Hey Sup Forums, why do you hate your country?
ITT we hate our country!!!
too many shitskins
Who said we hate the nips? I think you guys are great.
Too many shitskins
too many shitskins
poles are mental niggers and I work for a german company and earn 3 times less than a german doing the same work in germany
A foreign-born communist Muslim Tranny-fucker and possible child rapist cannibal is still President.
Too many shitskins and communist system
oh look, here's the self-hating nip again
Too few hot Japanese bitches that will slobber on my cocko
dude be nice
We share a border with Sweden
I hate the fact that we hate ourselves
Too many mexicans.
I hate the fact Rome ended at season 2
this jap posts a thread daily hating on his country. he should probably kill himself if he had the courage
My Country doesn't take enough refugees.
The Christfaggotry, Liberals, and Minorities that aren't East Asian.
Don't encourage him. Suicide rates are very high there.
Too many neo-liberals.
Because it's a meme country.
there was pax augusta after the events depicted in the serial, so... it makes sense.
But neoliberalism is ultimate redpill
I hate the fact Rome ended in 476.
Watch Claudius--it picks up right were Rome left off.
My country is directly tied to a supernova of a country about to implode in any number of ways and we'll inevitably be impacted because of our proximity and diplomatic relations. That's our only fault.
The majority of our people are nihilistic gossipers.
top leaf
that map is the perfect depiction of our self-racism.
btw, i was watching a documentary about all the times Rome was looted during history. Damn, it was always a Pope's fault. Goddamn christians.
>captcha related
based italy
>Being a country at all.
>open borders and lower wages
Do I need to say anything?
too many leftists
Why on earth would anyone hate being Japanese, I would trade half my family to be born Japanese.
kis immak t3al hoon na3ml ficki ficki
Our leaders weren't smart enough to avoid Jewish tricks.
>I hate competiton
you are typical loser.
This desu
But it is much more expensive to live in Germany, it's full of Achmeds, and the women are much uglier.
I don't hate the country, although one thing I hate is that most people don't like the government in general, however want the government to control everything. They want the government to have more power and presence. Their first reaction to everything is "the government....".
laje2 ya ebn el sharmota niyalak ya reet ma3e masari roo7 3a hollanda
only food and shit like that
electronics, cars etc. are cheaper for them and I like cars and electronics
shit country
bad room smell
bad food
Australia is fucking beautiful, don't know why you guys would bother with politics and blaming your government when your HDI is so fucking high.
Getting too blue pilled simply because all the rich countries are doing it. We have no reason to be overly PC in some misguided sense of guilt because of some shitskin minority.
>communist system
shut the fuck up, you're underage
Try being geographically surrounded by radical Muslim countries.
Too many people in the US.
350 million. That is insane. And everywhere I go, I see Cali license plates. Fuck this.
germans working hard so I could know that feel
right now it takes more paperwork and money than ever to get to Germany
tfw only remembered your country exists after playing This War of Mine.
>Try being geographically surrounded by radical Muslim countries.
You mean like Israel?
Not actual hate.
But in general, the media and younger generations NEED to stop copying/glorifying US culture.
Not only is pathetic, but they are imitating the worst parts that have no redeemable characteristics.
French social system was thought and implemented in 1945 by the communists.
Retirement system: communist.
Social system: communist.
Public employment: communist.
Maurice Thorez, a faggot that deserted in 1940 to go to Moscow and spent the whole war there, is the kind of guy that thought up the whole French social system.
It exists.
Americans try too hard to proove others wrong. Just say something like
>be American
>get shot
And everyone from the farthest shitholes of the US start coming out and spewing nonsense.
Not talking about immediate countries, talking about shit radicals like your country for example, no immediate borders with my shit country but your stink does reach here. Thanks for the whole ISIS thing btw, love how so many Saudis have taken it as a hobby.
>Belgian complaining about Belgium.
>De Gaulle is communist
Our economy is too state-controlled,I agree,but we got to preserve some parts of or social system
The people are awful
I love my country. And i hate Sup Forums.
Coincidence? I don't think so.
I don't, America kicks ass
Yes. This country is shit
>mentally handicapped and arrogant people
>never ending corruption everywhere
>backwards education system
>shitskins everywhere
>'it could be worse' + 'at least we're not congolombia' mentallity
>dumb """"women"""
>crab mentality
>backstabbing and scamming are considered a virtue
>life inside a bubble
>brown reggaeton shithole
>feminism growing
>garbage everywhere
>no national identity
>chinks everywhere
>controlled by kikes
>no international standards
>caste society
>absurdely high taxes for a 3rd world country
>lower classes are degenerate and have no brain or soul
>upper class is degenerate and have no brain or soul
>mafias everywhere
To describe Argentina, it's like an autistic kid acting cocky on the internet who is just lucky and safe inside his isolated room.
post soviet shithole cucked by russia
dw I love you Japan
Hey you posted in the self hate thread, what don't you like about Pakistan? Don't say the weather.
We're the reason for the destruction of Europe. :(
because every politician is a cuck. especially the current prime minister
Too many shitskins.
Oh, Germany... you and your destruction of europe.
> 'at least we're not congolombia' mentallity
BWAHAHAHA I know that feel, they've started to invade Florida.
I don't know what it is that makes me furious about people living peacefully without submission to us. We need our Lebensraum too you know?
De Gaulle has nothing to do with the French social system, fag.
Plus he left really early after the liberation and didn't come back until 1958, when everything was settled.
We live in a proto-communist society, deal with it.
>Thats our only fault
What's to love about Belgium?
The corrupt politicians that sold our shit and stole our shit.
The fact that after the communist system went down we were so poor and hungry and uneducated that we chocked with greed on democracy.
But i guess things could be worse.
this desu
I know watcha feel.
Now have a chotipan and let's go piquete.
JP Posters are my favorite posters. They always have the best bantz.
But they also have too many shitskins.
It's slowly going to shit also turks own half of it
Because niggers prove they are not criminals by committing crimes
Tfw living on a rock in the middle of the ocean
Hahnreie mostly
Is this a meme that a jap constantly hates on his country on Sup Forums ?
*Breaths in*
People are willingly destroying thousands of years of history just to show how progressive we are because of the many niggers and social benefits.
I love my country and it make me sick to see what my people is doing to itself and his land.
Do I really need to say anything?
-retarded people everywhere
-violence and crime
- the only "white" places are being filled with Haitians and other niggers (you have to come from a REALLY shitty place to seek a better life in here)
the list just goes on
Commie shithole
Too many niggers
Poor as fuck
No fucking comment.
I don't. Eat shit sushinigger.
We're a shithole full of Sebas (eternal Slavs) and barely relevant. Those are the only things I hate, I'm actually proud of us not being cucked that much.