Apologize. NOW.
Apologize. NOW
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Sorry that you're the gender you're born as.
They're doing it to themselves
>Mentally unstable people are suicidal
How is this news?
Sorry suicides didn't spike sooner
Hahahaha mike "use sodomites as Christmas lights" pence is pleased
You all make me sick.
Sounds like someone hasn't been taking their retrovirals
And it's all the fault of the fear mongering left wingers who make false claims against Trump even though he's pro-LGBT.
How much in denial are you?
I guess you could say they're real drama queens.
Mike "turn fruits into vegetables" Pence is under budget and ahead of schedule
lol good
>bigotry is a diease
So is obesity according to you, so hit the treadmill you fucking fatty
>The mentally ill are killing themselves. In other news, dog bites man and water is wet.
I'm bisexual and National Socialist and these scum had it coming. Not our fault you're mentally unstable.
But that's good.
Im sorry those fags cant kill themselves without troubling some person with a phone call.
>tfw too weak to even kill yourself without help from someone else
Fuck you Portugal, you made me wake my neighbors.
It's really hard for me to understand the motivation for hating somebody for their sexual orientation? Could somebody here explain it to me? I just don't get it.
The only disease I see there is faggotry
>gay Nazis
This timeline is the best timeline
The UK saw a rise in "hate crimes" after the Brexit vote, but what nobody reported on was the fact that it was because people were threatening leave voters and politicians.
Thank you for your loss.
Gay people are objectively not good for children. A lesbian household is just about the strongest factor in determining a child having developmental and behavioral problems.
>Living within hearing distance from anyone
>an establishment republican
It's gonna be a rough 4 years for you.
Whats going on in this thread?
That was based
Except Trump has said use whatever bathroom you want and basically has no problem with LGBTBBQ folks.
Maybe the news networks and all the other people who convinced normies that Trump was Hitler 2.0 ready to send all Jews, gays, etc. too to the concentration camps should apologize for the fear they created and its very real consequences.
>8 years
If it were a secret, private, shameful thing like it used to be, I wouldn't hate them - I'd feel sorry for them and want them to get the help they need.
But now they're an organized movement that ropes the weak-minded into their "lifestyle". So now I hate them, and I will hate them until every last one of them is back in the closet out of fear
Hitler 2.0? No, he's more like a Putin figure if Putin was totally emotionally retarded, a narcissist and maybe 30 IQ points lower.
let me FTFY faggot pedditor
>You all make me pleased.
making america great again literally under budget and ahead of schedule
It's a ill wind that blows nobody any good.
>Implying they will even make it through the end of Current Year
Less than 1% of the population and the MSM gives this abomination front page.
I have more respect for the fags than I do homos.
Gay men serve an evolutionary purpose.
When the men of a cave man tribe were out hunting (often for days) the women and children would be left unguarded.
Gay men staying with the women was a safe bet since they wouldn't fuck them, but they would also deter predators or other cave man tribes.
Gay men are evolutionary scarecrows.
So you had some internalized desire to get butt fucked and you desperately need a scapegoat and you happened to focus on the 'culture' that must have indoctrinated you into your feelings. Seems pretty unreasonable to not simply accept something that's a complete non issue. Dunno though, your argument is hardly convincing... I'm looking for somebody to intelligently explain it to me.
Trump will make America great while Pence makes America straight
Fucking weaklings, they should shoot Pence when he is doing something in Public if they really want to make a difference and don't want to live anymore anyways.
Well I had to go and take a screaming laugh at my porch.
After 4 years the establishment republicans will be trump republicans in order to get elected because of all the winning trump will do.
Nah, he just wants to secure the 2018 mid-terms to get the Article V convention he needs to remove some of the limits on the office of the Presidency. Then he steps aside for Ivanka to lay the groundwork for Barron 8 years later, who leads humanity to the stars.
Don't worry, it will only ever get worse from here. Welcome to Trump's America!
>So you had some internalized desire to get butt fucked
Even if this were true, wouldn't it just make what I'm saying stronger? It takes far more conviction to condemn something that you yourself desire than something that disgusts you
I can't tell you how many times faggots have made me think about killing myself.
They're hateful people who are mentally ill.
They try and make Christians out to be monsters for preaching, non-degenerate idea.
I understand that they are the ones who are wrong now.
And I will not be shamed for believing in Jesus.
Not with his current popularity level.
What the fuck is that? A multi-jew?
Trump isn't even president yet and he's already taking out the trash
Make me, faggot.
Is that you?
You're condemning people over something out of their control. I guess that's where the disconnect is. I don't think it's possible that they can 'indoctrinate' people into the 'lifestyle.' I think sexuality is incredibly diverse and there's no real right answer so long as it's two consenting adults and it doesn't harm anybody else. I just can't accept that two dudes banging matters to anybody but them.
Exactly. They're proud of the fact that they enjoy sodomizing men, and they want to turn Christianity into something to be embarrassed about.
They're proud of what's shameful and ashamed of what's uplifting
>Apologize. NOW.
no get a life
Ive honestly wondered myself. Im on mobile and never got the chance to reverse image search it. Kinda terrifying if its real.
this is the kind of opinion leading us into moral degeneracy.
I wished they did not bother calling and just an hero.
>I put the sauna on
>And there's beer
>It's on me
Pretty much yes.
This one always confused me. I live with two gay guys currently and they both agree that Trump's never really said anything against the LGBT community at all.
AFAIK there was one time he said something about trannies getting to use whichever bathroom they felt like they should in trump tower and there was him promising to protect the community with his immigration policies after teh Orlando shooting.
So where these retards are getting the idea that he'll suddenly reduce them to second class citizens immediately to the point where they want to off themselves I have no clue. Is it literally just scaremongering from their (((news))) sources?
Stop being pussies
Actually yeah, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure Trump has not taken a stance against LGBT whatsoever...
>Best guess for this image: Sea
Well, gee, thanks Google for figuring out that much. I'm still going for the multi-jew. Look at the amount of nostrils.
>You're condemning people over something out of their control
Nobody forces them to have sex with men. (And if they do, that's an entirely different subject). Nobody forces them to have parades celebrating it. Nobody forces them to want their perversion displayed as a wonderful thing in every movie in the theater and network on the television.
> I don't think it's possible that they can 'indoctrinate' people into the 'lifestyle.'
Then you're a fool - among the left, being homosexual or willing to be sexually involved with people of your gender is quickly becoming a mark of honor.
People will do what their culture or subculture encourages them to do. And the Left's culture is quickly becoming one where being gay gives you the equivalent of street cred.
> I think sexuality is incredibly diverse
So is psychosis. That doesn't mean that we can't call it a disorder.
>so long as it's two consenting adults and it doesn't harm anybody else
Those adults are now encouraging others who might feel tempted to engage in those acts to do so, and creating the temptation to do it in those who otherwise never would have.
If society encourages homosexuality, people will engage in homosexuality.
No fucking clue. I support an LGBTA+ choir and go to some of their events. It was sad just how many folk seem to honestly believe that "Trump is going to round us all up and send us to FEMA camps", and that there are going to be death-squads hunting trans-folk. Actually had someone tell me that I wasn't really gay since I voted for Trump.
>the day I learned that after years on the meat market, you can just vote differently than someone to instantly become not gay
>media lies to the mentally ill
>it's Trump's fault they fell for it
It's the same propaganda that's made people think Russia is hacking us all Deus Ex-style.
>among the left, being homosexual or willing to be sexually involved with people of your gender is quickly becoming a mark of honor.
>a mark of honor
>This multi-jew is in our sea
its not trump or his supporters fault trannies started killing themselves, its the MSM and liberals scaring them into suicide by saying trump is literally hitler.
Only rural and suburban retards supported Trump.
All the city people voted Hillary.
attention seekers seek attention
All the stinky fish dicks are squawking about Charlie Sheen zika diseases and muh mentally ill genes that they don't have at all. Mental illness isn't real. Maybe if God and Adam have tits I can regrow my lost vagina. Only Lucifer is actually like this. We caused the fall of mankind but we'll blame you and lie about sodomy and the genders of angels. Women are not men but are our exact opposites. Somehow you are more manly for not using a surrogate. Enjoy the toothjobs alimony and inane conversations about nothing. You guys get along so well you completely ignore eachother
Eternal Hetero BTFO