Daily reminder to the faithful

Daily reminder to the faithful......

Your religion is a scam
Your god does not exist
Your priest is a liar
And you are a fool

Have a nice day

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Wew, it's been a minute since I've seen a demotivational.



It's either us or Muslims. Take your pick. Atheism is unsustainable.

Only kek is the one true god.

>Atheism is unsustainable
The truth is never unsustainable, christcuck.


Was Mary a virgin or a whore?


I agree

He's right you know

It's not about truth or lie its about structure of society, let's face it the fear of God puts people in their place

>inb4 religious criminals, i said 'fear' of God, not 'faith'

Don't be mad at me. I generously offer you the truth for free. Your priest lies to your face and then passes around the collection plate. Who is your friend?

[citation needed]

He said, clinging to his faith, called atheism, pretending it is not a religion.


If only we knew everything like you OP, thanks so much. #staywoke

Christcucks and Athei*tip* are both wrong. There are 9 Gods, with 3 of them being discovered already.
And Zun

OP's edge makes me shimmy like a snail on a razor.

Hey OP - what's your theory about how we all got here, how here got here, and what we're supposed to do now that we are here?

I long to hear it, I'm sure it will be edge-a-licious.

He's right. Religion gets replaced by SJWism. It's no coincidence the least religious western nations are the ones getting cucked out of existence at the moment. When nations lose their religion they lose their cultural identity, and thats when ideas like "Hey lets import a whole bunch of mudslimes to show how tolerant we are!" start to get thrown about. Atheism paved the way for Islam to conquer Europe

there is only one thing worse than atheists...

Do you feel confident asserting that there is no tooth fairy? Of course you do. Do you need a citation? Of course not.

Your favourite god, whichever one it is, is VASTLY more ridiculous than the tooth fairy. I can therefore be vastly more confident when I assert that your favourite god does not exist.

I don't know what you're talking about goy

Trump was elected with help from prayers of the faithful christians. Trump will destroy all libtards and muslims. Satan will not win and Trump will prevail!

My theory on these subjects is not relevant. The evidence is what is relevant. Your favourite god comes with zero evidence.

G-d is One and indivisible. Hahaha xtians

For the Big Bang to have happened, according to the simple cause and effect principle, something outside of our single point highly dense unborn universe had to have set it into motion. This unknown force does not have to abide by our laws of physics, time, or any other set law that exists within our universe, because it existed outside of our universe. I believe this "unknown force" to be have been God.

On macro evolution, the arrangement of our universe, and the complexity of our laws of physics and position in our galaxy that allows life to thrive, it is all so perfectly fine tuned that it is mathematically impossible to have happened by chance. To say that life developed complex systems that respond to different types of stimuli that previously couldn't even be detected by the organism just by random evolution over time is almost asinine. Genetic coding in our DNA is so impressive that there is no way that we developed organs that pick up light such as our eyes and organ systems that work together such as the nervous or digestive systems simply by chance. That's like slamming on your keyboard billions of times until eventually you get a working operating system.

tl;dr OP is a faggot

It's spelled Horus.

The fact that your baby jesus was plagiarised word-for-word from a centuries-older god should trouble you.

>Your favourite god, whichever one it is, is VASTLY more ridiculous than the tooth fairy
Not at all. In fact mathematically the chance of you existing by random chance is effectively zero, meaning there almost certainly was an intelligence behind your creation. Whether or not it was the Christian God is what you should be debating

I'll have a nice day filtering your Marxist psyop out of my feed.
Enjoy your dying civilization. The faithful will be here to pick up the pieces when your sterile anti-culture disintegrates.

why do (((you))) hate christianity so much, long time has passed since then.

Wew lad

Which god? You need to specify, because there are thousands. You then need to explain how you picked that one from the gaggle of gods. What evidence can you present for your favourite god which does not exist for the rest?

which can be decided by reading and interpreting prophecy, ie the modern Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon (pic related) and Islam is the beast of the earth. Christ says that those that are beheaded in his name will reign with him forever, the quran directly calls to behead christians. The beast will rule the earth, deny Christ, and claim to be God, all three of which are the very premise of Islam. Islam teaches to conquer and force the worship of Allah, the blasphemous name for God prophesied in the Bible. Only those that have not studied the book enough argue with this

So the Christian God does not exist, but (as you have just said) that thousands of gods exist. What precludes Yahweh from existing?

Your second para is the argument from incredulity. In other words, "I can't imagine how x happened, therefore we must insert my favourite god". The universe is not limited to the things that you can imagine.

A youtube link! Case closed! I am now a theist.

In the end, knowledge shall be increased and man shall run to and fro (referring to technology and science, and man's ability to travel the globe).

In the end, good shall be called evil and evil good. Obviously referring to our modern and "progressive" morals, our culture, and our media. These things have been written in the Bible thousands of years ago. And as to the catholic church and the description of the whore, nothing about the catholic customs is biblical. Not the gold challice, the purple and scarlett robes, the """""vicar of Christ"""", none of it. Instead, the Bible warns against them, thousands of years before the conception of the Vatican II theologies and practices.


The most hilarious thing about atheists is, they have absolutely no reason whatsoever to promote atheism.

If I were an atheist, that would be my ace in the hole. I know there's no God and 90% of the other swinging dicks on the planet think there is one? What an amazing advantage!

I'm astronomically more intelligent than nearly everyone around me. I could easily use such a decisive edge in intelligence to make myself monstrously wealthy.

So what do I do? Get on the internet and try to convince everyone else there's no God.

Atheists are God's little gift to us believers. They are absolutely adorable.

Clutching at straws with that post champ. Absence of evidence precludes yahweh existing. Just like every other god.

A post on an online forum! Case closed! I am now an atheist.

You didn't answer my question. And absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

that is not an argument against God in the slightest. God and his nature are both unimaginable. Besides, the sheer random odds of that happening with no prior intentions are literally almost physically impossible. Abiogenesis has never been recreated in a laboratory because it is not possible.

> implying religion and church isn't important for society and our socialist fabric

Dumb fuck. Enjoy ruining western civilization.


He means that there are an infinite number of imaginable gods and there's just as much evidence for any of them as there is for yours. He's not saying that the other gods exist.

The same cliche, posted for the 14 trillionth time. Congrats. If you had a coherent argument, you would not be forced to continually embarrass yourself in this way.

HAHAHA WTF you know jack shit about both Egyptian mythology AND Christian mythology. Congratulations for being dumb as fucking shit.

Dammit just noticed your flag. 0/20 for wasting my time

Even I think this is pretty blasphemous, I guess Christians are not so faithful after all.


>catholics are christians

Actually, exactly this happens. Religiosity and socioeconomic status are inversely correlated. The very wealthy tend to not be religious.

I can't speak for anyone else but I live in a highly religious American state and it's nice to be able to vent anonymously and speak with my real voice sometimes. I would suffer serious social consequences if I made it obvious that I think there is no God.

>Religion gets replaced by SJWism.
No it doesn't. That like a fish and a bicycle. They have nothing to do with each other.

The more satisfied you are with the material world the less likely you are to strive the immaterial one. That's what Jesus was talking when he said that it was easier for a camel to pass through an eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven.

The search for evidence for the christian god has been the most comprehensive search in the history of our species. Billions of people searching for thousands of years and the sum total of evidence is zero. In this case, absence of evidence = evidence of absence.

I see no formidable arguments against my requested evidence


And what about the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

You are angry at the wrong person. Be angry at your priest or your parents, or whoever it was that planted the lies in your gullible mind. I am here to help you to reclaim your dignity by losing your imaginary friend.

Is it comforting to believe that? Because there is a VERY strong correlation between atheism and liberalism.

>For the Big Bang to have happened,
Do you have a degree in astrophysics or are you just another pudding-head theist?

Universe must have had a cause
>Because god
Then god must have had a cause, too
>Nope, no cause. Just god

Your brain must severely damaged from all those years of cognitive dissonance and irrational delusions

When he says "no evidence" what he's doing is narrowly restricting the definition of evidence to mean direct material evidence. This is called Scientism and it's ultimately self defeating since there is no direct empirical evidence or scientific experiment that can prove the belief that all true beliefs must be validated with the scientific method.


So...you're...a...hypocrite then. Okay, well, world's full of those guys.

The truth is though, there is no argument for atheism, and there are a LOT of arguments for God.

I could indulge the OP with some evidence, but really, why bother? The garden-variety Sup Forums atheist only has one rebuttal when confronted with evidence of God - "That's not evidence." The entire conversation is just a low-speed chase around a closed loop. I don't care what you or OP believe. Unlike many Christians, I actually took to heart John 6:44, where Jesus said "No man may come to me except he is drawn by the Father who hath sent me."

So you see, I bear no responsibility whatsoever for your choices.

I will leave you with this little nugget though - it's William Lane Craig making a sweaty pile of quivering flesh out of the shining star of the so-called "New Atheist" movement in formal debate:


They are tax-dodging parasites who prey on simpletons like you.

I completely agree.


Fiction, my friend. Never happened. People tell lies, you know.

You really think that with religion out of the picture, normies won't cling to ideology?

It's nice that you think that everyone is like you who can be nice and objective and unaffiliated. I too remember high school

>Then god must have had a cause, too
>>Nope, no cause. Just god

The argument from motion is concerned with the movement or change that is occurring all around us right now and we can see it. Everything that moves or changes is potential that is being actualized. A potential can't actualize itself so it's a logical necessity for there to be a "pure actual" at the beginning of any causal chain.

Imagine you drive up to a railroad crossing, only to find a train is passing by. You see boxcar after boxcar, first dozens of them and then hundreds of them. You arrived as the train was already in motion so you never saw the engine. But you must infer that the train has an engine: because, if you see a train in motion, you know something is moving it. an engine is pulling it. If you try to solve the problem by positing an infinite series of boxcars, you haven't done away with the need for explaining the motion. You've enlarged the problem infinitely. If you deny the existence of the engine, then you've enlarged the need to find a much bigger and extraordinary cause for the motion of such a long line of boxcars.

Asking "what moves god" is like asking if every car on a train needs to be pulled, then what's pulling the locomotive?

>completely dismissing the role of religion in human society

The truth is that literally nothing matters and we're living in a black void of infinite size and we might as well all kill ourselves. I don't see how that philosophy helps anyone, at least in human development and cooperation.

What's this? A Leaf made a good post! If this isn't evidence of God, I don't know what is. :^)

Let's not forget, those complex systems and consciousness arose out of amoeba. Why? Cause reasons


Fucking jej you guys

An invisible guy with a magic wand makes more sense, eh?

You can surround yourself with delusions all that you want.

An ordered universe with a purpose and absolute ideals is preferable to a cosmic car crash.

belief is a choice. religion itself isn't a science. it's perfectly reasonable to believe in basic science and want to explore the universe and what it contains, in the knowledge and motivation that you are exploring the glorious universe which has been created.



I always like the way physicist John Polinghorne described his faith in unseen particles and events like quarks and quasarts. These hypothetical phenomena are the best ways he has found to make sense of the strange phenomena he can see, like the movement of electrons. Polkinghorne believes that it is possible "to engage in a similar strategy with regard to the unseen realities of god. His existence makes sense of many aspects of our knowledge and experience. He holds that "science and religion are intellectual cousins under the skin. Both are searching for motivated belief."

Reason is overrated and keeps our species down in the mundane. Faith gives people the confidence that they are supported by something bigger than themselves and they can try and fail and still everything had a purpose.

Reason is attractive because it proposes it can find definite truth by study and observation and no other way. However if taken to its logical extremes shuts off the senses toward God and the metaphysical.

This is why try as it does so so so very hard Atheism and logic based living will never catch on, most humans cannot shut off this critical element of their body-spirit connection like Atheists can.

Why not both? Why not have faith and use reason in day to day life. In my opinion critical thinking and problem solving brings us as close to God as we can be, second only to prayer. We are thoughtful and intelligent beings, and using it is necessary to come closer to our God and our purpose to be not only rational but just beings.

Also, this. Tribalism is as potent as sexuality and most people will always find some sort of religious group to join. This is an exciting time in human history because the more primitive religions are slowly but surely on their way out in our more advanced cultures. Unfortunately it doesn't seem that we've found anything substantial with which to replace them with. I do agree that nihilism/SJWism helps nobody.

I value your posts, user

This was predicted by Nietszche when he proclaimed the death of God. The result, we saw throughout the 20th century as mankind thrashed between the extreme right and left. After it died a bit after the Cold War and Second World War (although still present), the water has begun to boil yet again. This is the result of knocking our foundation out from under ourselves

you're right, when the Bible says we are created in His image, its not referring to a physical image but to the ability to think, reason, and make decisions, so using your brain does in fact bring you closer to God

Sounds like someone is mad because they are going to hell.

>Because there is a VERY strong correlation between atheism and liberalism.
You make a good case, but not the way you might imagine.

There was a time when America was ruled by God's Vicar on Earth, a Defender of the Faith, a Divine Ruler.

Reasonable, sensible liberal men rejected that arbitrary religious rule and established a liberal democracy in America.

SJWs are an imaginary social meme. They don't really exist and here's why:
1) They are generally everyone you don't like.
2) Everybody has a different idea of what they are
3) On /pol, they are the same 4 fat girls with colored hair
4) Arbitrary, ambiguous and unidentifiable. Classic fantasy stuff.

>In fact mathematically the chance of you existing by random chance is effectively zero
This kind of raw stupidity clearly demonstrates you nothing about math nor randomness.

First, the probability of life is 100% on this sliver of Earth's crust. L-shaped RNA proteins form naturally. These things do not require any silly supernatural explanations.

> there is no way that we developed organs that pick up light such as our eyes
Eyes evolved over billions of years so there's 100% probability that it is natural.

The world's most flammable gas hydrogen combines with the worlds most powerful oxidizer to make water, the world best fire extinguisher. It just is what it is. Just because you can't understand it doesn't necessarily make it magic.

>That's like slamming on your keyboard billions of times until eventually you get a working operating system.
That's quite unironically exactly how operating systems are written.

Confirmed as truth. These digits check out.


Have a nice day God loves you. You will see one day.

Digits of the truth. Praise God.

Yes! Exactly! God is dying if not quite dead yet, and what are we going to do about it as a society? What social/religious foundation can anyone offer when God is gone? What will fill that void? Hopefully the death of God doesn't mean the death of our society but rather a progressive transformation of it. It's looking pretty grim though.

Stupidest post of the thread. And on a thread about religion.

which god will I see?

I forgive you for that.

Its not my fault you chose to go to hell. Repent now and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour and He may save you.

>logical necessity
I get that you're desperately trying to rationalize your irrational beliefs. You claim logic but you're incapable of recognizing how totally illogical your fatally flawed argument is.

>Gods can appear on their own
>Universe can't appear on its own

The moment you inject the supernatural claim, you've torpedoed the logic.

We see thousands of threads on /pol where the theists try all sorts of nonsensical claims to make their irrational beliefs appear rational.

But you never hear of a scientist who says, "Well I've got all this empirical data and a good solid analysis, I guess I'll just add a supernatural deity for the conclusion." Because that's not science nor logic.

>This kind of raw stupidity clearly demonstrates you nothing about math nor randomness.
Why did you assume I was talking about abiogenesis? If we live in a deterministic universe, that is one that is governed by laws that allow us to predict the behavior of things, then we can trace back the cause of every single thing that has happened in the universe via cause and effect. All effects have a cause and we can trace each and every one of them back to the Big Bang. There are 10^80 particles in the observable universe. For you to be sitting where you are now those particles had to interact with each other in the exact way that they did over the span of 14 billion years. How many different ways are there for the Big Bang to occur that result in different interactions of those 10^80 particles over that 14 billion year timespan?

There is only 1 way for the Big Bang to occur that ensured every particle int he universe interacted in the ways that would ensure you would be created 14 billion years later. There are close enough to infinite ways for it to occur so you do not. The odds of it occuring are less than you winning the lottery every week for 10 years straight. You could create the universe a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion times over and never have it happen. It is, for all intents and purposes, impossible.

You complete idiot. Societal health correlates inversely with religiosity. Read a book.

If your religion made even a shred of sense, your threat would not be required.

clearly you've never seen a fish riding a bicycle