Is Jontron, dare I say it...our guy?

Is Jontron, dare I say it...our guy?

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JonTrons a fucking joke


I don't know who JonTrons is, but you're a Canadian.


>two threads about youtube celebs

He had a Breithart interview last month

I enjoy his videos even though I was never really a gamer... cool guy, doesn't afraif of anything

I'm getting so fucking tired of you leaves

Please don't defame Jontron by associating him with us, He seems like a genuinely nice guy, and I don't want to fuck that up for him.

The fact thar he would dare post such a thing proves he is literally a Nazi. He probably also hates races like muslims and mexicans

Didn't you hear, e-celebs are cashing in on the alt-right. You gotta hand it to them, they know where the money is after the old cashcow dies.

I love how you guys talk shit about the Jews, but will worship low tier jewish cocks. What is wrong with you guys? At least stick to one formula

Milo and Jontron sex tape when?

It's why they're successful, they know where things are going before everyone else does

He's obviously not, but he's also not a retarded ideologue.

Jontron, like pewdiepie, are many things. But they are not dumb. Nor are they ignorant. Anyone with a vested interest in keeping up with current events and truthful information sharing will eventually become red pilled. Unless you are completely retarded or a slave to propaganda or emotions caused by having a pussy.

Did Egoraptor and his self-proclaimed SJW girlfriend do this to him? Leftist politics ruined his greatest friendship and best gig playing videogames.

jontron is iranian, he isn't even white.

Jontron is great when he hits but the misses are steadily outgrowing them.

He only did those Star Wars shill videos because he wanted money. He's a good guy, I swear!

He's persian you dip

>Jonathan Aryan "Jon" Jafari

you ignorant fuck, it's the same shit

eh, Jontron was fairly redpilled long before the alt-right were even a thing. I remember him pissing off people by calling them retarded and tweeting a Plebcomic of Zoe Quinn in an orgy even before GamerGate existed.

Leafposting is reaching Romanian levels of stupidity, range ban coming soon.

>Paying any attention to jewtube shitheads.

What's wrong with you?

Nice job dropping that whole "fuck white people" thing.

Honorary Aryan

If you don't like JonTron then fuck you.

Jontron is Iranian but is based

Cenk Uyghur is Turksmell and sucks

JonTron was one of the original GamerGate heroes who dropped out early for fear of ostracizing cuck viewers, Jon being our guy isn't news at all

He persian

jon tron was good until he began associating with retards like h3h3

His middle name is literally "Aryan"


He's fat ergo his opinions on anything are irrelevant.