Why do "white nationalists" always seem to be the ugliest white people?
Why do "white nationalists" always seem to be the ugliest white people?
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you've never seen me :P
Racialism is appealing to the lowest tier of white people because even though they're stupid and ugly they belong to the best race so they focus on that to feel superior to smarter and more intelligent members of any other race.
people with nothing to lose are always first movers of any movement.
since nazism was(early 90s) arguably the most fringe ever movement only the people with absolutely nothing to lose would join.
compare any underground movement turning popular.
nazis of today have suits and blend in very well.
You only see the ones dumb enough to reveal themselves.
We are not ugly you piece of shit
Skinheads are degenerates. They were useful for curb stomping niggers but now they need to be quiet for a while.
Because they're butthurt tall handsome half latino men are taking their pure blonde haired gurls
Same reason why most self-righteous hardcore bible-thumpers are fat and ugly...they've accomplished nothing noteworthy in their own personal lives, but by belonging to a "superior" institution which requires no special skill to become a member, it allows them a sense of superiority that would elude them otherwise.
Which also explains 99% of Sup Forums's Stormfrontesque tendencies. Society isn't sending Sup Forums their best...but some, I imagine, are good people.
Asian white supremecist, kek, explains, because shes fucking bonkers
>implying u wouldnt this handsome stud
A smart person would never admit to being a national socialist because they'd lose so much respect/credibility
thats why the majority that do are knuckle dragging skinheads
Calling yourself is bretty cringy though, the 14 words makes them sound like actual white knight
How many of you beady eyed aryans have fantasies about beating a nigger harassing a white woman and then filling her with your white babies afterwords?
Calling yourself a white supremecist*
Fuck me daddy
wtf i can't wait until we're all handsome like niggers, thanks kike
>implying niggers arent all ugly
>Why are white nationalists ugly
Because you cherry pick
I wouldn't expect anything for helping somebody in danger.
Because it takes a social outcast to go against societal norms.
>Racialism is appealing to the lowest tier of
All people. Whether it's black or white or Asian racialism, racialism is used by the bottom tier of humanity, period.
>Why do "white nationalists" always seem to be the ugliest white people?
Why would you think that? because of pics on the internet? Lmao...
Cuz the folks at BLM are any prettier? It's always the fuglies who have no life that need the most attention...
>white nationalists are ug---
Right, all racialist of any color tend to be the ugliest and most genetically inferior of their group.
I could have sworn i saw the girl (right to the faggot in the suit) in a porno
There's some really attractive people in that group, the blond boy in black and white, the girl with the black sweater and the blond boy in gray are all cute, the two dude's in the background look pretty decent too, I don't know any right wing cunt with a genetic advantage, they are usually white and blond but they always look inbred for some reason.
Nigger I don't know what you are talking about but look at this handsome devil.
He looks fat and gross in this photo.
>they look inbred
You have to keep those superior white genes pure somehow :^)
>Cherry picking this hard
Get off the proxy, Maplenigger.
I think the average Mexican knows a few things about being fat and gross
Haven't done shit with your lives but they stand on the accomplishments of people who just happen to share a birth characteristic for which they had no control.
Have fun with your processed trash foods charismatic sheepherders told you wasn't poison and government indoctrination camps faggots.
The productive among us will build large barriers physical and digital to leave you wastrels behind in the spent shit holes you create for yourselves as we embark into the future.
Because for a long time white nationalism was mainly a view held by ignorant poor people but in recent years since we've had shit like BLM, rapefugees, and the recent torture video it's spreading to normies who look fairly normal and are somewhat intellegent and base their views off logic and reasoning as opposed to 'muh granny don't want me datin' no nigger!' like white nationalists of past.
Because the left has all the power, and you're too stupid to realize they fuck with your head
is this b8?
White nationalism sounds retarded. Are they real National Socialists?. Also there's ugly people in all the movements.
If I stop being a white nationalist will I become handsome?
It would be extremely painful
: ^ ) indeed
>White nationalism sounds retarded.
Maybe from our point of view, but it's valid concept for Burgers.
>Are they real National Socialists?
From my experience they're usually fiscal conservatives and some of them are fond of nazi imagery, but that's about it.
>implying 99.9% of the people in the world are capable of accomplishing anything noteworthy ever
This is a strange thing to hear out of a socialists/communists mouth though.
Does this mean that the people don't actually deserve anything from production or the state?
They use such guys like on this pic as oven fuel in third reich. Have no idea why they like third reich so much.
White nationalists in the U.S. are more like the clan than nazis although we respect nazis.
So basically they are stormfags? They say "Hitler did nothing wrong" without having any idea about what he actually did and "gas the kikes n niggers" right?
And what is your political stance?
This is the lowest form of shilling possible though. You can't find a valid argument against them, call them ugly.
What is this supposed to accomplish? Should someone not become a white nat because lots of them are ugly and they don't want to be associated? Do you think that a white nat would stop being a white nat because he doesn't want to be perceived as ugly?
Why doesn't your communist kike delete shitposting threads like this but he's happy to delete actually political discussion that he deems unacceptable.
Yes and no. There are extreme people like that, sure, but they seem to be on the fringe. The core concept that they all agree on is an ethno-state comprised of people of European origin.
I said we. My stance is clear.
Sounds good.
>more like the clan
Which means?
The ignorant were dispossessed so they had nothing to lose by lashing out using only their intuition. They utterly lacked the technical language to describe that which they felt to be intuitively true. HBD and neoreactionary intellectual movements like Propertarianism are giving credence to these topics with empirical evidence and developed tools and concepts to articulate some of these beliefs.
Goes without saying that OP's picture folks may be low IQ who should be allowed more than one child, but that doesn't mean that their instincts are wrong. Those instincts are 10s of thousands of years older or more and we do well to give consideration to ancient wisdom.
The rest of us don't post pictures of ourselves online.
>should NOT be allowed more than one child
This dude knows what's up.
As far as imagery:
Compare Hoodlife vol 3: Ghetto Fights
To Adolf Hitler in HD Beutiful Color
As a moderately intelligent white kid with some level of education, who only wants to settle down with a faithful wife, own a home and some property and manage my own business, which imagery do you think we are going to gravitate towards?