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10 Types of 30 Year Old Single Guys
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im a strong independent male who dont need no woman
Not quite 30 yet, but definitively 10. 100% resigned to not getting in a relationship. I don't think it's a big deal desu.
>list is guys only because a woman is a precious being who can do no wrong
That might actually be the dumbest thing I've read all week
I masturbate to porn everyday and I'm like this leaf but I stoped masturbating for like a few days and I started to think about this girl in my college. But I know that I will never do anything because I masturbate to hard porn since I'm 12 and I'm kind of autist with girls.
>All of a sudden you are a good catch for some reason :)
>The 10 kinds of women at 30
>8 of them are just excuses for why they aren't married
>1 of them is married with kids
>1 of them is married and trying really hard to get kids
It would be too savage
Indifferent master race reporting in.
Women don't want or need me I don't think. Why bother chasing them. I get that the whole thing is lots of fun for them, but it's not for me.
Haha I love the picture
Got a job in the oil field, never get a day off to find a girl. Rarely even have time to shitpost anymore.
Heh, me too. Too autistic and not attractive enough. Honestly relationships don't make a lot of sense for less desirable guys. It becomes a lot less worth the trouble desu. And more chances of it going bad.
I just fap and exercise everyday and it makes the urges go away. Better this way. For everyone kek.
The Total Package reporting in. I can't seem to find a girl that is not a boring basic bitch with a shit job. I won't settle and if that means being alone forever so be it.
>the guy who is 'mysteriously' a good catch now
>thanks to all the improvements this guy made to HIMSELF he's now a good catch
>it was entirely due to his own actions that he was never a good catch before
>now that he's lost weight and has a job he's totally gonna score with the ladies :^)
>it could never ever possibly be that the ladies at his age have changed or are now looking for hosts to prey on :))))))))))
Women are dogs.
>By Tim Urban
Sounds like a fake pen name a woman would use to deflect criticism.
I started following the carnival. Four years and i have a top ride finally. Lost a GF for it but its all worth it.
24, single, #7
Feels bad man
Haha yeah the Total Package here reporting live from Sup Forums!
Get fuckin real user hahaha
>What's wrong user?
>Awww why are you still single?
>user are you gay?
>Its okay you can tell me
>Here let me set you up with this gigantic hamplanet
Everyone's out there dating and I'm just here shitposting
Feels good man
That picture looks like me
there is millions on pol friend
pretty good chance of their being 1of each type here
10 here.
i honestly don't think i'm missing out on anything worthwhile.
I'm 30, but was firmly #10 by the time I was 20
this is why the world will be 99% black by 2050
>total package
>The Total Package is smart—he went to a top college. The Total Package is an athlete, a musician, and an avid traveler. The Total Package is handsome—and you better believe he’s well-groomed.
>The Total Package has a hell of a career going, but don’t you for a second suggest that The Total Package would be a workaholic—The Total Package is a family man.
>There’s just one thing The Total Package seems to be having a hard time finding—a girl worthy of his greatness.
>Yes, the woman fit for The Total Package will be the ultimate icing on his cake of perfection. He imagines her often—gorgeous as they come, she turns heads; bursting with charm and charisma, she lights up every room she enters; she’s a brilliant rising star in her career and beloved by her many friends. And that’s just her public persona—at home, she’s fantastic in bed, a spectacular cook, loving, selfless, and devoted. Oh and she also speaks French, plays tennis, sings beautifully, reads voraciously and she’s a history buff. His Juliet.
>Unsurprisingly, The Total Package is single. He’s immersed in a fierce battle between his superhuman standards and his terror of being 40 and single—because 40 and single is not supposed to be part of The Total Package’s story.
Cool fanfiction.net piece!
Fuck. This right here is my life.
To win the game is to not play the game
I'm a solid #10 just replace the bong with alcohol
The total package is projection.
Shit article
#10, how could I be so retarded and submit my quality of life to the whims of those degenerations of men, woman.
>typical woman is a money hungry, chad fucking parasite
>society of men so desperate for sex wife's up the sluts, give material support to female whoredom no matter what
>government is also a massive degenerate beta, one that obliterates the wealth of nations
Hoping normie culture gets evicerated, seriously I don't blame the Jews(Nazi's) for trying to change society. Typical white person is smarter but still a degenerate nigger for pussy, the rest of the race's are worse off still.
>cool ranch Doritos
Definitely 10.
I gave up a long time ago. Fuck it.
>11 - The guy who is so pathetic nobody would ever want to be his girlfriend (he looks like 10 on the outside but his soul is slowly undergoing a agonizing and tortured death.)
I'm all of those guys.
25 here
I've got the feeling I'm going to be a mix of "New Lease on Life" and "Finally a Good Catch"
Could a girl be a #11?
I'm definitely "guy who has to marry same ethnicity or his parents will never speak to him"
Enjoy, y'all
>he looks like 10 on the outside but his soul is slowly undergoing a agonizing and tortured death
Nice delusions, faggot. If you cannot get a GF then you are not attractive.
Kek same. I'd be this way regardless of the current culture too.
>TFW the roasties think I'm the total package but I'm really the misogynist
>No archive
fuck of clickbait faggot nigger
Most total packages are
I'm definitely number 1
I think liberal societies need polygyny to survive. There are too many betas like me who aren't wanted and/or able or willing to deal with women.
The alphas should be allowed to have multiple wives. The divorce laws would have to change. This is far preferable to single motherhood. Those children would only have one dad but he would be alpha, that makes up for it.
This is a natural arrangement for women. It should make them happy. It takes away nothing from them. It just gives them more choices. The betas are still there if they want them. The majority of marriages would probably still be monogamous.
you have to go back
>He did quite well with girls back in his earlier days when many were in their attracted to assholes phase, but lately, only those with the lowest self-esteem seem to gravitate towards him.
>attracted to assholes phase
Roastie is admitting the existence of the wall here.
yeah that's what i'm trying to convey. #11 is the pathetic, ugly person that can't get a GF no matter what.
no. there is always a guy who will stick their dick in it. pic related
going for men is a bit of an overreaction
Familiarity breeds contempt and I am all too familiar with the vaginal Jew.
stay virgin
Feels bad
>mfw not being a porn addict puts me in the top 20% of men
42 here no wife no kids dgaf
The guy who peaked too early.
No one told me that greed is good.
My life is in ruins.
I'm he Resigned Fiance, who’s in an equally unhappy relationship but just kind of kept going with it, unable to resist the sweet, sweet inertia, and who most certainly does not want to hear about The New Lease On Life Guy’s latest exploits.
It's not gay if you say "no homo"
>societies need polygyny
on the day of the rake, this leaf will be spared
>Stick figure art
Femnazis aren't even trying anymore
KEK kkkonfirms
The wall is real. Both kinds.
>no. there is always a guy who will stick their dick in it. pic related
This is where the men are dogs meme comes from. There are people who just have zero, and i mean NO standards at all.
CTR plz go
about 15 years too late for that, achmed
I guess the idea is that if you put in enough effort you could become more attractive at least to someone. The article tries not to be too crass about it I guess.
Of course if you're ugly that would be A LOT of effort. Just fuck it desu.
Oh look desperate, broken goods roasties again trying to shame men intro relationships.
I am 10 also. Even though I am 37, and have 2 kids already. I gave up on dating like, 4 years ago.
not a muslim faggot, just have parents who are far less cucked than yours
For a gay guy, that women is really extending his dong
>mfw i'm there in my early twenties
good and a bad thing
Sexist rubbish.
somebody archive this piece of shit, OP is a faggot
Was this article written by a woman? Do they think men really worry this much about this shit like they have a clock ticking?
Number 11 here: The Australian guy who likes to give girls herpes then laugh at them when they call on the phone crying about it.
Also 1-10 are all fuckheads
I feel like this is a woman, for whom relationships are the absolute most important thing in her life, projecting her shit onto men.
Getting a girlfriend is pretty far down my list at the moment.
That article is surely satire?
male sexual market value is completely consistent across ages 30-40
#10 for sure although I am still only 26 and I quit weed 6 months ago.
Genetically, I can't compete with chads to get attractive girls. So why play a rigged game? Why even try to get a good job? I don't need a flashy car, a nice job title, a big house. It won't make girls want to fuck me except maybe gold diggers. I'm also not attracted to girls my own age, I like 17-19 still. So I just dropped out completely.
Yes total fuckheads
In my early 30s, I thought I had already given up. I was comfortable with hanging out with friends, watching anime and playing games. I was trying to focus on my career and completely disregard females.
However, I went back to grad school, and I've been meeting plenty of new people. And for the first time in years I have a huge crush on a girl.
Of course that nothing will happen, she has a serious bf back home, and even without that I'm sure she would not be into me.
What hurts me most is that I thought I was over this. That I was free of feeling alone and disappointed. My heart is still weak.
The whole thing is mostly shaming-based. Shaming men into doing what society needs from them, no matter what. Even if they can't.
They do everything they can to make men's sense of self-worth dependent on women. Even if some men just can't do it.
This stuff works a lot better on women desu. But it still works on most men I guess.
This was written by a woman or a nu-male.
Why are Xbox players always associated with weed?
because bong rips into mic
What about this guy?
>spend 20's studying and working my ass off
>turning 30 this year and should be able to retire sometime next year
>spend rest of life doing whatever the fuck I want
>put off women early on because only had bad experiences with them
>don't want to risk all of my hard work by getting screwed in a divorce
>only regret is probably not going to have kids
You guys think dating gets better in your 30's are in for a world of hell. That only happens if you aged like a movie star and have a high paying job. If not you're fucked. Its also harder to meet young single girls at that age.
*drinks verification can*
Because the original Xbox had this cool shit that let you watch Trippy old screensaver visuals that moved with the music.
It was like a electronic lava lamp.
>You guys think dating gets better in your 30's are in for a world of hell.
I don't.
>If not you're fucked.
Figuratively. I've learned to be OK with that.
autistic black guy here, i can cancel one of you guys out
>only regret is probably not going to have kids
Go to a country you don't have citizenship of and knock up a girl. You hold the cards.
lol wtf?