>pushed for gun control FOPA 1986's only flaw was that it banned new machine gun production for civilians and that was an amendment snuck in by a nigger Democrat from New Jersey. Everything else it did was a major improvement for gun rights so I don't know how you can qualify that statement.
The original Gun Control Act 1968 banned mail-order ammunition purchases like states are starting to do again such as New York and California. FOPA 1986 re-legalized buying ammo through the mail.
FOPA also legalized long gun purchases across state lines as long as both states in question agreed to allow it, along with a host of paperwork reduction and ATF power curtailment so they weren't allowed unlimited visits to FFLs in a calendar year that was being abused to put people out of business by harassing them with paper terrorism.
Cameron Lee
Jonathan Gray
Parker Reed
Thanks, Norway. Do you have any folklore monsters that fit Hillary's description?
Christian Gonzalez
Ryder Cruz
NYA not awoo.
Levi Turner
Hillary isn't looking so good, guys...
Gavin Turner
We need to attack Israel.
Jonathan Evans
Honestly, I would have preferred him to veto FOPA rather than shut down the NFA MG registry.
Ayden Nguyen
it's over drimpfkins
Sebastian Sanders
Ryan Baker
>America will be less than 30% white in 20 years >Trump is fine with this, as long as we all worship one god under one american flag
how can we pressure Trump and the GOP controlled congress to actually fix America's most dire threat?
Sebastian Cooper
Evan Jenkins
Probably pretty accurate, too. She's a known boozer.
Brandon Jenkins
>Restores faith in people
Daniel Stewart
Birthrates are tied somewhat to the economy We've been stagnating for almost 10 years, same problem Japan's been having for 20+ Trump can fix that
Henry White
can someone plz post that video with the recap of everyone who was wrong about trump in 2016?
Jayden Rodriguez
Ivanka is perfection.
Blake Adams
Hudson Moore
Jaxson Hall
Making America Great again
Alexander Watson
My god she's drinking herself to death.
Christian Rodriguez
Jacob Rogers
If you support Trump you are literally retarded and getting conned.
Ryder Young
Andrew Perez
fuck I guess we got rekt...
it's all over now... see you all after 4 years of Hillary, guys...
maybe... maybe we could try a True Conservative next time...
Brayden Garcia
I don't know why everybody want to create a new thread once we reach 300 posts. The limit is much higher (350? 400?). We sometimes kill interesting /ptg/ threads for nothing.
Nicholas Nguyen
It's worse. They found our true leader. Trump plans on bringing in white Yuropoors who want to escape the Caliphate that is the EU.
People are getting real fucking tired of the nigger menace.
Easton Gutierrez
Nolan Torres
Josiah Brooks
I tried to look up Huldra, a sucubus, but she didn't quite match (too many good sides to Huldra). I tried to think of other but my childhood stories aren't as vivid in mind as they were back then.
Hunter Walker
democrat city niggers maybe, i dont have any contact with them so i dont care
Joshua Parker
It's better booze than a slow death from Kuru and the other diseases she has.
Aiden Gomez
thx fammy
Cooper Anderson
Carson Diaz
Niggers period.
Robert Hill
Darn. Well thanks anyway.
Ayden Smith
>these fucking tweets today Who ever thought that a fucking series of /k/ shitposts would have more predictive power than the entire polling industry?
Nolan Moore
Ethan Garcia
desire to suck
Liam Jackson
Ethan Williams
Make everything as gay as the boy scouts.
Cooper Robinson
Mars Mosins when?
Sebastian Russell
There must be some, I will think some more on it.
Jace Nguyen
Jaxon Morgan
James Scott
Stop making them bigger
Benjamin Flores
why do weeabo artists draw the eyes and brows behind the hair? it looks beyond fucking retarded.
Elijah Jackson
im beginning to think niggers are just made up by racists to scare poor white folk like me into voting for businessmen
Sebastian Perez
They tried with HIV/AIDS but that didn't work.
Michael Powell
Take the burden off middle class, make having children profitable, take gibs away. Fight the jew.
Justin Perry
i Agree, looks dumb as shit.
John Jenkins
Step 1: Bullets Step 2: talk to girls you spergs
Carter Powell
If a few strands of hair are in front of your eye IRL you can still see your eye behind the hair....
Zachary Evans
Aiden Murphy
>You will never "accidently" nudge Ivanka's breasts then go home and furiously masturbate to the memory. Why continue breathing?
Parker Nguyen
two state solution we're in emergency measures time.
Thomas Hughes
Why do you have such a faggy picture on your computer?
Ryan Miller
Alexander Perez
Lol, Donald called warmongering dems stupid.
Justin Moore
Even in your fantasies you don't get to fuck her?
Levi Hernandez
Do Joe posters realize they push the thread closer to death by bumping up the post numbers massively the second we pass the bump limit?
Connor Anderson
Jared got some pussy that night for sure. Look at those eyes.
Cooper Jenkins
they kill themselves and each other at a higher rate or go to prison. But the welfare kills us too.
Ethan Long
>only 8 months until Rick Wilson october surprise
who else here /scared/?
Landon Mitchell
why do you have such a faggy flag on your computer?
look at this jew with a fake southern accent probably deserves its own thread tbqh
Robert Price
That's not how it works
Justin King
Are you that guy from the last thread saying stupid shit like "NON-WHITES ARE 50% OF THE POPULATION AND HAVE 10 KIDS EACH!"?
Jacob Rivera
>you will never watch ivanka breast feed your children
How do you cope bros?
Jayden Kelly
She has like 4 kids. She fucks, user, and she lets Jared cum inside her.
Brody Wilson
That doesn't make a difference you bozo.
Jace Brown
>having strong political opinions >2017
Isaac Campbell
oh stan
Jackson Brooks
>Trump has a jew for being in charge of the inauguration figures.
Wyatt Fisher
>welfare recipients must consent to permanent birth control as long as they keep receiving benefits. >gets blacks out of the gene pool by an disproportional amount
> One of the things you should do in terms of success: If somebody hits you, you've got to hit 'em back five times harder than they ever thought possible. You've got to get even. Get even. And the reason, the reason you do, is so important…
> The reason you do, you have to do it, because if they do that to you, you have to leave a telltale sign that they just can't take advantage of you. It's not so much for the person, which does make you feel good, to be honest with you, I've done it many times.
> But other people watch and you know they say, "Well, let's leave Trump alone," or "Let's leave this one," or "Doris, let's leave her alone. They fight too hard."
> I say it, and it's so important. You have to, you have to hit back. You have to hit back
> Donald Trump, in 2012, on revenge
Liberals are fucked. MSM is fucked.
Lucas Martinez
everytime i see that cuck varg posted there is always an extremely butthurt swede or paganposter reply
take whatever varg says with a grain of salt, he's kind of crazy