If Trump did something that led to the Republican party no longer supporting him and even trying to impeach him, so it was Trump vs the Republican Congress, who would you support?
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If Trump did something that led to the Republican party no longer supporting him and even trying to impeach him, so it was Trump vs the Republican Congress, who would you support?
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The obvious answer is it depends on what he did.
But most likely Trump.
Republican congress is full of soft left leaning Democrat shills like John McCain and Paul Ryan.
>expecting me to watch Keith Olberman for 8 minutes
not going to happen, shill your leftie propaganda elsewhere.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
If Trump gets impeached it's a guaranteed loss for Republicans next election and in 2020. If Trump doesn't, he fires up his base and pro-Trumpers beat out the ringleaders in primaries.
>Paul Ryan
Has he not campaigned hard enough against Planned Parenthood for you to consider him centrist?
We hate the republican party, idiot
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
he's campaigned harder for amnesty
Obviously the consensus is going to be Trump. Hell, I'd even bet there are more mainstream Democrats here than there are mainstream GOPers.
Depends on what it is. I'm not counting on him doing anything odd, though. At least half the Republicans are part of the swamp.
It's MAGA all the way, baby. F the establishment, Dems or Repubs. All worthless idiots.
Dear CIA,
We would throw this country into a chaos you couldn't imagine. So don't try anything faggot.
Why does this leaf have to fuck up every goddam thread?
>Anyone who doesn't fall completely in line with my beliefs is left wing
You'd bet wrong. Just because you guys like pretending you aren't the same dumbasses that voted Bush Jr into office twice doesn't change reality.
This is the correct answer. How can OP expect us to choose a side without knowing what the hypothetical act is that would get Trump impeached?
rake yourself you fucking leaf
city dweller = pays triple, lives like sardine
How are you not the retard?
Of course redpilled americans will support Trump no matter what! MAGA! Trump is blessed by Jesus Christ and doing his will. Leftards will burn with the muslims once Trump has gathered them all into the camps.
Hey shill you did it twice
watched the whole video. not a single argument detected
itt: Sup Forums gets mad at its own meme
Trump is the first candidate in our lifetime that isn't a career politician. We know that career politicians constantly lie and manipulate the populace to enrich themselves. I don't know if Trump will do a good job or a bad job, but I know that Hillary would have done a terrible job. I'm rooting for Trump because he is probably our last chance to save America.
He would have to do something that is worthy of impeaching him and with all the hate he is getting, it wouldn't lead to that.
Stop being such a fucking faggot Op, worried about the ifs the buts and get ready to make america great again. You fucking cucks always cry wolf. You know what men do when shit goes wrong? They get their guns.
t. rural/suburban retard
Fuck republicans. They're a bunch of new conservatives and religious fundamentalists.
I don't trust congress bc they take money bribes for influence
fuck republicans and democrats alike.
Do you realize that everyone who gets married and has kids moves out of the cities and into the suburbs? Many of us still work in the city, but we live in the burbs where there is less crime and a better quality of life.
>raising children in a socially isolated rural/suburban shithole
Looking forward to the day when they come out of the closet and announce you that they're a furry or gender fluid otherkin
Check the numbers Leaf. There is a much higher chance they'll be furries or otherkin if I raise them in the city
Let's say Trump is a sex trafficker or a serial killer like Ted Cruz. Do you still support him? During Trump's killings, he never killed anyone bad, only innocent individuals.
ok nigger
I'm with Trump no matter what.
Probably Trump.
I feel like the conservative party has failed. They are weak and lazy. All they do is lose culture wars, and move their goal posts in reaction to liberals.
What the fuck are conservatives even conserving anymore? They don't even know. "tr00 conservative" is almost meaningless. It just refers to some tax policy, lower regulations, and MAYBE Christianity.
It's a fucking joke. They are stale as fuck, and their movement is OVER. Neo-cons are done. Trumpism/alt-right is the future.
oh wow he hates abortions, that totally makes up for him being a pro amnesty globalist shill
trump without question