Reminder that the people chose Hillary and the system elected Trump
Reminder that the people chose Hillary and the system elected Trump
Reminder that only rural and suburban retards supported Trump or Bernie.
reminder that the electors are written in the constitution. But, leave it to a libcuck to not know the constitution
Reminder that homeland tried to steal states and failed and in the recount trump gained even more votes due tovthe rigging in favour of hillary. These are facts, so your shill tactics are irrelevant.
Congrats on winning a game that nobody else was playing.
Good luck under denial for 4yrs and then probably another 4.
but he kinda is so....
>all these rural and suburban retards
I look forward to the day we hunt you cucks down and kill you in the streets.
>T-treason was just a prank, bro!
Didnt the same thing happen to Obama? I thought he won only because of the electoral vote.
>lets let affluent, metropolitan California decide all elections from now on
>But Trump didn't win the popular vote
He also didn't win a balloon, and a lot of other things that don't matter
t. rural/suburban retard
Clinton got more offensive yards but not enough touchdowns to not win the game
>Reminder that illegal immigrants in CA chose Hillary and the system elected Trump
Illegal dead registered voters?
Illegals voting?
Its the ones we want to get rid of that voted for Hillary.
If not the shitskins then they were dead votes.
Hey, rural areas full of old people, pubs and sheep are the only good thing about England now.
Don't you mean inner city nignog retards.
Fails to mention that over 3 million illegals voted for her.
Fails to mention if you took California out, Trump wins by 2 million votes.
Saying Killary "won" the "popular vote" is like saying the Giant's lost the Super Bowl but won the most buckets of smegma in the bull preping contest.
It doesn't make any sense.
Subtle OP, subtle.
kek stay mad
>look at me I'm unironically replying and bumping 1 post by this fag slide copy pasta.