Looking back, how would you rank the 2016 candidates for President?
>Great Tier:
Bernie Sanders
Rand Paul
Jill Stein
>Good Tier:
Donald Trump
Gary Johnson
>OK Tier:
Ben Carson
>Shit Tier:
Everyone else
Looking back, how would you rank the 2016 candidates for President?
>Great Tier:
Bernie Sanders
Rand Paul
Jill Stein
>Good Tier:
Donald Trump
Gary Johnson
>OK Tier:
Ben Carson
>Shit Tier:
Everyone else
Other urls found in this thread:
if I see this again in 20 minutes I will be quite disappointed Sup Forums
>Great tier:
Bernie Sanders
>Good tier:
Jill Stein
>OK tier:
Hillary Clinton
Shit Tier:
Whatever Republican
Fuck off faggot
>anyone who disagrees with me is Reddit
>implying Sup Forums agrees on anything
kek, I even voted for Trump in PA. If it wasn't for people like me, Clinton would be President-elect right now.
If you hold (((Sanders))) and (((Stein))) at the same level as Rand you are a dumbass teenager that needs to LURK MORE
1. Trump
meh: Rand
JUST tier: rest
>Voted for Trump
>get accused of being underage
Canadian education.
Gary Johnson was an imbecile. So is Stein.
Rand was great. Trump was good. Everyone else, excepting Johnson, Stein, McAfee, and Clinton were OK. Those 4 were shit.
Not a commie, just a non-regressive liberal.
>he bought the regressive liberal meme
Go post on reddit while you watch sargon faggot
He's kind of boring desu.
>calls himself liberal
>supports literal hard lefties like (((stein))) and (((sanders)))
Sanders is one of the few lefties that stands for actual liberal principles.
>being this deluded
(((Sanders))) is a straight up communist
Bernie got fucking cucked so hard
shit candidate overall
>the social democracy == communism meme
Actual communists don't even like him.
Trump>Rand POWERGAP Carson>Cruz POWERGAP > Sanders>Johnson POWERGAP Shillary
>moving the goal posts
Is he a liberal or a socialist?
Wealth redistribution is not liberal.
>the muh democuckek sosalizm is not gommunism may-may
>Jill Stein
>Great tier
There's no doubt that if dnc didn't shoehorn shillary Bernie would've win with Drump.
For the love of god, put a bit of effort in next time
>the American people electing a socialist Jew
I dont think so Tim
It's not classical liberalism (aka modern Libertarianism), but modern liberalism does call for taxes to be used to help the average person, or at least it should. Instead, Democrats and Republicans use our tax money for bailouts and military spending rather than shit that would actually help the people (like universal healthcare).
>Great Tier
Bernie Sanders
John Kasich
>Good Tier
Hillary Clinton
Vladimir Putin
>What did they smoke tier?
Ben Carson
Gary Johnson
>Incompetent Puppet
Donald Trump
>Hillary Clinton
>good tier
What's wrong with you?
>It's not classical liberalism (aka modern Libertarianism), but modern liberalism does call for taxes to be used to help the average person
So hes not a liberal
>, or at least it should.
>redefining terms to what you want them to mean
>Instead, Democrats and Republicans use our tax money for bailouts and military spending rather than shit that would actually help the people (like universal healthcare).
pic related
dumbfuck, over 3/4 of the budget is used for "social spending", not related to military spending or the non-existent corporate bailouts that Bernie supporters always shitpost abuot.
the only candidates who ran okay were Trump, Cruz and Bernie, but Bernie only really did okay because Hillary is complete shit
Yeah, I will redefine the terminology because corruption in the Democratic party bastardizes what it means to be a liberal, just like the Republican party bastardizes what it means to be a conservative.
I'm talking about discretionary spending.
>Yeah, I will redefine the terminology because corruption in the Democratic party bastardizes what it means to be a liberal, just like the Republican party bastardizes what it means to be a conservative.
Keep kidding your self bud
Bernie Sanders was garbage.
That's why he lost. He's a loser. He's been a loser his entire life and his supporters were all autistic crypto-commie losers.
>Gary Johnson
>not shit tier
If I'm totally honest, I'd say that I'm a left-leaning Independent, but that doesn't really fly in everyday conversation. Using the liberal label is just easier.
>I'm talking about discretionary spending.
the discretionary v. mandatory spending is a legal fiction
You still don't think that money would be better spent for our national DEFENSE, rather than policing the world?
All his supporters were nu-male faggots who have no idea how the world actually works
fuck off
He's lost his whole life. He's a piece of shit who's never had a real job.
God Tier:
John McAfee
Shit Tier:
Everybody else
>god emperor tier:
>good tier:
Rand Paul, Jim Webb
>food tier:
>if you believe something hard enough it will become true tier:
Sanders, Cruz
>replace the voters with better ones tier:
Johnson, Clinton
>never had a real job.
[citation needed]
How you define your political beliefs depends on what dimensions you are using to define it. I'm not a right wing establishment guy which is why Trump was by far the best candidate. The right wing is just as much of a sellout as the left is but they at least don't advocate for retarded wealth redistribution. Hope fully Trump will cause them to shift in a better direction.
>Wanting economic illiterate to be prez
Anti-establishmentism is big for me too, which is one I can love candidates from all sides of the spectrum (from Libertarians like Rand Paul to more culturally conservative candidates like Donald Trump), as long as they aren't Fed puppets.
I think with my head outside of my ass and don't listen to propaganda.
You're just digging your grave deeper and deeper.
You have to go back
I honestly can't even stand Reddit's website layout. Too complicated.
Where is Al Leppo?
>Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein in top-tier
Get the fuck off my board, faggot.