>we hate jews
>muslims hate jews
>we hate muslims
>jews hate muslims
>muslims hate us
>jews hate us
So whats stopping us from siding with muslims for a bit inorder to kill all jews?
We hate jews
>JEWS control our society.
>Brainwash us to believe in Multiculturalism.
>Muslims destroy our society.
>Brainwash us to believe in Multiculturalism.
So are you saying musli.s are worse than jews?
Their one in the same.
They both share the same DNA.
Only separated by religion.
Both are equally disgusting. Jews are more powerful, but that doesn't mean that Muslims should be our allies.
>>They both share the same DNA
Jews and Arabs i mean.
Wtf i am on Sup Forums right? My friend told me you guys are super racist whats going on?
Some of Sup Forums
its Just a Stereotype.
Super Racists get the most attention.
>we hate muslims
>muslims hate us
You just fucking said it, you dumb sandnigger!
siding with them =/= importing them and letting them set your laws
Hezbollah and President Al-Assad & SAA is the only ones we Like.
Syria and Lebanon are the best only nations in the middle east I care about, I also like Iranians for the fact their existence infuriates Saudis and Jews
Mudslimes are just like niggers...
Most jews are good people
I'd rather side with jews to kill muslims, jews won't rape my gf or mother on the street.
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, most likely just another enemy
Most Muslims aren't Arab though, they live outside of the Middle East. Let's look at the top 5 countries with most Muslims.
1. Indonesia
2. Pakistan
3. India
4. Bangladesh
5. Nigeria
So Asian or African countries with non-semetic populations. In fact more Muslims live outside the Middle East than inside. So no, don't share the same DNA.
nice try Mehmet
because muslims mostly still grow via r-selection.
most jews use k-selection.
they'll outstrip your ability to get rid of them unless you go full hitler.
jews are mostly insipid, but relatively lower fertility than muslims.
Muzzies being brown shitstians .
Because Jews are white unlike Muslims.
Whites must always stick with, and support, other whites.
I've seen this South African shilling for the Jews lately, ignore him, Jews aren't white. Jews that appear white have hybridized with whites but are tainted with the genes of the traitors of Christ.
i corrected myself.
Arabs are the one's in control of spreading islam Wahhabi Countries Saudi Arabia ,Qatar,Kuwait,UAE pay for mosques to be built in America and Europe.
I don't know what world you live in, but plenty of white people and white nations team up with Jews and Muslims.
If you're asking why Sup Forums won't side with either, that's because Sup Forums has no friends IRL.
One should fight a jew like a jew and not like an animal, because then we will get domesticated sooner or later. Reich has proven that.
I'm an ex-muslim arab and I support Israel!
South Africa and Israel were very buddy buddy back in the day.
Both apartheid states that drew a lot of criticism from the international community.
There's speculation that South Africa even had nuclear weapons at some point, with the help of Israel.
>So whats stopping us from siding with muslims for a bit inorder to kill all jews?
Muh 6 gorillon. Western civilization has been conditioned to always side with jews because of it.
>siding with muslims
Say what?
>jews hate us
Who is "us"?
Do you have a mouse in your back pocket?
Maybe Jews hate you cause you suck Muslim cock
kus u5tak uncle mustafa
lmao Nick Berg, good times
back when Sup Forums was good
>Jews want America to defend Israel for free
>Muslims want to destroy western civilization
Eat with the Jews, sleep with the Christians and fight against the Muslims.
>Cherry picking this hard
There's more pure white Chechen and Bosniak Muslims than all of Israel combined. Also Ashkenazim are subhuman inbreds
Bosniaks are as real muslims as Islam is a religion of peace. They most probably eat pork.
They have to have something worth trading for and all they've offered us is imaginary oasis and terrorism.
Yes. They are like the Jews with the addition that they behead people.
What is stopping us from siding with the Jews in order to kill all Muslims?
How much it would cost.
You are looking for /po/
We arent racist here