So, whats their religion

so, whats their religion

judaism or satanic materialism

lel worship

Rockefeller is supposedly a Christian.

Rothschild is a kike.

Freedom. Elites know religion is bullshit to trick the goyim


6-heart Shiva Hinduism

They worship Satan to mock christians

1. Age of Ares - they choose Baphomet the goat god and make him defeat the other one (each age has 2 main gods battling it out).

2. Baphomet thus persisted. At the end of each age both current gods go dormant until their next round. They subversed this.

3. Age of Taurus: Baphomet + the cult was used to enslave the bull god: Moloch. Worship of both gods in the cult began.

4. Age of Pisces: Baphomet + Moloch was used to enslave Lucifer, the Dragon, the Phoenix (think that´s an eagle on the US seal? Think again mystery babylon). Now three evil gods rule. But Jesus + "good" parts and sects of the Abrahamic religions manage to fend off all three dark gods for most of the age. Not with full success but enough to hold off NWO.

5. Age of Aquarius is incoming now. Kek or Heteq or the Frog is one of the gods. The other one I don´t know, perhaps the Water Bearer bringing the flood of destruction.

Tl;Dr: They worship the Goat, the Bull and the Dragon.

Unlimited organs mod and child rape


synagouge of satan. those who say they are jews, but are not

thoughts on babylon mystery religion? cooper had interesting claims

Nice digits but where are your sources for these extraordinary claims?


Not him, but what he is saying is right.
Exciting times ahead my friend

>anything occult is just satanism
oh you poor, useful idiots

thats actually one way to look at it thats not completely wrong

What book is this and why does it involve niggers?
Can anyone find it?

Jewish ethnocentrism/ethnic supremacy/Zionism. This is distinct from the actual religious tenements of Judaism -- they know that stuff is bullshit.

They also probably have a worship for materialism and themselves. Immortality is a huge goal for these people.

Why the fuck do you imbeciles always have to fucking drag satan into this shit ?

its like you're fucking indoctrinated.

fuck you and your imaginary friend

Because Satanism,Illuminati and Masonary is connected.
They both are from (((Bavaria))) is that why you are getting triggered?



krautcuck BTFO


err tenets

Their goal is One World Government, no sovereign nations anymore.Just one Luciferian Government with (((International Bankers))) running everything.


Also Satan dindu nuffin. LEAVE HIM ALOOOOOOOONE

But desu, everything the abrahamic "god" is supposed to have been doing over the course of the ages makes him exponentially more evil than your satan-"figure"

Defending that you Rothschild?

I noticed that too lol

Also let me remind you of the fact that the shitty abrahamic religions are all a-fucking-bout NWO and world domination.

Luciferians strive for their own good. They don't care for the world as long as they aren't bothered, because they're mere pagans that have adopted the biblical adversary as their main "deity", if at all.

mammon worship

No, but I'm sick of utterly retarded delusionals pulling arguments out of thin air and calling it
>muh satanism

i asked everywhere and noone knows it

Jah Bull On

Rothschild family is literally the Anti Christ and head of NWO

Rockfellers dindu nuffen, they're good christian boys.
Rothschilds are turbo kikes tho

Rockfellers are probably crypto they must be.

Oh tell me more about how some random rich ass motherfuckers are literally something from your manmade fairy tale.

Next you tell me they sacrifice children to appease their """god""" and to stay young.

Daily reminder that the old Rockefeller literally had 60 heart-transplants over the course of the last 10 years.

do you think romanovs got assasinated by rothschilds?

Horus is definitely one

I think this is correct. All evidence indicates they worship lel.

Yes, their western agents like Jacob Sciff financed the revolutionaries.

Their basement...

There are Anti Christ.There are no Nations,God or private possetion in their world government.Everything is run by (((them)))

The Almighty Shekel

figure looks like lavey

Did you know that Rothschild's are Trillionaires?


Why do these rich people have a book with a nigger face on the table? And why is there this literal pleb art statue in the background?

Kikes can't do anything right

Who cares? No amount of useless paper money will help them when they die from a bullet in their head.

George Soros pushes so hard for progressivism, even in societies which are not welcome to it, like Macedonia and Hungary, that I can think of no other reason that he is actually a true believer in Cultural Marxist dogmas.

You don't even know what you're talking about.

Your NWO shit stems, propaganda-wise, from your beloved abrahamic religion(s).

It then was adopted by the new age faggots like Helen Blavatsky which turned it into some pseudo-religious shit that also plagued the freemasons.

And if there's no god, how do you claim them to be satanists ? That literally makes no sense.
Not to mention that, as I've already said, satanists/luciferians are freedomloving people. Freeing themselves from dogma. That's indeed luciferian when you take the bible and the stories that accompany it by face value.

You're literally making shit up by throwing in pseudo-religious creed to describe something that has no deeper meaning than

>shekels and moar powazzz !!!!!

Ask /lit/

You should read Protocols of Elders of Zion

Ay lmaos in the sky are just holograms m8. All these jewlywood movies are preparing people for a fake ay lmao invation

And this, my dear caucasian friend, is the nail in your coffin.
Why not going ahead, citing Mein Kampf and the Turner Diaries as well ? They say that
>IZ ALL DAJUICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suggest you start contemplating the stuff you digest instead of just consuming.
Sure there might be small grains of truth but look at which faggots wrote all those books.

It's always faggots that fail hard in one or the other way, get mad, and go with the zeitgeist of who's fault it is at the given time. And because indoctrinated faggots are indoctrinated they blame de juice, because let's be honest, they killed thy christ, dindey ?

Jews! They're all fucking Jews! Jews have owned most of the world's wealth since the middle ages. Kings all over Europe financed their wars with loans from the Jews. When the kings couldn't pay their debts, they kicked the Jews out. Why the fuck haven't we done exactly that?

Lmao. Shoot one of them, I dare you.

Money. Seems to be working quite well, also.


Direct contact with demons/ayy lmaos

Atheism since they probably believe themselves to be gods

Devil Satan Lucifer etc....

I repeat, no

Probably Northern Baptists like their grandfather. Truth.

what's that nigger book on the desk?


I really really like that painting. Is it a Monet?

He follows a path i agree with, making Christianity and religion in general out to the the hypocrisy that it is.


Fuck off...

Attention please !

I repeat, attention please !

You're a faggot h3h3h3

Deism like any EVOLVED MIND