How do we fix the eternal commie problem?


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overcome capitalism

Genocide, some of them are too far gone to be salvaged.

Rope, helicopters rides, firing squads, pic related. Take your pick.

>this is who Sup Forums is currently losing to in society
>these are the people in control of society and the government
How can rightists be so pathetic?


Kys, fucking leaf.

this better not be sweden

Pahaha fuck these keks.

How many of these runts have iPhones and Macs?

Genocide anyone with an IQ below 120

Holy shit every single one of them is doing wrong it's the LEFT arm the right arm was used for fascist ideologies back in the early to mid 20th century (BUF , NSDAP , PNF) pic related

I can see these are the losers of our society. They all look like they have down syndrome

You can't
There's only two types of people in this world that want communism.
People that want control
and people that aren't as good as the rest and want to force everyone to be equal.

The real question is how many of them have toilets

Let them father our prime ministers

They're LARPers and will never amount to anything.

As an Eastern European I have this to say.

Shun them. Spit on them. Beat them. Punch their face, break their nose, kick their teeth out, break a few bones. Kill them if need be. Anything to stop the tumor from spreading. They all start out as insignificant little student groups, but you would be surprised how cunning they can be at obtaining power and how ruthless they can be to keep it. Look at the Russian Civil War, the Communist uprisings of 1919, the Spanish Civil War or the history of the French communist party.

Do not underestimate them and do not lose sight of them. And don't forget, if you harm them in some way, they probably did something to deserve it.


They are all incredibly ugly. I think communism is just ugly people lashing out at beautiful societies.

>implying they don't

Well their founder was a hideous tubby neckbearded manlet covered in boils because he hated to bathe, so not surprising that the rest of the bad apples don't fall far from the tree really.

Communism and similar movements has been a key sword-arm used by the globalists indeed. We must be wary of them. But they are so accepted now it´s sickening. Communism killed far more than NatSoc ever did, had Gulags and everything.

The people who re-write history hold too much power.

keep releasing more sonic games so they're too preoccupied to protest



You mean Nazism?

Nationalist private schools that teach rhetoric, morality, and marksmanship.

was this picture taken in Finland? just guessing by the looks of the people

>How do we fix the eternal commie problem?

Dismantle the CIA, or change their directive back to assassination...

communisn fixes itself by never working

Hangings gas chambers helicopter rides firing squads boot parties take you pick im a fan of all of them desu m8

So many ugly kids. Fugg

No but here's some FInnish commies just for you

Got say your right only good commie is a dead commie

Holy shit that website has some great stuff. Pic related.

The shit apple never falls far from the shit tree and ends up growing in a shit field

send them to a communist country

No. Sweden. Stockholm, more precisely.

I know this, because one of the guys in the front row is an IRL acquaintance of mine. Also the writing in the background is in Swedish.

Drink bleach edge lord

What's going on in the pic

Pinko removal.

Glorious 17 year old nippon patriot assassinates commie Jap politician. Later commits suicide in prison cell.

Let them run their own communist society out in the country for as long as they can....

This never works because eventually their system starts making them more powerful which in turn allows them to begin spreading their "revolution" to other countries. Communism must be stopped no matter where it is occuring, even if it is hurting no one.

TFW you would never remove a commie with a knife in a single stab

>not nationalists

no maybe in days gone by, violent revolutionaries would have been able to do this.
Not a single person that calls themselves a commie today would last a week in a communist style system out on a farm in the countryside.

>They're mostly all suburban pasty-white kids




like that

good old helicopter rides



>yfw you are a commie skeleton

>tfw communism is so good that capitalists have to resort to violence in order to stop the proles from adopting it

>this is what commies actually believe

If left-wing movements are destined to fail why does the US try so hard to stop them from taking power?

free helicopter rides

because we've seen them fail time and time again

When the west stops funding globalism and becomes self-sufficient again, communists will have no funding. Build a wall and reduce trade with countries like china and venezuela. The people of those countries already know communism doesn't work. It's just a matter of not giving their governments freebies at the taxpayer's expense. MAGA

Because they're destined to fail

They fail because the US sabotages them at every turn. It's been that way since the 40s.

Surprising number of women at that meeting.

Except for, for instance, that one time when the ussr was losing a tank war to the nazis and the US sent them tanks that actually worked. Funding communist countries should be illegal. When bankers do it they should go to jail.

deport them all to communist countries

Same reason people take the keys away from a drunk getting into a car. Some of us don't want to see needless carnage.

I thought it was standard to give them helicopter rides

where do they recruit people, the mental asylum?

ironic that these people would be executed or be thrown and forgotten in some gulag the day after their glorious revolution.


why not let it happen then? failure happens naturally. No need to intervene

Resurrect this guy

Fool people by inventing a voting system.

Wait for them to grow up.

>Some of us don't want to see needless carnage.
>We're just helping you sir, don't move ok? [loads M4]

By teaching unbiased story and firing biased teachers brainwashing kids.

Not a good idea. If he were alive again he would have to stand trial for his crimes (remember that he died while under house arrest.)

Stop bullshitting, nobody would execute them, they'd get pioneer praise and clap on shoulder.


ins't it the left hand that should be up?

I'd like to know, we sure have way more commies in the USA than I ever recall there ever being.

I remember when I was growing up in the USA, commies were like an urban myth who died off after the USSR collapsed. Now in days almost every college-aged faggot is a self procalimed commie and they blame everything on being a White man & capiitalism. It's funny how history repeats, although these assholes say that all the time as well not realizing that they're the fucking morons who are repeating history.


I'm a Bong so that shit doesn't phase me.

>Atleast my country isn't a glorified naval base

Make them live under communism. North Korea will do.

how did castro think that pubey beard even looked good?

I'd like to know, we sure have way more Nazis in the USA than I ever recall there ever being.

I remember when I was growing up in the USA, Nazis were like an urban myth who died off after WW2. Now in days almost every NEET faggot is a self proclaimed Natsoc and they blame everything on Islam & Globalism. It's funny how history repeats, although these assholes say that all the time as well not realizing that they're the fucking morons who are repeating history.

Just let them have their communism.
The best method of learning is to learn from your own mistakes.

all of these people need to be gassed.

>Just let them have their communism.

idgaf if they choose to make their own mistakes like Venezuela or some other shithole, i don't want them forcing it onto me





I'll take living in best korea over worst korea any day.

People are looking for some way out. The whole think about 2008 made a lot of people worse off, and the government tried to fix the problem by giving the banks more money to cover their losses. I think its safe to say that many people saw the problem like this and didn't think it was fair. "Something must be wrong if the people are getting fucked but the banks are getting a bailout and then taking people's houses".

>those faggots forcing anything on anyone

come one user. Get real.

Free helicopter rides

why is almost all american neo-nazi's fat and ugly? No country in Europe can compete on that

Because American "whites" have no real heritage so only idiots unironically believe in "white nationalism" here.