Niggers are the future

Niggers are the future

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we stop feeding them and the pop falls like snap

The world population in the year 2100 will be closer to 1 billion than 10 billion.

Screencap this post.

Wow, really makes you think...


>Whitest country in the American Continent.




No you fucking idiot that will only make their population grow.
The two things that decrease population are high standards of living and feminism.
If we want to keep the African population down, we need to improve their lives, and give them (((feminism))).

Also post mortality rates and AIDS per woman.

What a load of horseshit.

alright obama administration settle down
we have to get rid of the christians too right?

>If we want to keep the African population down, we need to improve their lives
Or you can let them starve you cuck.

>I'm a retard: the post

>not Argentina

yeah no problem - ethnic cleansing 2.0 incoming

We can't make them take western values fast enough, just stop feeding them and the whole continent will go full Somalian famine

>no food
>population grows


It will be 50 million in 2150. Etch this post into a stone tablet.

Please check out Kurzgesagt's 'Overpopulation - The Human Eplosion Explained' to learn about how population growth works before saying racist bs anonymously ;)

>Etch this post into a stone tablet

the past and the future

The Kebabs are fucked, the dindus are going to colonise the middle east and there is nothing they can do about it

2 expensife my friend

I tested the other anons theory with mice and it worked fine


>Win by ten million votes
>Still lose
Explain yourself americucks

brainwashed kindergardener votes are not legal tender in america

False. Russia is poor as shit and they breed less than Swedish interracial cuckolds.

all you need is feminism.

This is correct. A higher standard of living and sexual equality would mean women stay in school longer and have babies later and therefore fewer.

Look at any first world countries' fertility rate. It's not just whites, Asians too. Germany's population is shrinking at an incredible rate.

The stupidity of fucking idiots that don't understand this basic concept is evident in the replies.

Humanity will grow and then start to shrink by most measures. The third world might be humanities only hope in the future....

>The third world might be humanities only hope in the future....

This is all we need to know about people like you.

Feminism can only work when welfare is present.

the gibs eventually run out

made me smile good job user.

niggers even coming to Germany for ficki ficki to produce half niggers

the solution is even more easy. once the niggers are getting strong enough in (ex) White countries they gain the power. the Problem is that the niggers are at all less intelligent that other races which will cause hunger due to overpopulation and poor Food production. this leads to starving and war, they will kill each other while the Whites are sipping tea in reserves

Support only the women, make women hate African men because they can't get shit done etc.

africa is literally a petri dish. those nigs would die off within a year if globalists stopped feeding them

But why?

>Humanity will grow and then start to shrink by most measures
and then it will grow again

when there's lack of legal protection tribal law overrides most of the power dynamics.

Inserting spirals and offering free abortions is probably more effective.

Thanks missionaries and bleeding hearts.

charts like this are so stupid and trigger me thoroughly

they just cut it off when there is a trend showing what they want and extend the line into infinity like nothing could possibly affect the variables over such a long timespan

Good thing they haven't invented sailing yet.

I don't think they woul be ok with abortions. They don't care if their kids eat dirt, can't go to school or die because they dont have clean water.

>4 billion sub-saharans
that is horrifying, maybe they'll make a bridge of corpses across the Mediterranean

>The third world might be humanities only hope in the future....

hmm why would they be against abortions if they don't care about anything? I guess they just don't care though which is sort of a problem.

Airdrop boxes of condoms. If all else fails, VX gas.

hi everybody, welcome to:
>"we stop feeding them"
and other retarded delusions

wow, maybe they did need some lebensraum
packed like fucking sardines

I'm sure paying for more niggers will solve the nigger problem, it's a perfect plan

The third world doesnt possess the genetic intellectual ability to be anyone's "hope"

it's gonna change once everyone there has high speed internet and starts fapping 6 times a day like us

Can earth even feed that number of people?

There's no way the population of Sub-Saharan Africa will ever get that high when most of them can't even feed themselves as it is right now. Could you imagine 4 billion of them trying to farm enough food for themselves? No, what will happen is that the entire place will become Ethiopia on steroids. They'll likely end up hunting everything into extinction and raid the small farms that do exist to the point that no source of food will exist. At that point, you'll end up getting an Easter Island 2.0 where they're left to eating each other and eventually dying out completely.

too bad the chart doesnt take into account the obvious famines that africa goes through yearly.

That would be alright for functional societies. But Africa is not a functional society, they only survive via handouts from 1st world countries.
If the handouts stopped even if Africa had whoppingly massive birth rates they would have a huge death rate.

There's no need to do any elaborate plans for africa, stop giving them handouts and that entire continent collapses immediately.

Maybe but then you can't have nice things because it's all eaten.

>whites and middle easterners will still dominate the world

>what is the electoral college

Election system protects states

>they would have a huge death rate.

Nah, they would have a huge emigration rate

The point is, you fucking moron, that niggers are incapable of creating societies with a higher standard of living because they're fucking stupid.