Is this guy the most based motherfucker on earth right now?
Is this guy the most based motherfucker on earth right now?
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Hey Felix!
pewdiepie pls go
swedes will save earth
>Slowly revealing his power level for 50 million followers
pretty based desu
but what prompted this thread? did he do something new?
Nope. This thread is just more garbage and OP is a stupid nigger. Sage
Drop more redpills for more Sup Forums views Felix.
>makes millions by playing vidya
>must be doing something right
That being said, he's pretty much unbearable to watch for anyone over 15 years old, but adults aren't the ones making him disgustingly rich.
Like notch hes too rich to give a shit about libshit opinions
>he's pretty much unbearable to watch for anyone over 15 years old
I used to think so too, but he's changed a lot in the past few months
Fuck off back to YT pewdiefag. No one wants you here
Nice try. I'm not giving a faggot youtuber views to see if you're right. Pro tip: you arent
How so?
He lives in the UK now rite? Foolish burger.
Also no he is not wth?
PewDiePie is fucking purple-pilled at best. He'd vote for Clinton, he'd vote remain, he loves gays and dyes his hair gay colors. IDK if he browses Sup Forums, but I kept this screengrab from one of his videos some time ago.
Not an argument. He lives in the United Caliphate currently
Lol someone is paying shills to make shitposts bashing a youtuber because he said nigga
I donno man, I like his shit.
Then again, I feel obligated to keep a watch out on them swedes as a dane, less the baltic freezes over again and they start eating their disgusting canned rotten fish in our backyards again
It's not like you'd make the difference for his income, bro
We strongly suspect that he browses Sup Forums. He has been giving hints in that direction.
he said nigger on a recent episode of pewdipie: the youtube seris
and he's a fucking a white male
I agree I previously dismissed him like most youtube personalities but then he started gettimg referenced more on Sup Forums and recent videos are more sincere it seems like, I think his vanity has caught up with him and morphed into cynicism.
Just watched the video repilling about the "dethroning" new toy reviewer kid and how its sponsored by Walmart and has paid views and drastically less comments than your average video that has 100k+ views.
I like him ok now, but people can like or dislike whatever they want.
He may not be right now, but he will be.
.......more to follow.
agree. i only started watching recently, i don't know why i did, but it's pretty entertaining mostly because he made a lot of money playing video games and he jokes about it
>Just watched the video repilling about the "dethroning" new toy reviewer kid and how its sponsored by Walmart and has paid views and drastically less comments than your average video that has 100k+ views.
good episode
If I called myself Pewdiepie I'd snap after 10 years
he halfway say "nigga" like most white millennials do anyhow.
not exactly based
Fact: Swedens are the most powerful race in the world
He's got 50 million subscribers, the majority of whom are youngsters. He's handsome, charismatic and can get his point across to millions. Now he's redpilling his subscribers. So yes, he is fucking based. 4th Reich within a decade or 2. He looks a bit like me desu.
he made even more money by making positive-vibed videos to his kiddie fans, for example fridays with pewdiepie
if you look at the comments it's 90% kids saying how they miss "this" pewdiepie, but it's fucking cringey and you can tell he just forced being happy for those views.
you are primitive
PewDiePie is so redpilled. I bet he posts here.
He's the future trump of the world. You just better begin practice already. Say after me. Madam Pewdiepie.
He sucks. His channel was not deleted. He is not a man of his word, but an effeminate little bitch who trolls without remorse because he believes he is entitled to the protection of actual men with guns.
All he had to do was move to another service provider. I'd respect him so much just for telling Google to fuck off.
But now. He needs that big Google Jew cock up his hole so desperately. Because he's Swedish, of course.
To bad this little shit turd doesn't know how few actual men his people have left. Perhaps they do. Perhaps that is why they all put the ass up for lower IQ Muslim dick.
he just made a video about how people who fake happiness on youtube are pathetic and that it killed his soul to pretend to be happy all the time and act like he was having a good time and that he wont do that anymore. pretty based.
>...More to follow.
What does it mean?
He literally just made a video about forced positivity on youtube. Kind of pathetic because basically confirmed he's been feeling depressed himself, but if it's from taking tons of redpills I can totally relate. Seeing behavior during the U.S. election was mind numbing.
Wasn't his girlfriend attacked by refugees or something?
i didn't say saying or not saying nigger is based, it caused a trending topic on twitter so it got posted on pol
he's based because he's funny and entertaining without inserting topical trendy political opinions in his content
so are you. you're a monkey.
damn nigga he got you good, didn't he? he did in fact delete his channel. he never said WHICH channel he was going to delete. he deleted his extra channel that he made to force youtube to send him a golden play button that wasn't a broken piece of shit. he did it for a joke, but he did indeed get enough subscribers to it within a day or two to get another golden play button. so yeah, he did keep his word.
How can other countries even compete.
he didn't really contradict himself, he learned a lesson and is sharing in his video.
yes thanks pewdiepie
Oh no you won't, Sven. Not this time.
>shitposting this hard because you got bamboozled by a swede
Were you picked on by swedes or something holy shit
>t. neobagan norwegian fag
Are you genuinly fucking retar....sees flag....oh you're just swedish.....ok budy whatever you say(and they wonder why are they getting exterminated by muslims....).
He's turning into Rasputin