Why can't Drumpfkins just admit their guy lost the popular vote by the millions?
This is not disputable.
Why can't Drumpfkins just admit their guy lost the popular vote by the millions?
This is not disputable.
um ok she won the consolation prize
she can feel better about losing the election i guess
>lost the popular vote
no, he won more popular votes than hillary
that means he wins
More liberal tears, please.
Because you're on the wrong side of history.
God I love this picture.
wow so he lost by the population of 1 city? incredible, I guess that means everyone in all 51 states has to go with hill now
sorry but the votes of illegals and dead people don't count
go back to tumblr
Trump lost the popular vote by millions, I readily admit that. I'll even pretend that the dems didn't cheat when we know they did, because of one reason. Our president isn't decided by popular vote so it means fuck all. Go wave your dick in the wind some more.
Oh NOW its a problem? Convenient.
>So many faggots replying to bait threads
Reddit needs to leave. Sup Forums just isn't the same after the election
What ever happened to muh voter fraud?
All conservatives do is dispute facts with baseless and illogical arguments, what do you mean it can't be disputed?
>Lost popular vote
>Won election
I'm okay with that, now fuck off in YOUR safe space shillarys
But what is the problem?
The popular vote isn't imortar.
The popular vote in any non-retarded country does not give the victory to a person with below 50% of the votes. There's runoff rounds. Trump would get Gary Johnson voters, Hillary wouldn't.
Good one california.
OP your libshit hero Bill Clinton lost the popular vote by over 5 million in his first campaign. Sane Americans didn't cry and pitch fits over it. Act your age. Act your IQ, and get ready to pitch in to Make America Great Again!
yes he lost your meaningless popular vote, but he won the popular vote in a majority of the states, checkmate loser.
your arguments are weak at best, if not fully not an argument.
The will of California does not mean the will of the other 49 states
>20 million illegals in the United States
>10% of them ADMITTED to voting in the 2008 election
That's at least 4 million illegal votes for Hillary. Face it, you lost a *rigged* election. It doesn't get more pathetic than that.
In hockey terms she won the President's Trophy (most points per wins in the regular season) but lost the Stanley Cup
>Our election system is unhackable, just accept trumps going to lose
Buuh... Buuuuh Russia Buuuuh
>Trump may win the popular vote but its the electoral college that matters (literally a day before the vote.)
Buyh... Buuuuh... my popular vote... buuuh
I'll take the bait.
Millions of people do not vote in blue states because they are already aware of how the electoral college system works. Why waste time voting in a state like Oregon or California when your state comradeshave made it legal to be illegal/dead and still vote.
So what?
He won where it counts.
Okay we admit he lost the popular vote
Now that you're happy please stop using "le popular vote" as a bait because we're getting slightly tired of seeing the same shit ten threads a day.
We don't have to admit anything. Because we won the vote that actually matters.