what did he meant by this
>tfw our pres is to smart for euros to understand
Maybe I'm just not old enough, but the consensus is that Russia has always been on less than great terms with America because of the cold war, and ideological differences?
What did he mean by this?
That Poland is on its own. Hope you enjoy being irrelevant again.
Boiled down, yes more or less. I do agree with Trump on this one though. While I don't entirely trust Russia, they don't seem all that interested in starting a war and I can't see a reason we would be either.
I'm kinda curious how far Sup Forumslocks will go defending Trump and his bullshit.
>President Trump goes on tv one day
>My friends at Israel have convinced me to invade the entire middle east so I will be instituting a mandatory draft immediately and we are scheduled to invade Iran first this Tuesday
He wants us all to take a moment to reflect on the concept of "we" and who "we" truly are.
He's activating almonds worldwide.
he just wants to focus on his own problems and greatest ally israel and let all the locan powers to focus on they're own shit. whats the problem?
But I want to invade the Middle East.
(((stupid))) people
>I need to exaggerate situations to get people to see my point about how Sup Forums is too pro-trump
user, it's time for you to take a break.
The Cold War is over.
We both want to remove kebab.
what's the difference between "stupid" people and fools?
liars/deceivers who play dumb but know exactly what they are doing
That's the thing though, I can't entirely disagree with that. No, I don't want us to be the ones doing it, but let's be real here. The way this story ends is with someone going in and killing most if not all of the Muslims. I don't want that, for clarification, but it's not my choice to make and if they choose hellfire, so be it.
Fools are misinformed smart people
not so smart huh, allowing themselves to get misinformed?
theyre similar but nuanced in difference. a fool can be someone who is easily tricked etc.
You can flip that around on the democrats who want:
Intervention in Syria
A heated cold-war with Russia
This is all political posturing to get sheep thinking a certain way.
Notice how after months of Russia scares, the only piece of evidence brought forth is a piece of code that has been found to be Ukrainian in origin?
The recent port literally has a disclaimer midway through that states that all of the "assess and judgement" language are not indicative of truth and are made based on fragmented evidence.
America has become as evil as Russia. It has finally happened. Now you can all stop pretending you're some sort of moral compass.
That's life
We're all horribly wrong on something Although I could be wrong there
>Hope you enjoy being irrelevant again.
It is USA that is becomming irrelevant though. You are losing your spheres of infuence to Russia and China and are enjoying it like an idiot. We enjoyed replacing dollar with yuan in our trade with China for that matter xD
So much for being an ally of the US. Does America has real friends, not lapdogs?
The only "ally" that USA has is Jews, i am afraid.
You say that as if it's russia that is antagonizing us and making us out to be "the red menace" equivalent of whatever the fuck we were during the cold war.
Everything russia has been doing has been reactionary.
It's basically like this.
Usa Lets build military bases around russia and influence regional neighbors of russia to ally with us.
Russia in response amps up its military presence, in its own region, not anywhere near the usa or europe.
America spazzs out. Wtf dud russia why can't we just build military bases all around you without you doing the same, wtf dude you're evil.
Literally usa russia relations in a nutshell since the cold war.
The aggression is one sided
Let me know how those shitty bonds work out when the chinks devalue the yuan. They are going to rape you, pretty much like everyone else has.
Saudi Arabia owns our politicians and Saudi Arabian interests are actually the antithesis to the interests of Russia and Iran.
It is not about bonds or shronks, you don't even understand the way it works. It is about growing awareness of your weakness. Why Duterte told you to fuck off? Because you were unable to protect his fishermen. Lack of power projection. Why Turkey told you to fuck off? Because they realized that you have no power projection over Russia in Syria. Why Japan and South Korea exchanged dollar with yuan in their trade with China? Because they realize that your economical and military presence in the region is too weak to give them 100% safety and they also realize that they are dependent on trade with China, not with you.
Everybody plays on China, that's why your orange president is so frustrated and determined to "improve" his relations with alcoholic Russians to persuade them to fuck China. Although, knowing Russian willingness to keep agreements, they will take everything you give them, and later on fuck you up the ass along with China.
Besides you don't even feed these Russian alcoholics, so why do you have to offer them except some drilling technologies of ExxonMobil? Pretty much nothing.
Dumbass doesn't remember the last 2 resets we had with Russia. Putin is a snake who shouldn't be trusted.
Pretty much this. And this last election was a recent example in propaganda form.
USA establishment news all shills for Hillary, blatantly distorts facts against Bernie in the primaries and then Trump in the general. Blatant "He's literally Hitler!" scare tactics. Blatant taking quotes out of context. Blatant downplaying of Clinton scandals.
Clinton blatantly states we should take military steps to screw Russia over further and go to war with them over airspace. US establishment doesn't even bat an eye "Yeah yeah Clinton wants to start a fight that could result in nuclear war and cause the human race to go extinct BUT TRUMP TWEETED MEAN THINGS!!! MEAN NASTY THINGS!!! HILLARY IS CLEARLY THE BETTER CANDIDATE VOTE FOR HER OR ELSE YOU ARE A RACIST SEXIST LITERALLY HITLER!!!! HITLER!!! HITLERHITLERHITLERHITLERHITLER!!!!"
In response to not wanting to enter a war where WE ALL FUCKING DIE ...Russia has RT shill for Trump and dumps dirt on Clinton.
US Establishment: OMG Russia hacked the election! the Kremlin used FAKE NEWS to elect Trump! Trump is a Putin puppet! HURRRRR.
Anyone who doesn't see through this charade either hasn't been paying attention or is colossally and irredeemably stupid.
not going to lie that was pretty good
still a shill tho
If you're going to go overboard with outlandish bait posting, try something like Trump mandating a week-long, 6 gorrilion-man gay train with Justin Trudeau at the front.