
Look at their reactions. Just do it. Their fucking eyes are watering. Two of them touch their faces to remove tears. One of the girls look like she's ready to be bedded by der führer.

They are completely transfixed by his speeches, Sup Forums.

The guy in the end is like "I wish I had such guts"

Gives me hope for the future, Sup Forums.


Other urls found in this thread:


Holy fuck at first I though it was a parody.
But these kids were genuinely moved by hitler's speeches.

No way this is real, holy kek
Wasn't Mein Kampf on the best seller's list again?

But then I stopped being a gullible fuck and checked again and realized that it was edited .

Too bad though...

"I know it's supposed to make me sad, but I'm just happy. It's like, restoring my faith in humanity."

Wow.. i guess teens are easy to redpill if you just reach out and let them judge for themselves instead of being told kike lies in school.


Too bad it's an edited video

Kikes would never show these speeches

Now post the real vid.

They just used the reactions from a different sappy liberal jerkoff video and replaced it with Hitler speeches.

It is very well done though and I can see lots of potential for future memes.

> When the redpill hits

>teens are easy to redpill

You mean brainwash.

>We are not ordered by the State; the State is ordered by the people!
Best Hitler quote.

>Trumpets are so dumb they don't even bother to check who uploaded this video

Uhmm, guys...

Fucking sheep need a shepherd, and a boot to lick right before it kicks them in the ass.

The sheep can have their leaders and I'll gather intelligent like minded individuals and go build a ruthless robot army to stop them from crossing my borders. We'll see whose further along in 50 years faggots.


That is why they recruit soldiers as young as possible and why the liberal regressives who have taken over education and academia are so dangerous.
They indoctrinate them when they are energetic very susceptible to ideology.

You done good OP

10/10 good find

>retards thinking the video is genuine
OP din jävla neger

If that's real or not, that's genius way to troll. Imagine having speech of genocide and teens saying the like it.

I assume this is only acceptable when the right does it.

What person couldn't be move by his speeches? The problem is we don't listen to them cuz people think it's evil.

I like how only the Asian kid nod in approval, but smoothly to not get noticed he agreed with him.

>all those retards itt and in the comments thinking its real

Imagine producing such videos in professional manner so you can't tell it to be fake, it's like doing reverse Jew-propaganda.

It really activates my almonds

2017 will be a great year, people don't know what's real any longer, you just need serious face and everything is normal.

Hitler was a delusional drug addict. By the time d day came he was doing an incredible amount of cocaine and methamphetamine

You faggots worship a degenerate piece of shit with delusions of grandeur who lost the war because he knew nothing of strategy and tried to micro manage the war effort.

I know you guys hate (((them))) but Hitler is not someone to look up to, he, and Nazi Germany deserve nothing but scorn.

Shame. Shame. Shame.

Samantha (((Ferricher))).

u feelin fit, buddy?

Jeez, they cut out the best part on purpose:
and one of them was talking over the epic sentence "the most precious possession you have in the world is your own people"

Nothing wrong with drugs in such a broad sense. We can incorporate responsible alcohol use into our society. Same goes for other substances.

A society which does not allow its citizens to alter their consciousness, is not an acceptable society.

Hitler had problems. Sure, but using drugs ≠ degeneracy. Is oktoberfest degenerate? Is drinking champagne degenerate? Is a good glass of wine and pipe tobacco degenerate?

No, and neither are other drugs, if used in moderation.

How to spot a manchild from plebbit:
>GoT memes
opinion discarded

>Swede cuckold trying to normalize coke, meth, and Arab cock.

Stop, you're only embarrassing yourself

Ideas should be discussed freely in academia and ideology should never trump logic or reason especially if it controversial.

But that is not what is it is like today is it?
If you do not tow the ideological line (liberal regressiveness), you will be fucked over or worked out of the sytem.

Just look at what they did to the Nobel Prize winner James Watson (co-discoverer of the structure of DNA in 1953) because of politically incorrect statements.

>Is oktoberfest degenerate?
>Is drinking champagne degenerate?
>Is a good glass of wine
>and pipe tobacco degenerate?

Not an argument

Honestly we need to make a watch Hitler challenge for big ratings and keep doing these Teens watching videos. The worlds waking up.

Being on drugs is nothing unusual for USA if we just count legal drugs.


We need to throw trillions of more dollars at the war on drugs because it's been going well so far. Just look at the incredibly low amount of drug addicts in the USA, the country which annually spends the most on the war on drugs.

>Champagne (just a different class of wine)
>Pipe tobacco
>Muslims aren't allowed to drink beer or smoke tobacco
>They are allowed to drink wine (or variations)

Really got my neurons firing Fritz al-Baghdadi(((berg))).

>pipe tobacco degenerate

Gas yourself Hans

it wasn't suppposed to be

it was a statement and an advice
now kill yourself and go back to plebbit
preferably in that order

I never said Beer is degenerate. I said the Oktoberfest, a (((capitalistic festival))) is degenerate.
Smoking is a non-european thing, it's literally subhuman.

Sup Forums is back to normal finally

how Fucking hard is it to check the description on a YouTube video? underage gullible fucks.

> Implying stuff I have not said.

I'm actually strongly opposed to arab cock.

Drugs, however, I am in favour of to some extent. Of course, used responsibly and in moderation. These requirements may render some drugs inappropriate by default - heroin, coke, meth, amphetamines, for example. These are difficult not to get hooked on, and maybe the state shouldn't allow them.

Others are, imho completely acceptable. LSD, Psilocybin, DMT, Cannabis, for starters.

I am not fond of drug culture. If you want to criticise that I include cannabis in this list, know that in my scenario, there would be no 420 lazy ass culture associated with it.

>capitalism is degenerate
very intresting hans

National Socialism is the only answer, John.

Hitler speeches on the treadmill increased my mile time dramatically.

Sieg Heil

You literally said the way in which Hitler used drugs wasn't degenerate. He snorted cocaine and injected methamphetamine every day before lunch. Leave it to a swede to think this is perfectly acceptable behavior

He's right. Moderm Capitalism has enabled niggers and kikes to turn their fake oppression into careers kek. Money for goods is great but this kike system we have in America has done nothing but fuck white Americans. Maybe trump will fix it but that's doubtful kek.

>Everyone thinks it's real

Guys, the video isn't real, he just took another fine bros video and edited hitler into it.

Well, it fucking is. Guess how the kike machine manages to operate so efficiently.

Manufacture needs, and then sell crap to fill the void. That something is sellable, in a capitalistic world, is enough justification to allow it by default. Capitalism is the playground of international finance.

Capitalism is literally the biggest blocker for human progress, right along with the MENA invasion.

The production in a society has to be regulated for the benefit of the people. If not, we get what we have today.


> Traditionalism without capitalism
> Socialism without universalism
> A unified society by a people, of a people, for the benefit and future of that people.
This is national socialism.

Guys I have to shit but my girlfriend has been in the bathroom for the last like fucking hour doing her damn makeup. I'm just trying to wait it out until she leaves but I'm about ready to drop these assniggers off in the backyard.

Leave it to an American to look down a man who accomplished more than he ever will.

Whining on Sup Forums is so much better.

Of course the cuck wants to lick boots

their faces are hilarious
n-not cool bro

I'd love to put my penis in Tori's vigina if you know what I mean

>capitalism is responsible for giving welfare to shitskins
the walfare state is literally the opposite of capitalism

what you have both in america and what we have in the uk is not pure capitalism you mong

pretty funny desu

to the retards who think this is real - check the channel name

'Mein Kamph' is one of best selling books in India, the current political party ruling India openly supported Hitler during ww2.

Keep shouting poo in loo while we work on the fourth Reich

Accomplished what? Single handedly destroying Europe so future generations would be so full of wHite guilt that they would allow hordes of brown people to colonise their homeland?

You're right, I haven't accomplished that



I wish they were real


Don't judge. Addie H, according to you, almost won WW2 while high. I'd like to see you attempt the same.

Maybe if Hitler had done some coke before deciding on what to do with the allied soldiers at Dunkirk, we would have a different kind of world today.

I can imagine him, with his square moustache frosted with white powder, coming out of the bathroom. Fire in his eyes.

"Just murder them all before I change my mind. The eternal anglo shall in me find no respite"

At least spell Mein Kampf right you filthy poo in the loo

No shit

>"Just murder them all before I change my mind. The eternal anglo shall in me find no respite"

If Hitler wouldn't want to ally with British, the British empire would've ended in a few mins.

Imagine if India was allied with Germany during ww2 and there was no Britain as a superpower.

Let me guess, the original version had some transvestite skinny manlet speaking in public how awesome it is to be gay

Autism in so many words.

Germany would have conquered Europe easily if he wasn't a drug addled megalomaniacal manlet.

But since he was an irrational faggot who wouldn't listen to his generals Germany fell. Hard.

No, someone who drove drunk and killed a man talked about it frankly and openly in a video. That was the original.

But good guess.

Why would they react so positively?

So just add some dramatic music and talk slowly to the rhythm and talk about how great you are for doing the right thing when all you did was fuck up, kill someone, and then somehow admitting you did it instead of lying gets you a nobel peace prize? What a piece of shit.

every. fucking. time.

Kids will react positively to anything you condition them to react positively to.

Besides Trump, Hitler and JFK no other real leader has achieved power in the west.
All pawns for smarmy kikes, imbred retards like Bush or fucking traitors, fags like Obama.
Weak and pathetic people that just go on holiday and leave their nation to wallow, they'll campaign, gain support, be happy when they got elected because they'll earn more money that way instead of losing the election.
All traitors, all weaklings, elites or the so called modern day aristocracy which has all the billion dollar companies under their fingertips making people slaves in debt and having them work for their benefits disquising it as minimal wage is done for.
They're all going to fucking burn and the middle and lower classes will spit on their graves.


i think you're talkin bout churchill faggot

Churchill lost the war?

Find the most politically neutral and emotional Hitler speeches and humanizing clips of Hitler and assemble them into a montage.

Yes, he did.

The US & British colonies won ww2, no one else.

why would a pair of kikes (thefinebros) ever release seomthing like this? Idiots

>kike drivel


your iq need to be over 90 to browse this board so fuck off nigger







it's not a meme


are you autismos?
obvioulsy we know its fake, maybe apart from the 3 retards

Poo brain idk if you're trolling but the war was all but lost when America entered, it was just a matter of time. Hitler was a gigantic retard who thought he could just March to Moscow ez pz. Russia won ww2