Why do blonde girls hate blonde guys?

Everytime you see a mixed race couple the girl is almost always a blonde
Even whenever they date white guys they're always with meds rather than scandinavians
Why is this?

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Why do blonde guys always date shitskins?

blonde women are no smarter or able than any other women. They are, generally, more desirable, though (assuming an equal distribution of fatties among all types of western women).
It is therefore more likely they have been fucked over by chad. I've seen numerous blonde single mothers who got pregnant early on and are now single mothers.


Natural blondes are rarer than you think. Coalburners happen to dye their hair blonde more often

blondes tend to have effeminate features.

there's a reason that tall dark and handsome is a meme.

men blonde women because they seems fragile and weak, and nubile.

I'm a redhead girl with a blonde guy fetish because my dad was blonde, and my mom was a redhead, and I want that pattern to continue.

I also just think blonde is such a powerful hair color.

And I also think redhead guys are hot, despite the memes people have for them.

Because they tend to be brittle skinny weaklings with bad genetics. Not all, but a lot of them.

Is it really a fetish. I see these things in films and cartoons. A blondie always goes with a redhead.

we live in the information age. Everyone knows white women and men belong to BBC

I'm not sure. It's just what I personally like.

But I have noticed that too. I think people like them together because they are the "purest" looking whites, or maybe because they are rare.

There are like no blondes in America any more.
Everyone is a dyed blonde brown or black haired bitch.

Before I quit my job in customer service, I'll probably tell the last fake blonde I see that she looks like shit and she aint fooling anyone

Most blonde guys look like shit. The ones that look good look really good, but they're the rare ones.

I'm so fucking glad my blonde hair turned brown during puberty.

a lot of girls dye their hair blonde, it's pretty common. Don't associate that with ethnicity dude you are just a beta cuck

Blonde here. I prefer blonde women but it seems like they do end up with jungle fever more often. I've always wanted to date a blonde but brunettes are so much easier.

They don't they just like other guys more.

There's no real reason to believe me I guess but I'm a blond female
It's because the vast majority of them that I've met have been either useless cheating chads or beta numales, it's crazy how I've seen there's no happy medium in blond men specifically

If I met a strong redpilled christian blond I'd prolly offer him kids on the spot desu

I really can't understand how or why there would be any women on Sup Forums outside of /soc/.

All blonde men turn like this. Its to compete with niggers for women.

I just opened this thread for the thumbnail

Same reason you are I guess
To meme and to be there for the happening


Blonde hair on men looks incredibly faggy like 99% of the time.

t. Mr Bean

>blonde guys

those are girls user

It's 100% true though.

Look at most blonde males you see in the real world.

I'm not saying it can't look good. I'm saying most men don't have the facial aesthetics it takes to make it look good.

he's not wrong, pretty much anyone I knew growing up who was blonde was a lanky skeleton with weird puffy eyes or a fat kid. The same with gingers, they are just awkward looking most of the time.

t. mr bean and russell brand.

How are we gonna seperate you shitskins out on the day of the rope?
You might as well join muhammed and co in the noose party kek.

dark haired white girls go for blonde guys a lot what are you talking about

idk I'm blond and I've dated a lot of blonde girls

shitskins do tend to have a fetish for blonde girls tho, because they're exotic to a shitskin. If you're an Asian, hispanic, black guy none of the women of your race look anything like a blonde chick.

Race mixing will end us it is not the will of kek

i'd say only about 20% of (((blondes))) are natty. the rest are dyed

>all this blonde envy
insecure shitskins, the lot of you

If this is a female, TITS OR GTFO

You're a fe(((male))).


lul I know a chick who fits that description almost perfectly

This, only Sup Forums can be retarded enough to seriously consider behavior changes because of hair colour or that general traits can be derived from it.

This, a lot of women dye their hair blonde because most men of all races find blonde hair the most attractive.

Same reason white people put up with this shit at all: mass propaganda to push self-hatred. Duh.


This. Lots of bottle blondes out there.

>tfw natural blonde male that didn't have his hair turn brown

I get chicks wanting to touch it and hitting on me cause of it being long a decent amount. I'll agree that barely any guys can pull off long blonde hair though. Helps if you're fit.


Most of the 'blonde' girls you see dye their hair. It's actually two brown haired people you are observing. It is simply acceptable for women to dye their hair.

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted for Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day

This. Many of the "red heads" out there are the same. Its really sad actually. I like a woman's natural look. Make up and dye ruins complextions

Blondes men are naturally beta and effeminate. It's in their genes. Blonde women understand this and do not want them, and as they themselves are naturally slutty they settles with a BBC.

same, i get insane amounts of compliments for my hair, blonde and smoother than silk

Zero suit Samus thread? Anyone got some zero suit, zero clothes Samus?

most "blonde" women have fake dyed hair. look at the roots

desu I wish hair dye was never invented so these whores would stop trying to fool us into thinking they're aryan

>tfw black

When do you EVER see a black guy with a hot blonde chick irl seriously

Fuck outta here they want nothing to do with us when they reach 21

It's not that white girls don't like white guys, it's that white girls don't like YOU

Cool story babe, now make me a sandwich.

just look at the eyebrows, they never bother to dye those

show us your sexy manboobies

Are they natural blondes OP or are they dyed blondes?

Only racemixing blondes I ever see are the fake ones.

>blond numales
These don't exist. Try to find me a natural heterosexual blond numale. You can't.

This is because Jews aren't blond.

Coalburners usually bleach their hair and wear tonnes of makeup. When you actually peel off their facade, they are ugly, aged, washed up addicts with low self-esteem and no chance of getting a white chads cock.

Blacks have much lower standard, a "blonde" woman who isn't hideous is good enough for them, and usually an upgrade from their normal choices.

>just look at the eyebrows
Not always true. Mine are dark and I have blond hair with blue eyes. Mom's blond, dad's got dark hair.
It's the demographic. I'm stuck in the liberal containment city of my state.

Blonde hair is mostly found on kids and women. A """"man"""" with blonde hair is either a faggot or manchild.

>tfw redhead but hair turned dirty blonde when i was 18
am i still fucked?

Easy lay

Yes by me tonite.

t.Butthurt Shitskin

There are equal amount of blonde men as women. Also most children born blonde stay blonde

Women do not have in-group loyalty.

Men have this to ensure their parentage (eye colour), plus they instinctively band together with their own kin against the "other group" (often genetically unrelated males).

Females are open to being conquered by another tribe, in fact more times than not, it would be genetically advantageous to be taken by the fitter, more virile tribesmen.

This is why racialist movements and sports teams appeal to men and not women.

>tfw also literally a fag
i thought you were catholic?

There is blonde women and then there is "blonde" women.

Blonde women are regular, mentally healthy women who 99% of the time dates men that is very white.

"Blonde" women are mentally unhealthy women steered by society, which have colored their dark hair blonde because they want to be Barbie and have the barbie life with Ken. Their hair bleaching marks a bad self esteem. There is a huge number of brunettes who bleach their hair, and they are the ones who usually date outside their race when a "blonde" is dating outside her race. Next time you see it, take a good look at the roots of the hair and the base. If it is not newly bleached the hair is darker at the base because of new growth.

>Be blonde guy with blue eyes
>The only kind of women that check me out are brown women or Blonde women with blue eyes
In my experience its different.


its fucking obvious mate

I speak from personal experience. My hair was blonde when I was a kid. It's dark brown now, thankfully. I would look like a faggot if it stayed that way. Blonde hair on men is associated with effeminacy and cuckoldry.


What's going on Jamal?

there was a german exchange student who was drowning in pussy here. Then i went to germany and sweden and was drowning in pussy there. such is life

>dutch fag on Sup Forums

I think I saw you in a thread yesterday

i was working all day yesterday
must have been some other fag

I'm bi, how do you react when you see the crazy conspiracy threads about us faggots? I just hide them

>22 year old blonde
>was 16 the last time I dated a blonde girl
>all girls since then have been brunette
>tfw just want a blonde waifu

>Also most children born blonde stay blonde

Wrong. In Norway pretty much every child has blonde hair or red hair, being born with dark hair is rarer, but the majority of these children eventually get darker hair when they grow up.

My hair was almost translucent and white when I was a child, but now its a dark blonde/light brown color. I get the benefits of being tall dark and handsome, while still being able to make fully blonde children with a blonde woman.

i browse through them and have a hearthy kek
its mostly just

Can confirm, am a redheaded guy with a blonde gf, and all my exes were either blondes or redheads.

Never had success with brunettes.

>tfw black hair and no qtredheadgf
Life is pain

>Frigid autistic Jew/slav bitch detected
The only people who will ever want to be with you will do so out of self-hatred and emotional masochism. Try to find a boring motherfuckers soul to another, it'd be a shame if you got to someone interesting.

Can't this enough. Most of the blondes you've probably seen aren't natural. I've seen so many dye their hair blonde in high-school and college.

They do not call blonde girls dumb for no reason.

>dirty blonde hair
>have a thing for blue eyed brunettes
Poor taste or not?

Wtf is wrong with this guy's nipples. There are totally not where they should be.

no clue
probably jewish tricks

Blond hair and blue eyes are inherently seen as feminine traits; Sup Forums can argue but the stats are there that women see black.dark hair and dark eyes as masculine.

t.dark haired dark eyed virgin


im brown hair brown eyed, I get grills but I could so much more if my mom just gave me her green eyes