This image really demonstrates the innate differences between white and black males

This image really demonstrates the innate differences between white and black males

His head is held high and he's exposing his jugular; a trait possessed by alphas to show that they're not afraid.

We white males know that holding the head high shows you're not afraid, but we only know it because we've read about it and can only try to emulate it.

You can be sure that this young alpha has never read any "alpha male body language" articles and has never been told how to "act alpha". It's just natural for him and most other black males, because they are the dominant alpha race now.

We whites cannot compete.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wow Tyrone, you can write? Well, you should pay your respect to whiteys for allowing you in to schools and teaching you shit.

Doesn't matter, he's still a nigger.

He looks like a monkey

Then tell me why he's wearing eyeliner.
I could snap that nigger's neck like a stack of dimes.
He'll be turned out in prison for cigarettes and mattress dope.
He's got THAT look about him.


Either that or he's imitating other black guys from his neighbourhood and the media.

OP is a Jew, not a nigger. "We whites" was the dead give-away. Niggers aren't capable of subversion.

Have a (You) cuck faggot

You give them too much credit, cuck

>Dumb thug holding head up for a police photo

>somehow equals blacks are dominant race

>again, picture of dumb idiot who got arrested for torturing a retard

>image of dominance

> Alpha

> Beating a retard 4v1

GTFO Nigger.

Wow, I guess confidence really does negatively correlate with IQ.

speak softly and carry a big stick. Niggers have nothing to lose so they don't give a fuck if they end up hurt or even more useless than they already are, I avoid nigger tier behaviour like the plague, I have a job and a family to take care of but once i'm fucking pissed off you niggers better run.

This guy is gonna get his ass pounded so hard in prison.

wtf saudia arabia

This. We need to learn from the Black man. Whites are inherently inferior, it's a good thing we can pull Jewish tricks to get ahead of other races.

Nah, its more like: I'm a nigger, I done some nigger shit, now I'm going to niggerland.

Its always been this way. Most can't even think a few minutes into the future & that actions have consequences.

You're looking at someone who's oblivious to it all.

Does he have a lazy eye?
It makea me uncomfortable

>Niggers aren't capable of subversion.

What is Gangster Rap but a Psy-Op on the blacks, by other blacks? All popular music is used as a brainwashing and conditioning tool, just like TV.

Maybe, but he's literally wearing make-up.
The fucking ape wears eyeliner.
Niggaz iz gay.

Hard to look "alpha" wearing cuffs though. Some of us don't expose our jugular because we know someone is waiting to tear it out, being smart trumps being tough every time.

>not knowing gangster rap is a jewish machination.
>thinking NWA were actually gangsters.
>implying they weren't fruity pop fags in the 80s.
Just go look at an old pic of Tupac or Dre from the 80s before this gangster rap psyop started.

Chimping out isn't alpha. It's just retarded posturing to compensate for the fact that Tyrone's dad left when he was two.

Not in intellect, nig nogs are fucking retarded

are you retarded?

Any semi-aware person won't do it because we know that exposing a weakspot is counterproductive.

In essence exposing your throat is a deathwish.

>We white males know that holding the head high shows you're not afraid, but we only know it because we've read about it and can only try to emulate it.

Running on raw alpha instinct, without understanding or utilizing it, is to aspire to be an ignorant ape.

Britain Yes!

Not an argument.

Beta rationalization

>35 years minimum being someone's fleshlight

sounds quite alpha to mee...

This isn't exposing the jugular, this is feigning indifference and posturing.

Learn the difference

>arguing against bait


No need to argue

Mohammed still trying to push his wares as something worth.

Look at the size of those lymph nodes!

How will white men ever compete?

yes, black people have a solid mug shot game. How will whites ever compete?


How's the welfare over in the UK, Saheed?

Kek, him and predator are trying too hard to hold back the tears

They barely touched the hispanic retard in the video, the only reason it got so much attention because it's a clear cut excuse to show people that black lives don't matter and works in our favour to break down the narrative.

If i could have ten minutes with this nigger i'd break his face and scar him for life. Both of them and PBG are faggots that live off the thug image hollywood gave them, have you seen the rappers nowadays ? They're puffs

So people with alzheimers are alpha?

No. This is a reaction to try and maintain an appearance of power in a situation in which he is powerless. Link a cat fluffing it's fur to appear bigger when cornered by a dog. Empty posturing, no more

>We whites...

Not so fast, Sadiq

getting life in jail is alpha as fuck, you're right.

If we blacks are so alpha why do we need programs like affirmative action to get ahead?


I think you are seeing the so-called Dark Triad of personality traits in him- I see it too: manipulative, excessive self-love and severe lack of empathy. If that is called 'being alpha' then sure, he wins hands down.

But this is a caricature of being a man. Lots of people mistake it for the real thing, especially superficial people (i.e. women in particular). So they prefer these surrogate 'men'.

First thing you learn in boxing (after keeping your damned hands up) is to keep your chin DOWN.

Else you will get your ass knocked out quick.