Finnish gypsies beat up their sister

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Now if you could only give me a quick briefing, you Mongol that'd be great

The girl that they are beating apparently had sex with the husband of the woman who is beating her.

Justice served. Philandering is degeneracy.

>Gypsies being the niggers they are
Literally nothing new

So they are not related? You mean sisters as in another gypsy? Either way they don't look gypsy at all, I'm of Portuguese ancestry and I'm bretty tanned

Usually there is a 2 people having sex so they are both as guilty, the husband and this girl.

What are moor genes?

Finnish gypsies are pale because they have been living here for 500 years and been mixing with finns. And they are related, the girl they are beating had sex with her sisters husband.

why are gypsies in finland?

They mostly look like this but some can be mixed.

But they are a fucking plague anyway.

Irrelevant country, irreleant people. saged

They are like a plague like the gay-swede said

how dafuq did gypsies manage to get in every single country in Europe?

The fact that they are gypsies is irrelevant. They are fighting degeneracy.

So gypsies are the only good moral fins?

>fighting degeneracy
>50% employment rate

>fighting degeneracy
>with inbreeding criminal clan mentality

Gypsies gonna gyp


>not fighting degeneracy
>most cucked nation in EU
sounds like you need more gypoos

We have a minority of gypsies that are different from the foreign gypsy beggars who traveled here after Schengen zone was created. Our local gypsy population has lived here hundreds of years and they speak Finnish. However, they are still distinct from normal Finns. They tend to have darker hair, and certain kinds of names indicate gypsy background. Also, they have a reputation for stealing, scamming, stabbing, and feuds between different gypsy families.

One of my grandpas is a native, my mom looked like this girl when she was young, but you aren't wrong either ivan

Fuck you finland
This happened because of you,and now i will come with my family ther and ask money
Fuck you finland

Kek, curwa (or however the fuck is written) is the only Romanian word I know.

No such thing
Those are kebab that squatted in finland

>Gypsy fighting degeneracy.

Nigger, you have gone FULL RETARD!

The entire religion and philosophy of Gypsism is based on stealing, robbing, swindling and fraud. These people are the curry flavored sewer rats of Kikes

I want to sex that

> fighting degeneracy
> by being biggest criminal groups in finland in rape, murder and theft even when there is only 10 000 of them in Finland

They were exiled here from Sweden couple hundred years ago.

Well I'm not saying their not thieves and in general a pest to society, but atleast they're not cucks.

I dispute the rape part. That shit goes to muslims and you know it.

Weirdest Fanta commercial I've ever seen.

Nah, search from hommaforum thread where rapists first names are gathered. Most of (((finns))) have manne names like Hagert. They only did few but they shared number one place with iraq beard children.

Like you are any better

Oh.. I am sven

Witness the my unmasked power.

Haja kaajot voite mennä koinii emäänne saastat,, homokasetti soimaan ja valkolais tanssia havaa nauraaa

>first name

Either they were surnames or you fucked up.

Could it be because they're pagans?

Why the fuck is this on Sup Forums?

Finnish gypsies are christian.

>Finnish gypsies

They are gypsies, not finnish.


they do literally nothing

I'm so sorry you had to see this.

He is wrong, being tanned doesnt mean moor genes

Slavic/germanic pigs believe every people in europe was pale with light hair and eyes

They dont want to think iberians, latins and greeks were tanned with dark hair and eyes

Gypsies in Finland have their own finnish accent. We often imitate them for lulz, it never gets old.

They must never have heard "Thou shalt not steal" then

Makes no sense.

Why not beat the male partner, he proved he was willing to cheat. The women is irrelevant, she is a test subject, she helped to provide the proof the male was capable of adultery.

Beat the adulterer.

Oh look it's the 80 IQ shitskin.

Remind me on how well your country is doing? Worse than slavic/germanic countries?

Who is holding you down brotha?

>he doesn't know that pol is Sup Forums 2.0

Even so you do not have a drop of greek blood in you shitskin. Your primitive mind just equals dark hair to yourself.

Latin people had brown hair you sad shitskin

Oh boys


I think I used to see these fuckers loitering around Hogdalen Centrum when I lived in Stockholm, they'd wear these big fucking black dresses that they presumedly had a shit ton of stolen goods hidden under and generally smelled like shit. My girlfriend at the time told me they were Finnish gypsies and I had no idea such thing existed until witnessing it first hand. Depressing to think that no matter where in Europe you go you can not escape people like this

>Dark hair and freckles

They aint so bad

They just rob stores and white people

Gypsies have lived in Finland for over 500 years and still have not integrated to the native population.
None of them have any jobs either.

Integration/assimilation is a myth.
It never happens.

It does happen and it's not a myth, you just need the "right" people to make it work.

Wtf now im never going to Finland.


Amsterdam has a team dedicated to catching (gypsie) pickpockets and shoplifters in the inner city. Recently some dude blew up in the media because he makes it his weekend job assisting this team in identifying the culprits. Dude's an ordinary citizen who goes gypsie hunting for fun in the weekends.


>fins have their own gypsies
You guys are really funny.

It's not very fun.

>Be a finn
>Go outside for groceries
>Wild gypsy appears
>"heyyy u have cigarettes? u believe in god? are u gay?"
>"N-no I'm..."
>Get stabbed

>and they speak Finnish
funny jouk

Finnish gypsies are something totally unique. It's literally never stopping 247 circus around them. They steal, they stab, they all are unemployed, they all drive 80s shitty mercs, they are inbred, they have own language and culture which is straight from 1700s and if you think niggers/SJWs are good at tossing the blame to others you have not seen finnish gypsy. Oh and they all are super christians.

You forgot the most common one
>"hey can i borrow your phone"
if you answer no then >get stabbed
if you answer yes and give it to him then >bye bye phone

rip failed greentext

Good. All adulterers deserve to be hung high and dry.

Seriously. For a bunch of nomads, they sure do get around.

This is why everyone has a crappy android in their pocket and your response is "im out of battery"

Gypsy is bit misleading for this group. They are not traditional nomad gypsies. They share some similarities but have developed own "culture" and language.

What you need to know about them is that they are more poisonous, cancerous, inbred and fucked up than normal european nomad gypsies and if you ever visit finland (which you most likely wont) stay the fuck out of their way because they are super impulsive and all of them carry knife.

And yes, they do think they are modern version of early 20th century italian mafia.

>take a little break for some orange soda
>continue the beating
Would be pretty based if it was someone that deserved it more.

inb4 its viral marketing for Fanta™

>deserved it more.
She should've been beaten to death for cheating, though. Or are you a """victimless""" crime cuck?

Hello Ahmed


I'm not Islamic but it's one of the very few points I agree with, Finncuck.

Cheating destroys families not just marriages. Only sociopathic subhumans defend their shitty actions. KYS

Well isnt it the man here who is cheating his wife?

Both should hang IMO. It takes two to tango.


the way you handle this is simple, ignore them and let them kill each other.
we are veterans at dealing with them over here. they don't deserve the slightest of human attention so don't give it to them

waiting for the part where she turns into a werewolf.

Fucking kaale, man. I guess this started a gypsy blood feud.

Post them ebin gypsy memes :DD

You forgot Raikku who puts urku's in solmu's :D

Got ya bro

Sounds like slav music to me famalam. Are gypsies crypto slavs?

They forgot to cut her scalp while they trimmed her hair.

God damn, she boot stomped her head.

Who cares? Let them kill each other

Gypsies are everywhere in Europe you retards.

What OP posted is pretty light and kind of amateur-ish in terms of violence amongst gypsies.