>MORE Wow! Mars Probe Snaps Stunning Photo of Earth and Moon This view of Earth and its moon combines two images acquired on Nov. 20, 2016, by the HiRISE camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, with brightness adjusted separately for Earth and the moon to show details on both bodies. Relative sizes and distance are correct. Earth and Mars were about 127 million miles (205 million kilometers) when the photos were taken. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona A NASA spacecraft has given humanity a breathtaking, Mars-eye view of Earth and its moon.
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) used its High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera to capture this new telescopic image of our planet and its natural satellite on Nov. 20, 2016. At the time, Mars and Earth were about 127 million miles (205 million kilometers) apart, NASA officials said.
The amazing new photo is actually a composite of two separate exposures taken to calibrate HiRISE, which is so powerful that it's able to resolve features as small as 3.3 feet (1 meter) across on the Martian surface from MRO's orbital perch.
"The combined view retains the correct positions and sizes of the two bodies [Earth and the moon] relative to each other," NASA officials wrote in a description of the image, which was released today (Jan. 6). [See the Top 10 Views of Earth from Space]
"The distance between Earth and the moon is about 30 times the diameter of Earth," they added. "Earth and the moon appear closer than they actually are in this image because the observation was planned for a time at which the moon was almost directly behind Earth, from Mars' point of view, to see the Earth-facing side of the moon."
The newly released image is sharp enough to reveal continent-size details on Earth; indeed, the reddish-brown feature in the middle of the planet is Australia, NASA officials said. What now?
If you actually think the earth is round you are a complete moron.
Kevin Jenkins
Ahaha great post. Nice shooped square around the planets. Fuck. Theyre such liars. And so much money too
Daniel Brown
Bentley Miller
meanwhile in the real world Venus, the wandering star.
Jaxson Sullivan
how can i recreate this result? what filters do you have to play with?
Asher Rivera
this one come from the lol landings mission 11. there is a shit load of blatant fakes still available on their web site.
Adrian Phillips
Someone post that other .gif of NASA from late 2015 where you could see (((the moon passing by the earth))) that was literally made in paint but sold to the world as the absolute first time seeing the dark side of the moon
Thomas Wilson
Josiah Jackson
(((Round Earth))) was debunked years ago.
Nicholas Diaz
try CTRL + M and turn up the leftmost part of the slider
Ayden James
>NASA >The group flat earth's belive are fucking liars and manipulate images to their liking >LOOK GUIS LUK WAT NAZI RELEASE HAHA BTFO SEE THIS PROVES IT I not siding with Flat earth's here just pointing out how retarded you are you fucking leaf.
Jeremiah Gomez
>buuut other planets are spheres they said
Venus, the wandering star, part II
Origin of the word planet: 1250-1300; Middle English planete (< Old French planète) < Late Latin planēta, planētēs (found only in plural planētae) < Greek (astéres) planḗtai literally, wandering (stars)
wandering star.
Luke King
not a flat earther but we can say all flat earthers are also skeptics but assume it's flat even without actual proof.
think about it, metaphysics is a hugbox preventing the 9X.XXth percentile from revolting against this crooked age of pisces
Alexander Johnson
(((They))) lied about stars too. President Trump better shut that organization down.
modern cosmology is many centuries old, it's not a NASA trademark. The whole deception goes much much deeper.
Lincoln Phillips
>no proof
Open your eyes.
Xavier Ramirez
They said they brightened the moon in the image. Generally speaking, if the background is black, you just select and brighten a square
Ryder Flores
Kayden Young
he won't because he's a jewsuit himself.
any country with 'space programs' are fucked in the ass by globalists.
if any you should be rooting for President Duterte.
Gabriel Brooks
>what is an equipotential surface under gravity where "down" isn't a plane
Charles Wood
>The amazing new photo is actually a composite of two separate exposures hmmmmmm
Nathan Hall
Reminder that flat earth is shill op to deligitimize Sup Forums and forum poison with full retard shit
Lincoln Thompson
>billions of stars and other bright shit supposedly in space >picture is pitch black despite the earth and moon still visible You really think you've proven anything with this horrible b8?
flat earth has been proven a thousand times. attached webm for instance is impossible on a globe and consistent with the generally accepted flat earth model.
The Illuminati is planning to move all the refugees to one corner of the planet to create a weight imbalance, thus causing the flat earth to flip upside down which will lead to massive depopulation when we fall off into empty space while they remain safe in their bunkers.
Brayden Scott
not saying 'earth is not flat' but 'earth is not flat unless it's proven'
cameras and eyes in general have really small depth of field. horizon will always appear flat unless we go high enough to get rid of vanishing points (like top view or looking at an object in the sky)
James Reyes
Reminder that (((NASA))) should be shut down.
Dylan Collins
The (((round Earth))) scam falls apart as soon as you begin applying real science and logic to it.
Joshua Hughes
see let's have another impossible sunset (on a globe).
Adrian Johnson
oh no, and all these years I've been suckered into giving those round earthers all my hard earned cash...they really got us good. what a clever and lucrative scam.
Jace James
true their logic is fallacious but i'm artist myself and know how horizon works. it's always flat unless you go high enough to see the edges of the earth (which is nearly impossible at our technology)
i'm actually more interested in the firmament than earth being flat. we can also assume the earth is 4D
Nicholas Anderson
Stars aren't massive burning spheres of gas as shown by this close-up view of Sirius.
Charles Cruz
>implying there is no gravity
Bentley James
Man, I can't believe I've been blind for so long. How could we let them suppress such vital information? If only everyone knew the earth was flat, their whole game would come crumbling down. No more wars, no more poverty, no more sickness. We could even find the cure for cancer...if only people knew the earth was flat. :(
Dominic Hill
Is this a meme?
Adam Williams
Light bends though
Julian Rivera
>needing software to confirm the obvious >all my gets
Brody Lee
Only if you can explain how these two clips showing a Moon setting/rising work on a globe model.
Truly you a hero against the vast 'round earth' conspiracy friend. Were the ancient greeks in on it?
Justin Evans
>zoom in >it gets larger thats not a star
Jayden Perez
All the layers of air between you and start / planet interact with the light, so there is a limit to the precision under normal conditions. That's why observatories are located higher so that less air would disturb the view
Angel Stewart
Jayden Nelson
Well I'm not agreeing or disagreeing since I'm 50/50 on both theories, but take the sun as a light spurce that is very strong that comes to our planet. If you go to a tall building, the sunlight will presist.
Also the sun getting smaller and disappering is like, imagine a 3D cone where the pointy part is from the sun and the big circular part is pointing at the earth. The light is the cone and it "bends" due to the atmosphere sucking in the light. Remember that the air you're breathing isn't invisible.
Adam Gomez
Faker than David Bowie's death.
David Hill
lmao, spherecucks yet again BTFO
pic related, it's my spherical desk
Caleb Gray
And of course if you don't focus right air artefacts is what you get...
This one is retarded. Clearly the probe is in an orbit that goes beyond the Moon's orbit and therefore the moon looks large relative to the earth because the earth is further away?
Jayden Wilson
Because the anti sun is on the right.
Also, why isn't the dark side of the moon a bit lighter since earth can reflect sunlight from thr clouds?
Zachary Parker
From which old game's cinematics is that?
Hunter Taylor
Totally BTFO by an armature rocket. What idiots..
Elijah Jenkins
more venus close-up
> therefore the moon looks large relative to the earth because the earth is further away? and not the Moon? How more retarded can you be, sven?
Thomas Foster
Please tell me you fucking idiots just pretend to be retarded
I mean, it's hard to prove that's either spherical or flat. You have to leave it and observe it yourself.
But what if space is an illusion that we see things a certain way? Like the specific ampunt of colors our eyes can see.
Jose Gonzalez
(((Air))) aren't invisible particles.
Heat bends light. Look at city lights from a distance. They will flicker.
Michael Rodriguez
David Morales
>pic with no source K
Jackson Peterson
Don't you have anything more convincing?
Leo Watson
That left photo looks vertigo-inducing
Brayden Ramirez
Do you have any arguments? So far you have made claims that have been proven false. You, however, claim that the proof isn't real because you don't understand how it works.
Easton Butler
>So far you have made claims that have been proven false. where?
Jordan Jenkins
Bro I don't know. I don't trust people telling me that earth is spherica eitherl, but the stuff they teach, most of them are observable. But what if they teach them to a point that it proves it's spherical?
Also the fact that they know a lot of confidential things that hide from the people so the people won't question or rebel against them. Or in their opinion, stay safe. Like that gauss weapon that tried to cloak but failed leading a lot pf people to get stuck in walls while the boat was going through the process
I hope when we die, we learn the secrets of the world.
Owen Murphy
Wyatt Reyes
>I mean, it's hard to prove that's either spherical or flat.
Asher Collins
Evan Davis
>, but the stuff they teach, most of them are observable. an example?
Brandon Thomas
You posted shaky, out of focus videos taken with shitty cameras and claimed they prove something. You were told that it looks like that because of atmospheric disturbance and lack of focus. You deny this, despite the fact that anyone with a telescope can prove it.
Robert Allen
>The world is 510 million square kilometres big >"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!!!!" Kill yourself
Dylan Sanchez
Download Mimi Sup Forums viewer app you fucking mong. You'll have to manually add pol
Michael Miller
I can't believe that such people really exist desu.
Chase Evans
i know right. if earth is round then how come we who live in the "southern hemisphere" do not fall into space?
Easton James
Mein Gott, ändert doch wenigstens eure Strategien. Erbärmlich. Es gibt nicht einmal einen Grund abzulenken. Dass die euch immer noch bezahlen...
Nathaniel Nelson
looks more like Sirius
Zachary Sullivan
Stop baiting, your giving the name of flat earth and questioning things a bad name faggot. You either question with an open mind or stay a retard like you are doing. I'm not gonna teach you how to think.
NASA secret ops please leave and release yourself into a pulsar.
Isaiah Foster
Are you retarded? Of course it will look like that when shown through a camera
To a human eye in person it won't look like that
It's like Flicker on a CRT which most people can't visibly detect but the camera picks it up