Red-pill Thread

Dump your info-graphs, quotes, memes, etc.

Other urls found in this thread:










This thread will probably get deleted so I wont bother to post all of them.











Did you really have to post that coal burning chipmunk with a fat ass ?

Motte and Bailey is used waaaay too much.

I found a pretty good explanation on it.

>So the motte-and-bailey doctrine is when you make a bold, controversial statement. Then when somebody challenges you, you claim you were just making an obvious, uncontroversial statement, so you are clearly right and they are silly for challenging you. Then when the argument is over you go back to making the bold, controversial statement.




Trying to get bumps man. Hard to start a good thread with all the bait getting bumped these days.






Which state is that outlier dot on the far left?











Good image for lefties that say the rich don't pay enough taxes. They usually have no idea who pays how much.





Whats this from?

Calhoun Utopia expirment.







>tfw you recognize porn stars from thumbnails

Time to get off this ride


the tattoos give it away



Have some more senpai.

Aliens are real (no kidding)

NJ or IL I bet

maybe CA or NY


I recognized the outfit and I haven't even fapped to that vid

>What we actually are

Yes, because the Libertarian Party didn't nominate Gary Fucking Johnson and /r/libertarian, arguably the biggest libertarian presence on the internet definitely doesn't line up with the left side of your bullshit.

Day of the rake when?

Yea the libertarian movement is a joke. I just like the image for explaining what it was supposed to be about.

Not a liberal, but taking extreme leftist opinions and applying them to all leftists is dumb

Almost no one says that
Evolution kinda implies that everyone is almos equal.
Also equal doesn't mean same.
Doesn't contradict. I believe 80%+ liberals wouldn't say that.
The point is that given similar backgrounds, race won't matter,
Joke, most leftists I know have no problem with racist jokes too.
Who says that?
Most libs wouldn't say that I think
Again, most won't say that
Doesn't contradict. I believe most liberals wouldn't agree.
Doesn't contradict.
Doesn't contradict.
Most wouldn't say that.
Most would say neither.
Doesn't contradict.
Most wouldn't say that.
Most wouldn't say that.
Doesn't contradict, in their opinion, that's not fair.
Doesn't contradict.
That's just to motivate people to use a supposedly better solution, doesn't contradict too.
Most wouldn't say that.
That's always been a dilemma, where free speech ends and hate speech starts. Free speech usually to be able to criticize.
For example:
"The government is wrong!" - Free Speech
"Kill Obama" - Hate Speech
Think equality, as in everyone gets the same conditions, not everyone should be treated the same.
So they say first take action to everyone gets the same starting point, and then treat them the same.

>Aliens are real (no kidding)
The left one is Jewish