ITT we post whats being taught in public schools. College fags welcome.
>be me
>highschool fag (18 now)
>American history class junior year
>taught that indians dindu nuffin
>taught that whites went and snatched up blacks from their own democratic villages in Africa that wven had there own police, and then subjected to the Anerican slave trade which was basically like the holocaust (teacher actually said this no meme)
>most cowboys were black and mexican
> in sum, white people did nothing but kill indinans and enslave blacks for no reason
I know this is al bullshit, teacher never mentioned the Fort Mims massacre, or the cases were skaves were sold by other Africans fir liquor. MFW
Public school thread
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leaf highschool
>muh illiterate white settlers carried out biological warfare on the innocent first nations
>muh native culture
Western Humanities
>Christianity is the objectively correct world-view.
>Thank God that god-fearing Americans defeated the godless Communists.
>Feminism? Sorry ladies, we don't have time to cover that.
Where in the Fuck were you taught that?!
I'm 30 so I'm part of the final generation of High School students who didn't suffer from SJW faggotry.
Public school was pretty great experience for me and I say this as someone who had previously spent the bulk of his school years in various private schools (these were shitty private schools mind you)
I had teachers who weren't retarded and actually taught me relevant things and my economics and biology teachers were veterans of Vietnam and Korea respectively so they were pretty redpilled and gave us great advice that went beyond what the school paid them to do. I got tons of pussy since dating in highschool just involves being charming, not ugly, and enough money to buy the girl the occasional meal at McDonalds.I met friends who shared my nerdy tastes in animu, mango (which I no longer enjoy) and japanese RPGs. They in turn introduced me to Yu Gi Oh, which I wasted hundreds of dollars on but I had decks that could beat them on a regular basis. All in all, early 2000s high school is the best high school
I learned more about native american culture in school than european culture. This is why i need Facism.
Apart from the weeb shit sounds pretty good
Same desu
>Christianity cased the crusades
>Black Panthers were not that bad
>Hitler wasn't a socialist
>Dems and Reps switched sides in the 60's
>Columbus was evil
>muh slavery
>muh holocaust
>natives were peaceful
>socialism is good
>FDR was good president
>Unions dindu nuffin
Private Christian school, 1990s
How can we counter public school faggotry?
full scale overthrow of the government
literally no other way
Jews contributed more to Germany's WW1 effort than any other group of people.
That's all true except the thing about black panthers
Leave now!
>School had an entire term of history course to teach about the holohoax.
>actually hired an old man to pretend to be a auschwits survivor.
Wasn't uncovered until like 2 years ago.
You do know that the teachers have no say in what they will teach right?
You don't need the "sold for liquor part." The African slave trade was alive and well, slaves predates European colonialism and the selling of African slaves out of Africa had been taking place since Islamic empires set up shop around Africa and the Middle East. Hell, it predates that, too, but that's a good example
Also the American Indians were human-sacrificing, tree-worshiping lunatics, only a minority of whom were peaceful. And I'm not just talking about Mexicans -- see the Mississippi mound builders and sun worshippers. Or just the fucking Apache.
It's also not correct to imagine them as noble primitives. They were behind the Europeans, but they had conquering empires like the Aztecs and confederations of nations like the Iroquois.
On Cowboys -- they're a Spanish invention, but lolno most of them were white in the US
First Nations suck
made this being in public school
Went to HS, class of 03. I experienced this glory first hand. We had prayer in class to start the day and had segments on why socialism and communism will always fail.
yes, certainly more than germans themselves
Not entirely true. They get choices within a range.
But it is true in that if a teacher actually wants to teach real literary greats from European history, but the curriculum says "lolno diversity, teach about African woman writers" they have to
I know, We never went over the indian wars
>bulgar stronk
>ottomans a shit
>no borders good
>gypsies can be saved
>russia agressor
>rapefugees human beings with rights
>murica dindu nuffin
Growing up sucks. Only good thing is I can be as open I want and they cant do shit or they loose their jobs.
pic related is me, didn't feel like typing it out again
>be me
>23 year old college Freshmen
>English class, every paper is about racisim
>American History class, all about nigger problems from 1866 to now
>forced to take womens studies
I'm not iver exageratting. Those first 2 class were literally only about niggers.
Who /APUSH/ and /GoPo/ here?
I was taught Hitler gassed everyone that didnt have blonde hair and blue eyes. Or they were slaves.
>Murica dindu nuffin
They're teaching y'all right
Cowboys were mostly black and Mexican though.
Everything else is bullshit though.
Same. Graduated 2005. The high school immediately went to shit after I graduated. Missed the worst of No Child Left Behind, totally dodged Common Core, and the classes behind us all got hooked on Meth the summer after we left.
Super glad I got out when I did.
I'll end this meme even if I have to become a teacher myself
>College art and media class
>Most of the class is about how new technologies such as photography create new forms of art when they are invented
>Time to talk about how the world of art changed before, during, and after WWII
>30 full minutes of lecture dedicated to describing the Holocaust before moving on to relevant stuff e.g. Hitler's policies on "degenerate art"
College orientation in florida. Tittle 9. Learn that if a girl decides to report you for rape, regardless if you are found innocent the school will kick you out.
Class president says that we need to acknowledge that some of us are privileged. Starting my second semester in a few days; wish me luck.
>Muh natives
>Let's learn about all the tribes that lived in this country before us
>The Conquest of the Desert was an abomination abloobloo
>Any history class starts somewhere in 1700 and stops at 1850 at most
I went to an art-oriented high school, and the artistic education was decent but as expected all the art created was postmodern gay shit
Switch to online only switch to stem fuck all the bullshit and get bachelors and leave
Floridian here, this was my experience with every American History class, no matter the grade level graduation class of 2009.
At the start of the school year you learn that Columbus brought plague to the new world. Learned that pilgrims are incompetent and need to learn how to farm from native tribes (cant say Indians). This stays up until Thanksgiving holiday.
After this and until Christmas Break (not Happy Holidays break yet) you learn that the white man loves genocide of Native Americans and Buffalos via manifest destiny, a.k.a. the holocaust. Two weeks before the break you learn about the American Civil War and how the white man enslaved all of Africa.
After Christmas break and up until January 16 you briefly learn about WW2 because WW1 never happened, and how Hitler was a bad guy for doing art. Only time you will ever hear about Jews is if your class is lucky enough to watch a documentary, or Schindler's list as the school wont teach it. Also, they don't touch the Pacific at all, you don't even learn the date of Pearl Harbor.
During the rest of January and all of February you suck black dick. They are the greatest thing about this country. Black dick for all, and Peanut Butter.
From March and onwards you learn nothing else, your History class is now a Math and English class to prep you for the state test. When the FCAT is done you now go back and make up any work for History you may have failed, otherwise you watch Disney movies.
I go to a state university that has nearly 40k kids. Toxic feminists everywhere.
Had to do presentation on a topic of our choice. Dyke feminst lesbian with green hair, gauges, and tattoos everywhere gives her discussion on racism in America. Says that its impossible for black people to be racist.
First time hearing this idea and couldnt help but laugh out loud to myself at how ridiculous that statement is. She stops her presentation and everyone turns to look at me. Asks me what i find funny, I say nothing and she continues her speech.
Not really super interesting story but The fact that some people believe this shit is baffling. Since then I've become much more redpilled, but that was what opened my eyes to how fucking ridiculous liberal/feminist thinking is.
Now theres a name i have not heard in a long time
apush and ap euro here
teacher for ap euro was based and I went to an all male high school so everyone was bro-tier to each other usually without any high school culture bullshit. after our ap exams we were supposed to do some kind of project, but he decided we should just watch movies somehow related to European history instead of useless stuff. two of the movies were das boot and dr. strangelove (we were going to watch all quiet on the western front, but everyone already saw that in world history).
>Be 19yo me
>Last year of gymnasium
>Talking about Hitler and WW2
>My time to shine with knowledge
>3 lessons about Hitler rising to power
>Muuuh Patriotism is dangerous goys
>2 lessons about the Holocaust
>Muuuuh 6 Gorillion got gassed in Treblinka
>1 lesson about resistance groups in the 3rd Reich
>Basically hailing commies who fought the nazis.
>Not even one fucking lesson about WW2 itself
>Class test about everything but WW2
>Next lesson about the WW2 aftermath.
It is not the teacher's fault but the fault of the people in charge of our school system. They dictate everything the teachers have to teach.