Poll of Sup Forums

What does Sup Forums believe in?


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"White Supermacy" isn't a type of government though...




No, but it is a political ideology.


>0% liberals

Monarchist here

All have flaws in them. Do I have to pick one that perfectly matches my opinion, or just the one which is the most close to it?

One that you believe can secure humanity's future

>civic nationalism
r/thedonald really needs to fuck off or get redpilled

Closest.I'm a libertarian and conservative,but picked conservative since it was closer

>all of these lolbertarian faggots
>all of these (((civic))) nationalists and cuckservatives

NRx pill?

parasitism is not on the list ?!

I clicked this

>National Socialism
Sup Forums officially a leftist board

Ultra-reactionary/feudal monarchist

I believe that America should return to the Queen's hegemony, desu family.

They are redpilled,just that its their version of redpill.Its like Christianity and its denominations.

Question: do that many of you really believe in national socialism or are you just going along with the large scale memery?

Sup Forums is a NatSoc board every other ideology BTFO

I think we should not have a pure ideology for it. Ideology at it's purest form has too many flaw to work.

Libertarian because I'm a degenerate faggot who enjoys race mixing with white girls and shooting guns at tin cans in the middle of no where forest.

>no natcap

>datamining threads

Didn't click

>Christianity and its denominations
there's only one Catholic faith man

Or the one you would like to see in your country.

define pure ideology

Most people believe in NATSOC because of muh hitler and 'I hate jews'.
Really stupid imo,it goes way further than that.

>national socialism

>people unironically voted ancap

But doesn't it mean that by voting I vote for the entire ideology?

>literally pray to statues

>he doesn't "get" intercession

>civil nationalism
>mexican intellectual

>not wanting to buy recreational nukes for use in retaliation to chad


>equal number of ancaps and communist

wtf happened to Sup Forums

You're not red-pilled just because you like Donald Trump and make fun of feminists and BLM. Its really low hanging fruit. The only thing that could be considered redpilled is their position on Islam, but its not enough.

Monarchism. The most sustainable and natural.

He's active on facist generals.You should fuck off if the only thing you know about politics is Trump and Hitler

Ideology that is formed by it's own wide perspective.

what the fuck is going on with this civic nationalism meme?

>civic nationalism

libertarian, minarchist and anarcho-capitalist should probably be combined

Nothing, we've always been here comrade

in your ideal world, should we do anything about the international jewish banker clan?

Big question
Why are Jews on Sup Forums memey and can take jokes?
You're a muzzie right?

>not wanting to buy A10 warthog to use when soundwaves from someone else enter your property, violating the NAP

Then they aren't red pilled. Being red pilled is knowing the truth. It has nothing to do with what you believe. You can not be half in the matrix and half in the real world. Just because you have the sneaking suspicion that the world is a giant computer program does not make you red pilled.

i'll show myself out

Nope. I was born and raised a Jew in Israel. Jews in here like to make jokes like this as well.

>nat soc 1st

It is tribalism, essentially. Cuckservatism is what enables greedy corporate fuckwits to import millions of subhumans into a country. Civic nationalism is a pipe dream and guarantees the destruction of our race.
A people should come first, and we should help one another within reasonable limits. I'm not talking about supporting the lowest common denominator. Just less worshipping of the shekel above all else. Private enterprise can and should still exist, but with conditions.

No you haven't. Good job for your determination though.

Its should be "civic" not "civil" and "supremacy" not "supermacy".

bunch of fucking naziboos

It's for Trump supporters who don't want to be seen as racists/race realists

If you see this term being used unironically it's 95% a redditor.

Nice.Is there an explanation to this?I hear a lot of holocaust jokes and Jews are fine with this,put the moment someone talks to a burger about Pearl harbour they chimp out.

Just trying to settle an argument in the fascist general, relax.

Always good to see fascists out themselves as capitalist stooges.

He's a mexican ffs.It's surprising that he even has internet.


Do I look like a capitalist stooge to you?

I live in fascist country that was liberal/democrat not so long ago. So i vote fasci.

I believe that Ideologies are most effective and least flawed when they are not opposed by other ideas and takes control of all its rules.

A country with mixed ideas will have a influx of radicals that want to implement their ideology. It would only be natural that revolutions happen from extreme ideological crusaders.

This place has always had dissent. Stormfront raiding and Trump spam drowning it out doesn't change that.

>You're not red-pilled just because you like Donald Trump and make fun of feminists and BLM.
i wish more people knew that

Civic nationalism is only there because it is frequently talked about in Sup Forums, I have nothing to do with it.

You think private enterprise should exist so yes. You don't have a problem with capitalism, you just brush off its problems onto the Jews and idealism rather than address the material conflicts.

>low expectations
Das racist.

Paleo-libertarian race realist. I prefer to live around White people.

>I hear a lot of holocaust jokes and Jews are fine with this,put the moment someone talks to a burger about Pearl harbour they chimp out.
sure they do senpai

God Save the Queen

Ya look like a seppo

It's just banter brother. No harm meant.


>national socialism coming first

just when i thought there was no hope left for Sup Forums

Apologise for nanking

Well,with that being said an ideology in it's purest form does has flaws, and if not now than it will get them with the pass of time, because society along with technology will keep developing, to a point when an ideology will stop making sense.

>bestowing nearly a continent to an ango crypt keeper on a tiny dreary island
monarchy is the way to go but you don't start out by surrendering so fucking hard

capitalism =/= corporatism
People should, after working for the nation, have some ability to work for themselves. But that should never translate into corporations having the ability to manipulate the nation. Purely localist.
What do you want, to regulate lemonade stands?


>racists/race realists
Shouldn't it be ethno nationalism, then? Civic nationalism is cancer.

>"their version of redpill"
>rejecting the concept of objective truth
>truth is just whatever you want to believe in
the ultimate bluepill

>nat soc
>socialism in any form what so ever

Helicopter rides for all socialist scum.

I was referring to the large amount of people identifying as civic nationalists not you having it as an option on your poll.

>when the majority of Trump supporters on pol are actually libertarian but chose Trump because Gary Johnson is an idiot.

Top Kek

Apologise for being a bunch of round faced gooks with nothing of value

Of course. All Jews must perish. They are rats and parasites.

As expected

>conservatism on the rise
Finally,praise kek
Maga 2020


If we had nothing of value,why Nanking?
Checkmate period stains

It's talked about because retarded half cucks from Reddit come to Sup Forums then still don't read up on Jews,racial iq differences and the history of Nazi Germany not seen though a 4th grades history class or what's on the tv.

And Libertarians don't care cause MUH Tax is Theft and muh based Blacks make up for the other 99% and refuse to understand just how sneaky some people can be to undermine your (((democracy))), just what happened to modern day US

I'm either very conservative or a very soft fascist.

conservatism is the closest to my position i think but im also a nativist

If you want some more rape and murder just say the word

most muslims believe in a pedophile war monger because other pedophile war mongers make them

bitch you're not ready to talk shit about Nat Soc yet .. you bantz like a bakabazi boy

>only making up 21% of the Sup Forums immediately followed by lolbertarianism, cuckservatism, and (((civic nationalism)))

Or or maybe....Just maybe...They have different perspectives?
Sup Forums is not a hivemind.