I have lost most of my Jew truth pieces when getting a new PC and having my HDD corrupted. Can anyone drop YouTube links and infographics and old documents showing Jewish manipulation throughout the world and facts based on them being banned in history from a large amount of countries? I greatly appreciate it.

Keep up the good fight, goys.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oy vey, I guess the zionists slid this thread.

I was attacked by intellectually disabled children to try to frame me for an anti-Semitic attack!

Who would put the most vulnerable people in all of society directly in harms way trying to get them hurt... to try create false hate of their own people? Jews would that's right Jews!

Israel always shoots first!

Sup Forums has always supported Israel


Do not reply to this shill

To all others providing pics, thank you very much, they're being saved as I type


Surely not biased nor affiliated with a terrrist organization.

this here's a classic

Anyone here watch brother nathanael?

Fuck anti semitism

Stop with this Jewish Boogeyman shit and focus your attention on the real manipulator: Putin

Nice meme schlomo miss your foreskin much?

There is no product to sell and I do it for free

ill dump



This right here was my ultimate redpill on the Jews




peace loving Jews.
>Talmudic Jews: 'Non Jews Are Beasts to Serve Us as Slaves'
>What Jews really think about you
>Israeli Minister "We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust"

>Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish 80-85%

>Winston Churchill exposes forces behind Communism





so white people give jews their own country to compensate for near genocide. Jews say thank you by immediately carrying out a genocide. Noice.


that's all ive got

>he actually fell for the "evil jews" meme

kill yourself idiot, you aren't the country fighting for the jews and dying senselessly in wars, but there's still hope for the jew to enter your country and turn it into a bigger shithole than it already is

>Jews say thank you by immediately carrying out a genocide.

They did it against whites before too. Even after Britbongs and Americans saved their ass in WW2, they still proceeded to undermine their countries at every opportunity since then. Jews care about no one but themselves.


What has any Jewish person ever done to you?
You just need a bogey man to account for your own shortcomings and the fact you are a failure

Thanks for your contributions, it's greatly appreciated. I have saved everything you shared.

thanks for this link

this is golden

I'm a jew living in Amerca. Just a regular reform jew. I don't give a fuck about killing the white race or any of this shit.

When you blame "the jews" if you're blaming regular people like me. You're no better than niggers blaming whitey for everything.

My great grandfather painted houses in brooklyn after leaving germany before the nazis took over.



But if you shitlords keep this shit up then maybe I should just go join up with them since you don't want my help in bringing them down.

It's called the Nakba. Israel is a terror state. Nothing they do is honest!


stop shilling my thread you filthy jew, i wish hitler exterminated ALL of the jews

Revelation 3:9

Please see no one was hurt but it fucked me up that anyone even Jews would do that with their children!

Why wont you accept the reality of life on earth and see it for what it is.
some people will do better than others, regardless of race or ethnicity.
if you want to do something, do it, don't blame someone else for your lack of effort

human shields ha?

So you accept the recount of one user over another, purely because they agree with your narrative?

>But if you shitlords keep this shit up then maybe I should just go join up with them since you don't want my help in bringing them down.

Jew allies are the worst since they lessen anti-Jew sentiment among the Right because it makes them think there are "good Jews".

White people are more successful than black people. It must be because black people are inherently inferior!

Jews are more successful than non-Jews. It must be because Jews are in a conspiracy to keep non-Jews down!


Get fucked Kike! I've seen the evil I tried to fight it and they won! I'm not willing to stoop as low as Jews!

Nobody cares about your success kike. They care that you use your influence against gentiles' interests at every step of the way, and have for centuries.

When and where did you fight against the evil jewish hordes?

>then maybe I should just go join

You're already in on it. Fuck off kike.


Jews are the ancient Amalekites.


>The menace of the movies

Sounds like an autistic fucktard.

Jews are all sorts of people and ethnicities and cultures,
Who ware the Phoenicians?


heres your reply

Your father told you lies about Jews and you believed them. Congratulations.

He's not wrong.

Even now Jews use their influence in Hollywood to push various agendas.


Yeah, that's because there are good jews dumbass.

The quotes in
Are fucking appalling to me and any normal person.

If you really just want to kill every single jew. How the fuck am I supposed to tell those people to shut the fuck up?

See ya in the race war?

Doesn't have to be this way bud!

Maybe people like me (aka the majority of American Jews) could stop it from the inside, but nooo you got this right?

Just tell me to fuck off and watch europe burn.

Good job.


>that's because there are good jews dumbass.

Pic related is one of the few.


The incident relates to stuff in the UK. Otherwise more places than you have autism!

so it isn't the race/religion/ethnicity exclusively, its just that you don't like the individuals?

Another good Jew!

I've actually got a few Jewish friends and have a Hebrew name!


What incident?

>There are some influential Jews in Hollywood
>I object to some things that are in movies coming out of Hollywood
>Therefore Jews must be conspiring to destroy our society
Tell me about this planet you live on, I'm not familiar with it



FFS Kike, being attacked by retards while being filmed by the fucking Mossad you dumb fuck!

more Jewish tactics!

Hitler predicted this all. Everything that is going on today he predicted but no body wanted to listen. He had the answer that the only way to save Western Civilization was to purge them from their society.

Massive pill

Christ are you stupid.
Bobby Fischer's mother was Jewish and he hated his mother, so he imagined all kinds of bizarre things about Jews.


so mossad filmed you have a fight and that means what?

Kek wills it!


Please just kill yourself! I've saved enough Jewish lives that we'll call it even.


His father was Jewish too

Also Lauren Sanders from that TIME cover is Jewish.

It's not clear that he knew or accepted that.
He described himself as half-Jewish.


As a Jewish saviour do you regret helping your fellow man?



Who would do such a thing?!

Am I a Jew?

My mother's mother was a jew. My mom was Methodist or something.

My dad's episcopalian? idk he doesn't practice anything, but his dad was a hitler youth in germany and straight outta deutschland

I'm a confirmed presbyterian, but I don't practice anything at all.

So scale of 1-Zion where am I on the jew chart?






It's obvious that Bobby got his looks and insanely high spatial iq from that Nemenyi guy.


