How do germans act when you ask about the holocaust?

I heard they deny it ever happened. is that true?

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what holocaust? these camps were merely detention centres, the detainees would've been transferred out of germany and that if the allies didn't bomb all of the train lines. the place was also used for cooking pizza too for the soldiers thats what the ovens were for if you google pizza oven they're exactly the same

also there was a big theme park like 5 minutes from auschwitz which the detainees visited once a week

The denial of the Holocaust is even a crime in Germany. So we will never forget. I hope.

Now there is a New Narzi Partei called AFD, it seems like they forgot what happended around 80 Yeahrs Ago...

There's also a new bunch of fucktards who think being "leftist" will solve everything. They seem to have forgotten that every socialist state is a failed state.

They also read and are the journalists of the Lügenpresse. It's a pity the all leftists weren't gassed,

OK. Let's educate you on something. AfD isn't about gassing the Muslim population. It's about ensuring the "migrants" don't force your country to adopt their laws, and ensure that they adhear to German law and social norms. If the "immigrants" can't adapt to your culture, they are obligated to leave, least they bring crime, civil unrest, and unnecessary violence o their host nation.



It didn't happen.


I have Germany family members from berlin who were there at the uncle is communist and one is a Nazi...both flat out deny the holocaust...allies bombing supply lines


Thank You.

My uncle has been there when he was in the Army. Told me that place still reeks of Death.

Stinky rotten body smells


So Holocaust denial is a crime. What's the legality of saying that you're glad it happened?

AFD is not racist, stupid kraut.

still boggles my mind that it is a crime to deny a thing in some countries
[freedom intensifies]

That man is a liar. It never happened.

i can dat nimma hörn do...
Many people joke about it and only college idiots take this serious or the new holocauster survivor who born every year

I think Europe is in need of some massive freedom. 350kt freedom

t. Newly arrived "German" citizen

They own up to it but are trying to make everybody else co-responsible, so that everybody's behaviour is even in the end. They constantly do interviews and give money to journalists, publicists and historians in Poland who say that "Poles" are co-responsible for the Holocaust. There are actually tons of such people who live off german money

When has a jew ever lied mate?

Can we have your first and second amendment pls?

You can't just have our freedom, we have to go through the freedom ritual first so you appreciate it.

Honestly, people I know don't really care about the holohoax. Only minorities bring that shit up when they feel offended. Just like dindu nuffins and white privilege.

I don't ask Krauts about the Holocaust. I just gloat about America and Friends beating the shit out of them.

I don't care, I'm did nothing of the likes so why should I feel guilty?

>I heard they deny it ever happened

It's kinda like slavery here.

Nobody denies it, we just don't talk about it.

>it was also massively overblown much like the holocaust

Why did your uncle go to a fucking concentration camp while in the Army? I thought soldiers stationed in Germany and Europe in general were supposed to visit the cool places and fuck loads of Euro women looking for a free visa, not the shitholes like Auschwitz that ought to be paved over and turned in strip malls.

t. mother and step-father went there, mom literally thought Doc Mengele was chasing her around lol

ur denying da HOLOCAUST m8 daz illegal u can't do dat enjoy 2 years in jail nazi

Tell me about this freedom ritual

>Nobody denies it, we just don't talk about it.

Niggers talk about it incessantly and demand gibsmedat for it.

At least with the Holocaust, it's still (barely) in living memory.

It's been almost 50 years since the last slave died and the shitskins are butthurt about it.

Let me tell you about a magical time called 1776...

t. gullible hans

What means is that Americans' rights were earned after a long and hard fought revolution against one of the greatest empires the world has ever known. And even after the Constitution was finally enacted, it's taken centuries to cultivate and define those rights. Some things like the tight to privacy and the right to competent legal counsel are things we've only adopted in the past 50 years.

You cannot simply simply bestow liberty on a country overnight.

Oh you mean what the Brits considered a minor theater, because they were engaged in conflicts in Europe and unrest in India and even then you couldn't win without French help?


That doesn't mean the hardship American colonists resisting the British had to endure was any less harsh or trying of the spirit.

Just look at Valley Forge, an Army that had suffered setback after setback for almost two years and now enduring misery previously thought unimaginable under the bitter and stinging winter cold.

And still they managed to hold together and keep fighting.