Remember yesterday when you fedora-tipping nazi edgelords were crying about how media outlets reported the Fort...

Remember yesterday when you fedora-tipping nazi edgelords were crying about how media outlets reported the Fort Lauderdale shooter as being white?

Yeah about that. Save your fake outrage. He's white. Pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you fucking retarded? That facial hair and nose screams darkie.

Here's another photo of this evil white man.

Yep. That dude is caucasian af.


His skin color doesn't.

>posting the fox news edit
Are you covering for that raciss ass cracker honkey?

>dark brown eyes
>dark black hair
>brown skin
how do you figure he's white?

>"He's white"
>posts a picture of a non-white

uhhhhhhhhhhhh ok, nice thread

As white as Argentina

>he's white


>dat projection

fuck off ribbit

lol. He doesn't know how to distinguish the races yet. Cute.




He's white. He's at least as white as I am. And don't you motherfuckers go and call me a FUCKING chicano.


>he has a scarf so he can't be white

you're a non white.


fucking chicano

he has prognatism, his skull is elongated, he has a flat negro nose.

this can't be real. no one can be that retarded.

>Black hair
>Brown eyes that are almost black


He's a black male.

>having dark eyes and brown hair makes you non-white

um yeah ok

fuck white people seriously

cant overlook the nignog nose and brow ridge


I was in the Aryan Brotherhood with that guy. Stomped many negroes.

Not what I said friendo

I myself have brown hair and eyes, but nowhere near as dark as that guy.

There's a difference between brown and almost black

It's real.

Esteban Santiago. Follower of Islam. White.


It is real. If they didn't rig it, crime stats would be..what you'd expect.

he looks like a Puerto Rican Cara


He's black, go look at his family.

that monkey is not white


she looks like blanket

He is white in the USA

is the dude in your pic a famous surfer? what's his name? i keep seeing him posted

>itt never has seen a white person.

Cara Delevigine is not a real dyke. He fucking eyebrows gross me out. She'll be a good piece of ass even into 30s since her pussy won't too stretched out from too much cock.

The Jews are pushing it as trendy. Which actually maybe is a win for us. The more carpet munching teenage girls, the tighter it stays.

kek fuck off kike.

>He fucking eyebrows gross me out

Well said.

That looks strikingly like beast jesus

100% Argentinian



>Esteban Santiago

He also lived less than a block away from the only mosque in Alaska. The dude was a ISIS muslim spic.


No he is Latin. You all want to be white we get it, but it isn't happening.

>those paper-thin lips

Yup, he's white.

anyone with eyes can see he is an isis sympathizer. his dead eyes and haji features are quite clear. has everyone become fucking blind? we need to engage in profiling and attack hard against those who would do us harm.

>Latin is a race
kys please, that man is mixed, probably part mediterranean white and part indigenous borinquen.

You realize, or you may not, that it isn't about the color right? It's about the race. You are not white, even though you dream about it.

He's a crazy spic who became a muslim. Case closed.

>I'm sexually attracted to men.

I'm not judging you bro.


Latin is a race. You have proven your ineptitude.



I have black hair and hazel eyes. It's not the color so much as the facial structure that gives him away. Europeans don't look like that.



He looks part negro.

CNN is accused of photoshopping the pic to make him look "whiter."

But he is Puerto Rican or from the Carribean... has negro facial features.

>My fucking sides

Those tract marks on its hand from shooting heroin.

looks pretty white to me

God damn, the dude is named Santiago. They keep shopping his skin tone and nose. Keeps getting narrower in every pic.

Now they want to make him out a Spaniard.

>thinking that race has everything to do with race
T. Merchant

hahahahaha, if he was beat up it would be a hate crime therefore non white.

Joking aside, he looks like the average Argie.

Argies tend to be a little more fat depending of the region in where they live.

He is not white by NZ standards.

30% European 40% Negroid 30% Amerindian


Save your fake pretending to be a liberal. God damn Sup Forums's gone to fucking shit. A hundred million paid republican shills all pretending (horribly) to be liberals and other even lower IQ republicans throwing their shoes at the screen. I honestly hope the american administration is cleansed with fire and we get a new start with honest, sane politicians.

hes actually asian

just a tan, he will look lighter after a few weeks in jail

the average argie looks like this tho, is a very different look.

>i'm the white man now

Very caveman like.

You can post a picture of any popular fap here without makeup, never mind one the Jews are pushing as a dyke.

She's not a real dyke. I'd rather have a girl that fucks around with other girls rather than one that has taken too much cock and stretched out.

He's not white. All over the news today even on BBC shooter was hispanic.

why not say a black hispanic male?

>brown eyes

Top jej

>brown eyes

Choose one.

That's not white....

he is a mixed race american of puerto rican descent, get it right you bigot.

>>brown eyes
More like nigga nose, nigga skull, nigga skin, nigga bones.

Thats a spic

he's a proud afro anerican

Shit tard, he's puertorican so he's clearly no white.

Kek wills it

nigga nose

He looks like someone from the lower class of Buenos Aires. the average Argies look like this dude but is not because they are dark skinned but because is some kind of fashion there, kinda like Jersey Shore.

I was hoping someone had done this..

hail hitler!