USA allowing more Muslim vibes in there uniforms

Thoughts on this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Quit being an idiot. Sikh stuff isn't muslim at all.

It honestly doesn't matter because their are no Muslims in the military. This is just meaningless shit that King Nigger's cronies are trying to push which is ultimately pointless considering Trump is going to sack all the shitty PC faggots that Obama appointed in the Military.

55% white
100% cucked

That's a sikh

yeah i took the bait nigger faggot

>not having an entirely fag army

america please

sweden fends off russia with a force of 10 queer scientists. get on board with the new millenia

>Hijabs aren't Muslim

Sikh bait lol

Same shit, you shoudn't cater to their retarded miths.

Who gives a fuck. These sand niggers don't get special rights in the military. Liturgies against everything the military is about. Fuck you made me respond.

Muzrats shouldn't be allowed in the army but FYI your pic related is a Sikh

sick and pathetic. These people are literally proud to be subhumans and wear subhuman garbage outfits.

these people would be shitting in holes and living in mud huts, and dying by the millions of single diseases, if it wasn't for us, so they should at least wear our uniform and try and imitate us.

>what is a gas mask
>what is uniformity with the only distinction being rank and experience

We'd be better off standing up a Sikh unit like the Brits did. Allowing special snowflakes into regular military units is not a good idea.

Your a fucking pussy

Don't freak, he's Sihk.

"How can this happen in Trump's America?!!" is going to be a reoccurring thread type isn't it?

Top-down reactionary policies is only going to entrench the left.

I fear they're planning a worldwide elimination of the armed forces in favor of drones and software.

These are the initial stages of disruption, morale destruction and effectiveness elimination of human forces.

That's a Sikh. Sikh are our greatest allies against the Muslim invaders. They have been killing Muslims longer than any group in history. On par with the buddhists in Burma who genocide the Muslims

Most of Sup Forums would rather have that sand nigger than you

Most of the world would

Most of your neighborhood would

You're shit

Asalam aliakyum kafir,

Have you decided to convert to Islam today, mashallah? You only need to say the shahada in order to join the ummah. If you dont youll have to pay the jizya tax. Please do this or we'll cut your hands off, inshallah!


>mfw I lived long enough to see the islamification of the United Stated of Arabia.

Holy fuck kill yourself you left wing faggot

Haha funny joke my Indian friend. I would gladly wage war on Islam with you any day

Lol ok nigger.

Finland fends off Russia while Sweden gets bent over and gets analed by mamoud

then sweden laughs in enjoyment

Keith Ellison 2020

Shik ≠ Muslim. Shik is bro-tier and will be honary Aryans in rice war.


>tfw the guy watching your back doesn't have helmet requirement

LOL fuck no they won't they will die in the end

the romans military let germans keep their culture and traditions and look what happen to them.

btw your a fucking cuck

Maybe you'll adopt their car bombing tactics. Who knows, theres always room for improvement.

Sikhs are absolute bro-tier and one of the few welcome minorities in the West.

Sikhs are:
>largely conservative
>keep to themselves
>discourage interracial relations
>despise Muslims
>promote family values
>value education, lawful behavior and language integration

Their worst trait is head gear...honestly they are among the best minorities out there. I'd rather have Sikhs as my neighbor than niggers, spics, or white liberal pink-haired faggots.

They are trash you're a soft little bitch

Hi newfag


I have no problem with their headgear in any other circumstances but the military. Once in the military you put your personal shit aside. You are a team, a unit. We have decades old traditions and customs. They should follow those like everyone else or fuck off out of the military.



>more soldiers have been killed by rogue Muslim soldiers than there are Muslim soldiers in the military

Thanks Obama

You defend sand niggers in white countries and call me a fag? Pathetic

>Niggers and Muds get to grow beards
>Asians and Whites have to shave

Sort your shit out NATO

That's weird I didn't know Chinese hated Sikhs...interesting

This is true sikhs are good people. Literally an entire religion based on killing muslims


Exhibit 1:

Exhibit 2:



Never change Finland, you're the only hope for the region

Looks like a sikh to me...

>americans think sikhs are the same as muslims

reminder sikhs are meant to carry swords at all times so they can protect the innocent from evil doers (read: muslims)

Sikh =/= Muslim

You fucking twat.

Sup Forums


Am I living in an alternate reality?
Wtf is going on. Everyday its either news about trasgender kids, or muslims.
Sick of this shit

Sikhs are cool.
Lay it off.

As a Sikh kinda hurts to see how much of you hate us for no reason or because we look similar to Muslims, we absolutely HATE Muslims because we wouldn't covert to their stupid ideology and they slaughtered us for it. If there is a war against Muslims Sikhs will always be ready to fight, that's why there is a lot of turbaned men in the army ready to kill those fucks. Please don't confuse us with them because that's just insulting and being ignorant to history, glad there is people in this thread that do know that though.

We love you.
Sikhs are bros.

Lol we already had that. We have a female muslim commander in our army too that wears hijab. You'll never be as progressive as us.

You're probably a Canadian Muslim triggered by our acceptance of based Sikhs.
Go cry to Trudeau, faggot.

>Same shit, you shoudn't cater to their retarded miths.
>you shoudn't cater to their retarded miths.
>their retarded miths.

Cringe. How fucking dull can you get?

Don't mind the newfags, we will slaughter Wahhabist scum together, bro.

It's not his first language

Half the thread is pointing out that Sikhs are not Muslims and that Sikhs are bros.

Kevlar turbans...there solved.

Would rather have a proud Muslim-killing Sikh watching my back than a limp-wrist don't ask don't tell "man" or a grrrl soldier

>Mmmm mmuh HAT

How does this lower army morale?

he's not muslim, he's sikh. sikhs are bro tier, they remove kebab.

This. Wear that shit on your own time. I guess it doesn't really matter for POGs, but in a combat zone you're not an individual snowflake, you're 1/9 of a squad.

Dude's a military doctor, he'll never be humping a rifle around.

Sikhs have been proudly wearing their turbans in some of the worst war zones for centuries. We are lucky to have any in the services.

Just like how I'm sure you feel lucky to have a big strong bull to fuck your wife.