Meme'ing aside, is there really an organized Jewish effort to sabotage western civilization?
Meme'ing aside, is there really an organized Jewish effort to sabotage western civilization?
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only western countries have to take in northern africans.
israel does not
does that answer your question?
Of course not, did you not know this is all satire?
It's all a joke buddy. Now, go to sleep
israel doesnt listen to leftist cucks like obama
Read the Protocols, it's worth the read and still relevant. Forgery or not it describes exactly what is going on.
Dont know, either way they are doing a really good job
Yes and it is the endgame of a 6000-year-old Talmudic Jewish conspiracy
Jews are responsible. But it may not be a coordinated attack in every sense.
Jews are greedy, self centered, and intelligent. They also have Jewish mothers who love to brag about their kids and vocally compare their kids to other Jewish kids. So they are raised to be competitive. But most Jews are tiny weak manlets, so they pursue intellectual things not sports. This is why they get into good schools and do well. They are also tribalistic so they get great jobs from other Jews and make good money.
All this has an accumulated effect over time and Jews don't give a fuck about nations or their home country (not counting Israel).
Western liberal Jews are the curse of the world. They've been using their Jew tricks to take society's money and property rights.
Jews will always put their greedy desires and that of their fellow Jews above all else. They can't help it, it is how they were raised and it is in their blood.
They will fuck up every country and then shrug and act innocent.
Holocaust was fake to get $. Fuck Jews. If you are a Jew you know the above to be correct.
No, people just like the idea of one big bad guy to blame all their problems on. In reality, Jews are among the upperclass because they were the only ones who were allowed to lend money. The upper classes, predominantly Jewish, are simply looking out in their best interests, which happen to run contrary to the ordinary persons. Meanwhile, these upper classes fund politicians who in turn carry out those agendas. At the same time, leftists, following the misguided path of the enlightenment ideals, in combination with the less stressful meachanised life, are pushed to greater heights of decadence and moral decay fueled by the notition that they can do whatever "feels good", an idea that leftist politians support to get the votes they need. With an absence of religion and hard labour, along with the influx of liberal values and democracy, the west is killing itself. There is no one single bad guy, rather, its a combination of factors fueled by our own inevitable technological innovations. Hate the rich and the degenerates, all of them, not just the Jews that happen to be disproportionately represented in in the upper class (but hate them too lmao). There's no overarching singular conspiracy, rather the development of two distinct threads at once (liberal degeneracy and the ability of the rich to enrich themselves, funding politicians who feed off the degeneracy and do not act in the peope's interest).
>No, people just like the idea of one big bad guy to blame all their problems on. In reality, Jews are among the upperclass because they were the only ones who were allowed to lend money.
I see. Why then, my dear nigger, were Jews also hated in Rome and Babylon? Also money lending?
I imagine we'd have to look into the historical accounts of both of those nations, my dear nigger, but I want to remind you that I'm not justyfing jews as some moral example of perfection. I'm just saying that there's a more complex group of powers at play. Also, nice job ignoring literally everything else I said lmao.
>"The Jews are the bad guys and the only bad guys because I need a villain like in every children's story and I can't be bothered to learn any history" ~You
we must destroy the white man's natural thought pattern of conquest
there is a concentrated effort, yes, but it is not jewish
some jews are on the bandwagon, others are not, just like christian and atheist organisations are rather divided on that topic.
The enemy is global leftism
There's a concentrated effort to destroy western civilization in the sense that retards are convinced the enlightenment is the best thing ever and everywhere is liberal. No one's sitting in some dark room steepling his fingers saying "hahaha I'm evil and I want Europe to burn"
Everyone thinks that what they're doing is the right thing, but global leftism is absolutely objectively wrong.
Do you know how memes work?
To Jews the Holocaust isn't some historical event it is a spooky monster that hovers over them. So they are told what to do against this spooky monster, and that is to destroy European nations and any sense of nationalism because they literally believe they will be holocausted.
I'm making no statement about the holocaust, merely that Jews actually believe it. Does it matter if Allah is real or not if his followers are willing to suicide for it? You're not going to change their minds.
Jews own 90% of western media, what do you think?
"Pol isn't one person but jews sure are"
good post
They need to fuck off. Simple as that.
Yes. Vatican wants it too. Islam and Communist China too. All players imagine they'll emerge the natural leaders of whatever remains.
Wow it's almost as if a historically targeted group joins reactionary radical groups haha wierd
Tim Wise is one of the most genuinely reprehensible humans on the planet
His stupid fucking face makes me want to batter him
>is there really an organized Jewish effort to sabotage western civilization?
there is an organized american effort to sabotage western civilization
Good thing I don't follow rabbais nor the talmud
Is this shit he is saying true? Holy shit Judaism is insidious if so,had no idea
merely a fun meme
No. Most Rich people want to fuck poor people in the ass regardless of their race.