago. Young people do not automatically carry the hate of their parents.

Cucklics are far more fucking liberal than the majority of the Protestant branches.

You're talking absolute shit mate.

Do you really think the middle class in the UK, France and Germany don't have those amenities as well?

how is being an oil CEO experience and being good at foreign policy?
how is being a neurosurgeon qualification for running HUD?
how are the dozen career politicians on Trump's team not corrupt career politicians?

>Young people do not automatically carry the hate of their parents.

I wish we did. It would be cool to see niggers on lamposts.

it means NOT NEOCONS

They all seem highly succesful though

>how is being an oil CEO experience and being good at foreign policy?
Do you know nothing about the fucking oil business you idiot?

>how is being a neurosurgeon qualification for running HUD?
Nah but he needed a black guy


some do, yes, but it's more common for people in those countries to live in flats and use public transportation than live in detached homes in the suburbs and need multiple vehicles.

>how are the dozen career politicians on Trump's team not corrupt career politicians?
Go ahead and name them

>I thought American republicans hated Russia and everything it stood for,

They hated the USSR, and everything that it stood or. You might still have a few neocons longing for the glory days of the cold war banging on the wardrums against Russia (McCain) but most people have started to realize that Russia swung full capitalist after the 90s.

About the worst that can be said for Putin is that he's not too good on the whole liberty thing. However, he mainly uses that to keep leftists from doing...well, essentially what they did to America, so that evoke mixed feelings in most conservatives. But combine that with Russia's tough stance on things like terrorism, muslims, and immigration and you're seeing people beginning to think that Russia might not be the worst ally.

In short: Democrats ARE socialist commie swine, and Russia no longer fits the bill. Ergo, Dems now hate Russia, while Republicans are slowly starting to make them into allies because Trump whipped the Dems into a hilarious anti-Russia frenzy.

please explain why an oil company CEO is a better choice of secretary of state than a diplomat or anyone with a foreign relations background

>America focusing on Russia whilst it's true enemy is Denmark, building its forces ready to fuck America up

You'll get what you deserve America, just you wait

Try to think the other wya around: Why would closer ties with Putin be a bad thing?

why are people like you so scared of Russia? Do you think the Middle east is safer or something?

kek their women say their men are cucks and they all want the BAC from us.

Because as an oil company CEO you actually have to go around and make international deals quite often, you have to know your way around those waters
As a politician you don't even have to be succesful to get anywhere, hillary fucked up everywhere as the secretary of state and was still praised for it and it was used in her campaign in her favour

Does that answer your question you fucking leaf?
Next time think for a second before you talk shit
>hurr durr highly succesful international business man who makes deals which are billions of dollars worth is bad
>let's get another hillary, politicians must be qualified because the party thinks they can sell them well


The CEO doesn't' even make international deals you retard, he handles internal company organization and communication

And most of the details of any deals are not actually worked out by the deal makers but by the staff they put together, while they just put forth general shit and give their okay at the end which is exactly the same situation.
So what's your point?
Did you think Hillary sat together with some iranians for hours for the iran deal?

Who ever said corporations were bad you fucking child? lol haha, what are you like 14. Corporations are the lifeblood of the nation. Only Chinese competitors would (((criticize))) Western corporations.

China has corporations as well... go critize them.... oh wait, that would be racist.

hahahaha, get the fuck outta faggot. We got your language, we read your book. I mean god damn man.... at what point do you realize you have been completely fucking annihilated???? No seriously... tell me. When did you finally get it....

Nobody is listening to your fucking 50 year old propaganda anymore. Do you understand that? Do you get it? Half of your own Democratic party voters said "FUCK YOU!".... I mean holy shit man.... do you get it? What the fuck don't you understand?

so you think Hillary would be a better president? I don't get this bitching about Trump at all

>necessary evil

Russia is basically a very corrupt capitalist state right now. It's not really the greatest, but it is no longer commie scum like it used to be. More importantly, it is very powerful. So the real reason we need good US Russia relations is because if we want to get anything done really anywhere, not just in the pacific we need the support of Russia.

>the Middle East
If we ever want to sort out the mess that is Syria we're going to need to cooperate with Russia as it is one of the main powers in the conflict. This is really wat u forgot to mention.

>the entire world
Russia is a super power and like it or not we need to clench our teeth and be nice to them, because the alternatives don't look good.

>cold war part 2
>not really able to get anything for done in the UN (not that much happens anyways but still)
>make most foreign policy a pain in the ass to deal with
>more fucking "refugees"

Because russia is a better ally than india or china and standing alone is not an option anymore

That just pretty much evaporates your own argument. Yes international deals are largely done by civil servants that are typically permanent employees of the government. The political figure at the top essentially sets the agenda, the people with the actual expertise in how to get these things to work, make it happen.

>>Because as an oil company CEO you actually have to go around and make international deals quite often,
Those people deal with money, goods, and services. It's strictly limited to a subset of economics and foreign policy is not determined on just economics. A CEO of Exxon Mobile doesn't really need to understand geopolitics and international relations, have a deep understanding of the history of other countries, know the political and historical background of unstable countries, etc. Business is only a very small part of international relations. Understanding the background of some African conflict and why we don't insert ourselves into every one of them in the name of humanitarianism is something most business people do not care about.

The important thing is who picks them and who sets the agenda, nigel.
Plus, while the really big shit is handled by the president anyway, the slightly smaller shit is still done by foreign ministers.

>Business is only a very small part of international relations.
It's the basis of them all.

>Understanding the background of some African conflict and why we don't insert ourselves into every one of them in the name of humanitarianism is something most business people do not care about.
Good, do you want to be drawn into an unprofitable african conflict?

>inb4 but we need to help those niggers
that has never worked

for killing terrorists (muslims)

>DeVos is a billionaire.

Being rich doesn't constitute being automatically corrupt, you fucking child.

Makes you wonder why the socialist commie swine JFK went after the commies so much.

Democrats have actually been much cooler on Russia in recent years compared to Republicans with the exception of the past year. Democrats position has remained pretty much consistent while the Republicans have suddenly started sucking Russias cock. It is an amazing transformation in such a short time. I wouldn't be surprised if they all suddenly start loving Iran soon as well.

Never been in politics. Trump is an outsider, so is Tillerson.
You need ppl who know money
Not even close to establishment
Would you call Bernie and establishment guy?
Again, who?
Oh look, we answered your question.
State gov't is very different from Washington
Billionaire doesn't make you insider.

Would you rather he picked random homeless ppl off the street?

what did obama mean by this then? why the change of heart so quick? Could it be Russia just makes him triggered cuz his party lost? and his legacy is now shit?

Because it's the two most powerful countries ever to be fucked over by Jews working together to discuss what their mutual problems might be.

This idea that Western Liberals are just the wacky family member who needs to grow up has to end. How the fuck can anyone look at that list and not see it for what it is. An adversarial power attempting to destroy you through subversion.

Everyone knows the Democratic Party is funded by the Chinese, Saudi Arabians, Jews and the British Commonwealth.

These people are not your wacky aunt. They are your blood enemies and always have been in history. Your ancestors fought them, we fight them now.

Tired of this milquetoast American reaction to something so painfully obvious.

Great fucking pic


Who picks them will be other civil servants by and large. As I said they are usually permanent employees of the government that remain there no matter which party is in power, they are not political they are impartial. They are the real expertise behind government. The politicians set the agenda, they make it happen whether they like it or not.

The president only does the big shit in that he has to sign off on everything. His staff will of course advise him, give him options and shit as well creating options based on what he wants to happen.

The most obvious example is in terms of military. The military expertise isn't replaced by the political parties each election but the military will make what ever broad goals the politicians want them to do as they know how to best do it.


>>why are people like you so scared of Russia?
What do you mean "like me"? The people "like me" see power politics happening. We don't align ourselves with the Russians if it eventually comes and bites us in the ass. At best, any alliance with Russia is with the Russians acting as a balance against China, or some future rising power in Western Europe or the Middle East. People like you don't realize that you cannot predict completely predict the intentions of any country in the distant future, yet you're willing to let this inherently unpredictable country have unprecedented military and global power.

>It's the basis of them all.
Demonstrably wrong. We don't live an an ancap society.

>Good, do you want to be drawn into an unprofitable african conflict?
Who wants to? If it is profitable though, then you'll see several actors funneling money to their favorite team, or maybe directly inserting their own forces into the situation.

>inb4 but we need to help those niggers
I'm merely listing out a reason why someone might intervene in a local conflict, but you can see that things like Somalia or the Cuban Missile Crisis can't be handled like a business deal because those issues deal with things largely other than profit, which the business person main concern.

Leftists would be euphoric about Hillary importing rapefugees right up until the point when they get gangraped, get their throat slit and burned to death by the refugees they like to hoard so much like a bunch of insane catladies.

Don't worry you British kike faggot, we're coming for you next.

I think we have more important things to worry about here than a Russia boogyman.. Have you even been paying attention about anything? The current government wants us all to be raped and pillaged by refugees and ISIS. I think all that other rhetoric pretty much doesn't mean jackshit right now

Russia's military is laughable. They don't have the funds nor the manpower to do jack shit with their military.

Hahaha holy shit... this thread is flooded with leftist high-brow faggots who have no clue. Read their garbage, they literally believe they're so intelligent. Yet, they cannot figure any of this out? They're lost and confused. Yet the smartest in the room?

hahahaha omfg I can't even...

We've been working on this for 10 years, and this cock suckers don't even know who we are. It's like they just discover this shit last week and are trying to make sense out of it.

hahahahaha, I can't...... omg the victory....... omfg the victory is good.

That moment you realize you have destroyed the Western Liberal Order, and they don't even know what hit them. Best moment of my life. God his great.

hahahaha I can't even type straight I'm laughing so hard at these leftist faggots. hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahaah

The Western Liberal Order is dead!


They don't even know what hit 'em. Even after all this time... still without a clue!!!!!



They think we're just a random flash in the pan, or 'trolls' pretending.



Probably because it was expected of him in that era. Pre-Nixon and Vietnam, people hated commies more than their own culture. That started changed after the 70s, then really took off after the 90s.

And again, a lot of cuckservatives still want war. It's just that a lot of the GOP got WOKE after this election. It's nice knowing that we might actually be looking at a foreign policy that doesn't send our men to die overseas for oil and sandniggers, or randomly assassinate foreign leaders that were holding back black immigration into Europe.

This has to be ranked in the top 10 most devastating political coups in history. I can't stress enough they have no clue who we are, or what hit them. Do you realize how devastating that is? I mean adversaries always know each-other... or at minimum have a general idea. These fucking cock suckers (Western Liberal Order) have ZERO idea who or what we are. That my friend is TOTAL annihilation.

British / Jews / Saudi Arabians / Chinese


seriously.. the delusion every day fucking baffles me. I'm convinced either they are evil and devious, really fucking retarded or paid shills

Being closer ties with Russia isn't a bad thing. But it is when the ties are too close. Just look at Trump's twitter, he is constantly defending Russia/Putin while talking US government agencies and US citizens.

That's because those government agencies and US citizens are undermining him and trying to take him down. Meanwhile, Putin likes him because Trump isn't a batshit insane warhawk. I don't blame him for working together with Putin.

Because every single day hes under fire by fucking dumb ass democrats and the media. Are you this dumb?

>The current government wants us all to be raped and pillaged by refugees and ISIS
I really don't know what the intent of this statement is. It can't be taken literally, so then what else?

I love how Leftist are the most generic fucktards in society, yet they believe they're the most intelligent. Jesus christ I can't.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahah

This is the most generic garbage. My god......... this is it? This is what you have? You're the top mind of the resistance? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha

>Believing Soviet Russia didn't have political factions with differing views.
>Believing everyone in Soviet Russia was the son of Lenin

hahahahhahaahahhaaha, god damn........ you people are fucking retarded beyond belief.

I'm not giving you shit to use. We're going to enjoy this till the end. You people are the most generic, predictable fools in society. We're are crushing you.

I'm typing like an idiot on purpose.... because our level of fuckeray is on an entire different level than yours. We are playing you like a fiddle. Keep believing we're stupid... we want you too. This is part of our maneuvering. Playing off your fucking Leftist arrogance and narcissism. hahahaha, you're so finished.

We can immediately adapt to anything your predictable mind throws. God damn you faggots are pathetic.

No, they're really like this. It's called British / Jewish snobbery. They believe they're "Liberal gods". Yet they can no clue what is going on. Their delusion comes from their ingrained permanent arrogance. Being apart of their demise and watch them go through the motions of confusion is the greatest moment of my life.

sorry did you accidentally reply to the wrong post or do you happen to be more retarded than you believed yourself to be?

US had a good relationship with Russia just a decade ago when Bush Jr was in office.

I don't see the problem with closer ties. I certainly give exactly 0 fucks about and don't think we should be involved in conflicts like Syria, which are basically just proxy wars with Russia.

Why can't it be taken literally? At every turn liberals have pushed for more illegal immigration while preventing any kind of reasonable precaution against terrorism by decrying it as "islamophobia." Germany and other full-cucked countries literally cover up the amount of rape and destruction that rapefugees commit because...why? What else can it be read as liberals wanting white people to be raped and pillaged by sandniggers?

I'm getting tired of this leaf shit, Gretel. I don't end every reply to a German with "cuck." Just because this guy is a jackass doesn't mean we all are.

The Brotherhood of the Leaf has been doing God's work on this board for years while you Germans have been bitching, moaning and contributing jack shit.

While your post was fairly decent, you've completely killed your own credibility by falling upon this tired meme.

What a predictable response. Your truly marvelous and superior intellect will surely rebound your gay lovers back unto thy throne after a moment of deep reconciliation and further overview of this disturbing uprising.

hahaha @ the netherlands

You said that they want us to be raped and pillaged. Yes? By refugees and ISIS?

Leftists esp. SJWs usually are against rape and are prone to call out rape whenever they think they see it. The current government under Obama can't bring the wave of refugees because the current government is actually two sides with one of them refusing to take in the Europe-tier refugee wave.
I don't think we bomb the people we want to bring over and rape us.

>The current government wants us all to be raped and pillaged by refugees and ISIS

I've never heard of any American government official state that they literally want this to happen

The British and Jews are enemies of the West and always have been. It isn't rocket science.

Uhh i think you give SJWs too much credit. They'd gladly be raped by refugees. Have you seen them actually call out rape from refugees? If so post proof cuz I've never seen it.

Haven't you seen that one German bitch who held up signs saying "will trade racists for rapists"?

In this case you are right, but also autistic. Though, autists tend to be very knowledgeable in fields that interest them. Keep up the good work.

No idea but I believe it's always better than the full on war Shillary planned.


This group of cucks seems to your liking