MFW the nukes take care of our border problem and the state of Texas saves money by not having anymore border patrol agents
Mexico is in turmoil and he's not even in office yet. How should Trump finish it off?
nuke israel
He's pretty much making the lazy mexicans take care of their own country instead of being so lazy that other businesses can take advantage.
The wall will happen. Mexico will pay.
On top of that, if Mexico doesn't take care of their own country, they're going to collapse and be the India of the Americas. Because nobody likes Mexico.
I don't fucking want Mexico in my country. Have you seen the place? It's a disaster.
lo siento Pedro, you have to go back
Trump needs to kill the Peso, hyperinflate it away. This will turn Mexico into Venezuela within 6 months.
What if we buy mexico and then deport all the mexicans?
Does pol actually believe that 1000 ford jobs caused the whole country to go crazy? Or just the trump shills?
We don't even have enough white people to fill up our own country. How are we going to be able to repopulate Mexico to make it not the world's asshole?
isn't your media the one blaming trump for all the rioting because jobs are leaving or something like that?