How is this not the sake as the white boy who got kidnapped by those 4 chimps?

How is this not the sake as the white boy who got kidnapped by those 4 chimps?

let's not have double standards Sup Forums we're better than that. Not bait, i just dont know how to rationally defend this when some libshit brings it up in a argument, so maybe one of you phaggots can help me understand.

Why is there no outrage for this incident?
if your answer is "because they were black" kill yourself.

Why spell faggot with a "ph"?

no video and it's over 6 months old

I'll take "unique circumstances" and "lack of similarities" for 800, Alex.

This creep didn't publicly humiliate someone while live-streaming it.

Why do you keep bringing this up? I post over 9000 black on white rape stories everyday if I wanted.

I still don't understand why this nigger spelled faggot with a ph. Is that a Facebook thing?

fuck off faggots answer the question

Its true though
Its because he was black
If that got released into mainstream media we would have the biggest chimp out in history.
When its a white victim white people don't do shit.
When its a black victim the niggers chimp the fuck out.

>when you walk by a place and hear a disabled kid being tortured

>Posts video evidence for all to see
>Literally "fuck white people"

I get that, if true, it's unfortunate that justice failed to deliver. But when you video tape kidnapping and clearly racially motivated crimes, how can you be shocked when justice is swifter?

Why did you spell it with a ph though? Do you not like typing it out? Are you a fag?

When this happened white people didn't defend them. The four niggers deserve death alongside the countless chimps defending their actions.

This. And
>one was a hazing
>the other was racially motivated and inspired by BLM

When a white kid gets kidnapped and tortured
>man kidnapped by 4 people

When a black person is attacked by white people

>group of WHITE people attacked a BLACK man/woman

>Are you a fag?
It must take one to know one, I guess.

>Why is there no outrage for this incident?

Because they weren't stupid enough to livestream it over fucking Facebook

There was outrage when the story first released. Main difference is one has kids' extreme bullying and the other adults torturing a disabled man.

What a tiny ID

Are you used to sucking huge IDs?


>Why is there no outrage for this incident?
im still wondering why BLM hasnt said anything about this.

im as confused as you are.

Because you're a giant fag and nobody cares about retarded niggers.

you dont think its a bit strange that niggers arent chimpin and hollerin about this one?

because they were black

>Hazing Gone Horribly Wrong


>Terrorist Chimps Scalp, Rape, And Inject Heroin in Retarded Man Live on Faecburg

Holy shit it's exactly the same, really got my etc etc.

Because you're a chink.

>inject heroin

Citation needed.

I would expect more attention about kidnapping of famous people.

Fuck off t*rk, this is a human-only website.

Because he was white.....