Does Sup Forums believe in an afterlife?

Does Sup Forums believe in an afterlife?

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no, you go back to the state of being you were in before you were alive (dead)

Why is that so?

Practically you won't even know you are dead, time freezes for you!

Do you need time to experience?

It's real. All of it.

What is?

because everything is based on perception (sight, touch, hear etc)
your brain computes all the information and proceeds to make decisions based on that information

once you're dead your brain dies as well .. nothing left to process your surroundings

initially when I became agnostic I began to fear the possibility of no after life .. then I tried to imagine what follows death philosophically
what "feelings and emotions" do you get when you think of yourself before you were born? (nothing for me, just peace )
that's what sensations and emotions you'll feel when you die (nothing but peace)

How come nobody comes back like Genghis Khan or Oda Nobunaga?

So we are our brains and our subjective feeling of being alive is a result of our brains?

Could we not use our brains instead like an antenna?

I believe in afterlife.

pic related.

Infinite recurrence seems most likely tbqh famalam.

I expect to be here again and that I've been here before. Pretty comfy desu

No. Life after death is the ultimate bluepill
>good goyem, your life is shit now, but it will be worth it in the end, just don't forget a good servant obeys. Also give your money to the church, you can't take it with you.

I'm going to drag the goddess with me in my next life so we can hang out.

If anything the church is slowly dying however some are just out there to take advantage of those who attend.

That doesn't discredit anything higher than ourselves though, that just portrays human nature

the brain is just an organ (it dies permanently)
scroll down to the section called "function"

I'm not sure you should be entertaining this topic unless you're psychologically ready to deal with the knowledge

you may become depressed and afraid if you don't already have meaning in your life (most people only believe in an after life out of hope for a better life than their current) which is why I'm not against people believing in an afterlife ..

What if you don't like your body or want to be born in another country?

No I've dealt heavily with both ends here and throughout most of my life I had the exact same argument you've presented.

However through research into DMT and it's availability within the human body and the experience it delivers, it made me second guess myself and start to take other opinions more seriously.

The only meaning we have in life is what we prescribe it.

I hope there's no afterlife.

A question about the afterlife I had is if you can choose what type of body you can have in the afterlife or if you can even have anything like free will in the afterlife.

Don't worry user. You won't ever know you've been here before. It won't get tiresome. (Just FYI, it won't just be the same body, your life will happen exactly the same each time.) I guess it's sad that we can't experience anything new, but you can't ask for too much I suppose

You're in it.

It's shit but it's tolerable.

Just asking because it would kinda suck to experience the same health problems over and over again.

The universe and all life in it has no intrinsic meaning and the only guarantee you have as a sentient being is that your very brief existence will be replaced by the eternal void of no awareness after your bodily functions cease.

There won't be any lost loved ones or god(s) waiting for you on the other side of death either, all religion and promises of an afterlife is just the neurotic fantasy of petty doomed beings desperately trying to justify their meaningless existence.

Life is a futile meaningless game where literally whatever you do, you're just chasing a neurochemical reward in your brain. It doesn't matter how materialistic or spiritual you are, it's all the same, just neurons firing gratification patterns in your head.

This is the final, true, Redpill. The hardest one to swallow. I'm offering it to you now, but whether you want to keep living in Denial to make yourself feel better is up to you.

Yeah, sorry m8. But it won't get harder each time. It'll be just the same. But all the joys and pains will feel new.

I had to look up what dmt stood for (never done any drugs myself)
something else I'm getting close to understanding (in theory) is that we might be just moving parts in a predetermined existence
since physics influences every aspect of our life .. I believe everything is the just reacting to something else (even our thoughts are chemically based (neurons etc) therefore they are subject to the laws of physics ..

what's your understanding of predetermined vs free will?
I'm leaning more towards predetermined

Why not

he means "recycling" or reincarnation

Totally agree (I think).

Something that was all knowing of literally every action and thought of literally everything in the universe until now could predict every single action thereafter I believe. Sort of negates the concept of free will here also.

Do some research into DMT however. I find the fact that all humans, animals and thousands of plants produce this molecule and the specific experience it delivers incredibly interesting.

People report leaving this reality as if they had just died (many report a feeling like they had just died) and put on some virtual reality headset that shows them things that can't be comprehended in 3d space. They also report entities that are incredibly welcoming and happy that they are there and experience a god-like presence... A lot of trip reports are scarily consistent with this type of experience.

The fact we produce this "drug" naturally from our own bodies and produce elevated amounts at certain states of brain frequency, sort of has to mean something in my eyes.

They are also subject to Quantum mechanics which makes me feel a bit better concerning the determination debate.

brain isn't equal to soul, there is afterlife i nearly reached it


but QM is still subject to set rules (not to mention it only applies to matter at a certain scale level) .. I'm not overly familiar with it since it's still in such an early form and discovery

Humans have never been able to recreate anything organic from a primordial soup. Surely scientists in the 21st century would be expected to have a better creating ability than a random asteroid collision. Only answer is that God created a framework and let natural processes develop into what there is today. There has to be an afterlife

(predetermined + ability to calculate if given all info)
I agree with that statement and was trying to find the words you put it in but was not clicking for me atm

I understand what you're saying (natural compound) but I'm sure the levels are set by our bodies for a reason. I love the state of mind I've always been in so I prefer to remain as lucid as possible. the saying "hell is a place without reason" is fairly accurate. ..I'm not sure if getting to an even deeper state of mind/knowledge would help or hurt (assuming it's safe and all )

that primordial soup took billions of years user (don't leave that fact out to prove your point)


Death and the permanent non existence of myself is what I look forward to

There can't be infinite recurrence, because more people exist today than have ever been alive in the past

>there is only Earth in the universe

there were a few other good ones too ..but I tried to keep it basic and the way I logically came to the conclusion
I'm glad others are out there who understand

I have felt my heart stop twice, both times I felt totally comfortable and at peace. Like I was coming home.

Don't worry about it.

Doesnt matter. We can recreate the exact end stage and yet still cannot produce life. Sure it was created over a long period of time - steps 1, 2, 3, 4 etc... We just skip straight to 4

>I'm glad others are out there who understand

I'm certain the majority of people here share your views on life

Even if there were other planets with other lifeforms, the number of planets would be finite, and the number of lifeforms would increase exponentially as time goes on. That makes reincarnation impossible

There is no 'afterlife' as life is unending. We are all trapped in samsara

Well that would make sense if we knew for sure that all planets that contain life continued to live on and didn't end up destroying their own planet or it destroyed itself through natural disasters.

Or there (as a lot of people describe with DMT) there could be a "soul" waiting area, hence a possibility of reserve of souls

I always wondered if you will get the ultimate redpill after death, that you will learn about the actual truth of the world. Maybe the true ultimate redpill is something so impossible to comprehend in life, and something you have to work your life for to discover in death. I don't know, just spilling shit out of my mouth here.

Nope. The only way to achieve immortality it to have as many non-fuckup sons as possible to pass on your family name.

Or if you're a broad, shit out as many kids as humanly possible.

But populations have the ability to grow exponentially. In a theoretical sense, the maximum allowable population is infinite; the only limit is how much our environment can sustain. That would require an infinite number of "souls", which negates the possibility of the same souls being reincarnated over and over again.


It's nice that religion gives comfort to those whose lives are complete dogshit, but it makes me sad that they think their suffering will all be worth it in the end with a kick ass afterlife when there's really nothing besides wishful thinking to suggest that that's the case

you're not familiar with everything related to evolution and the creation of our universe
..certain elements at the beginning were not available (heavier elements formed later from stars and supernovae)

just read some more information with an unbiased mind

duuude what if when we die we turn like starts in the skyy, that sounds dooope

I've got to leave but it was great meeting and engaging with all of you
hopefully some of you lurkers also gained something from this thread or at least now feel the need to question things more
wish everyone happiness, success and many healthy, intelligent white children :)

ate a cheeseburger whole

You too are aware of the truth.

Listen to this user because I'm too lazy to explain it.

Eternal recurrence can be mathematically proven.

>Eternal recurrence can be mathematically proven.

It can't be though. Population continues to increase. There would need to be an infinite number of souls. That would mean that not all souls are used more than once

Unless life in general is a form of experience

Talking about souls, you're missing the point. It's not spiritual in that sense. Just look it up, because I don't feel like explaining it.

I do.


no but it would be a pleasant surprise


I don't know if life after death exists, but my dad came to me in a dream to let me know he was dead.