Why were the Nazi's such embarrassing failures?

Why were the Nazi's such embarrassing failures?

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why does communism always fail?

Hi Shlomo.

Because they were the german version of "we wuz"

Last i checked they had a KDR of 3-1

Your boys were even bigger failures commieboo faggot. Took the whole world to shut down the Reich while the CCCP shut down themselves.

>bottom left v bottom right
I just encountered somebody who is disconnected from reality today. That someone is you. Come bask in my ample evidence.

I wonder who is behind this thread...

Pretty much this. If only Bismarck succeeded in forging the Three Emperors Alliance. Fucking Willie.

Accounting killed civilians as combatants does wonders to statistics.

>Commies lost against themselves

If you kill yourself, do you win or lose?

>The "Russia was ever good at war" meme

Nazis in the end were just really fighting ideologicaly among themselves while alienating most potential alies. They just wanted everything bes but just for germans. And they didn't even knew what this "best" was. Should reich be pagan? Protestant? Catholic? Atheistic? Does it matter?

Clearly a draw.

Probably because Hitler wasn't the best tactician and should have left many decisions to his military commanders.

>Why were the Nazi's such embarrassing failures?
because they were led by a syphilitic psycho with Parko who had the military nous of a Donald "I Know Better Than Barron" Drumpf

>Commies lost

>Hitler wasn't the best tactician

10/10 understatement there


don't look very far for embarrassing failures


To be fair it's hard to tell how would nazis fare if they had won. Hitler was dying anyway and he was one thing keeping party from exploding from within. There was just too many conflicting ideas. Fuck knows what crazy coalition would win the ensuing purges.

Commies lost literally everything. Their food, their pride, their territory. They even lost the ideological war. Not even Russia is communist anymore.

Not an argument.

Here is a fun fact, the invading Axis army actually outnumbered the Red Army for quite some time in the begining.
And is correct, German statistics are laughable. Especially when it comes to armor numbers, there are single battles where they claim they took out 2, 3 times the number of all the armor the Soviets had available in the whole region.

Some of his decisions were sound. For instance, he is the one who decided not to push against Moscow. If they actually tried that bullshit, the war would be over much sooner.

But where are the proofs friend?

Arguing with an Aussie lass in the hostel last night.

She actually said about the USSR "that wasn't proper communism" and it actually works on paper. I then went to say that if I wrote down 'everyone should agree to world peace' then surely I have just saved humanity.

I was teetering on revealing too much of my power level though once we started talking about Socialism/National Socialism

>pic related but I had only had half a small beer

Is the 'perfect Aryan' to be created or has he already existed in the past and Aryans have strayed from perfection. It was never resolved, though it is very fair to say now that they have strayed so far off the past they have ended up as Turks.


What the fuck? Colombo International Airport is Indian IPoo address?

Plz don't meme me
>I'm a fucking white male I swear

Then you realize that there are like 5 communist nations left and that modern communists look like this.

Please destroy this image

I know its a joke but normies will actually agree with it. Throw it in the bin


For the numbers, just go check out the Wiki sources. Most estimates put the Axis army at around 4 million and the Soviet Army at 3 million.

And I can't find the source I originally read it from, nor can I remember one of the most hillarious examples of German counting, where they destroyed a Soviet tank group like 4 times over.
But this should give you a quick overview why German claims are bullshit

then you realise america looks like this

>he cant comprehend that germans were vastly superior and russians didnt mind dying because they would be killed or arrested either way

You're forgetting that the Soviets were infinitely more propagandizing than the Nazis. They were the ones who modified concentration camps in order to make them seem more sinister, after all. If Nazi statistics should be taken with a grain of salt then Soviet statistics should be taken with a pound.

>Pretty much this. If only Bismarck succeeded in forging the Three Emperors Alliance.

You mean this?

That went out because of Austria and Russia conflicting over the UTTERLY GODDAMNED WORTHLESS Balkans.

OTOH it was Willie's "wanna build a navy to take on the Brits" bullshit ruined everything. Why was he such a hothead?

Then you realize that your entire country could become a parking lot and nobody would care.


Finland lost the Winter War and the Continuation War

>here's only bad things about x
>here's only good things about y
>why was x so bad can't argue with the image well too bad looks like i win again kiddo

>muh dicking for GDP

literally pathetic and nigger/kike tier behaviour. hitler was right.


Too fucking kek

it's not because they were nazis

it's because they were fighting Russia

USSR was prepared for total annexation of finland and a quick war, they even set up a puppet government in advance
The fact they didn't annex finland shows who really won.

Read "Why the West has Won" Notice that the Nazis are an inversion of everything Western.

Because hitler refused to surrender. Had he given up when the allies reached the German border he could have saved the Reich. But he chose death cuz he was a fucking asshole...

Not like I expected a sorry foreigner like you to be able to escape his cognitive prison. You barbarians are so consumed with nationalistic pride that you can't understand any way other than the way of your animalistic forefathers.



The correct term is "niggerized."

Don't be ridiculous. Ribbit is a euro-worshipping kukchamber. Your beliefs, aside from the Nazism, are far more in line with them.

I doubt I would have kept my cool desu.

They would not have fared well, no question. But whereas we can only speculate how long they would have held out in a post-Axis victory scenario, we know for historical fact that the Soviets fucked themselves hard in the end.

>GDP means something

Nice meme

Britain is the second most powerful nation in the world (fourth by my standards (America is second or third)), yet it has the fifth largest GDP.




>A shit tier country after WW1
>Beating France, almost beating UK and Russia
>only beaten by combined forces of all superpowers and near-superpowers
Choose one.

Imagine Ghana picking a fight with the EU, China, Russia and the US. Beating the EU easily, almost beating the US by winning basically every battle and fucking up Russia to the point where they lose their whole meaning in the world. Only when China enters they fray by declaring war on Ghana, Ghana gets beaten.

That woudl be crazy, right? But that's basically what happened in WW2. France, back then a superpower with the UK, getting steamrolled. UK having to sell basically their Empire to even keep hanging on. Russia only getting saved by winter and almost losing Moscow. Only the US came out relatively unscathed (unless you count things like Highpark or whatever it was called and stuff).

No, John, you are the memes.

I'm just gonna leave this right here.

based poo

It all depends on people who would stay on top and how bloody and long the fight would be. It could be everything from apocaliptic civil war as soon as hitler kicks the bucket to smooth transition into something more stable. Himmler would run down europe into giant north korea, sure but there were some more sane people there as well. Speculating is always fun.

> the invading Axis army actually outnumbered the Red Army for quite some time in the begining.
He actually believes this lmfao. Not mobilized =/= non existent you communist retard

Man knows what he talks

>Britain is the second most powerful nation in the world

Top kek

Fascism is National Corporatism (the Socialists got purged), and Corporatists are absolutely trash at war. Something Ernst Rohm warned about and got removed for.

That's why German War Machine™ was a fucking mess and German armor was overengineered piece of shit from start to finish.

That's why the Corporatist trash on Sup Forums will NEVER EVER amount to fucking anything.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with national pride, just so long as you are also able to recognize your weaknesses. Recognizing those weaknesses give you an opportunity to remedy them and make your country even stronger. In turn, creating more reasons to have national pride. Rinse, repeat.

Pretty sure Rohm got long knife'd for standing in a way of Himmler's dreams about LARP-army.

Can confirm, pollos del tío kike

That came a bit later, but yes.

He was also embarrassing himself, the party, and Hitler with his blatant homosexuality and "retreats" for the boys. It was really becoming a serious problem so it made it that much easier to put him on the list.

Foreign countries are nothing more than weaknesses unpunished. They've been squandering millennia and burying their heads in the sand when it comes to American superiority. They'd do better to abandon their nationalism if it means that they would change. They already have crippled legislatures.

>tfw no qt Strasserist bf to make a commienazi alliance with

Man, these "Poor little white guy" films keep casting younger and younger people.