released document:

time to do some digging!!!!!

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Where did this originate from?


Multidimensional Child Sex Rings

These cases involved and continue to involve
unsubstantiated allegations of bizarre activity that
are difficult either to prove or disprove.

This is starting to get really weird


>Many of the unsubstantiated allegations, however, do not seem to have occurred or even be possible.


Context can make a mountain out of a mole hill
"alleged 400-500 offenders were involved. Interestingly, many of the offenders (perhaps as many as 40-50 percent) were reported to be fe- males. The multiple offenders were often family members and were described as being part of a cult, occult, or satanic group."

>fe- males
no shit. anyone who thinks females are above this sickness, is just a naive idiot.

can someone tell me if these sources are credible before i bother reading through that shit?

>what is .gov
really dude?

pic related

Makes sense desu. Satanists probably would induct their own children, through multiple rapes of them, by family members and friends. Really activates the almonds.

it's common for satanists to prey on the kids of their own family.

heart wrenching testimony---->

really interdasting

oversaw the .gov to be honest, but the government isnt really credible desu

>US Department of Justice (internal documents)
>not credible.
wtf? it's not gonna get more credible than that

did you forget that one of the DOJ, Anun Rao or how he is called is probably involved in pizzagate? thats what i mean with not credible. the government is biggest criminal organization there is. you shouldnt believe them a single word. thats what i meant, not that the document itself isnt valuable

>In 1983 and 1984, when I first began to hear stories of what sounded like satanic or occult activity in connection with allegations of child sex rings (allegations that have since come to be referred to most often as "ritual" child abuse), I tended to believe them. I had been dealing with bizarre, deviant behavior for many years and had long since realized that almost anything is possible. Just when you think that you have heard it all, along comes another strange case.

>The idea that there are a few cunning, secretive individuals in positions of power somewhere in this country regularly killing a few people as part of some satanic ritual or ceremony and getting away with it is certainly within the realm of possibility.

>But the number of alleged cases began to grow and grow. We now have hundreds of victims alleging that thousands of offenders are abusing and even murdering tens of thousands of people as part of organized satanic cults, and there is little or no corroborative evidence. The very reason many "experts" cite for believing these allegations (i.e., many victims, who never met each other, reporting the same events), is the primary reason I began to question at least some aspects of these allegations.

The only thing that needs to be read are the rights of the fuckers before putting led between their ears.

reminder that this type of shit is no longer "conspiracy" realm. South Korean government and President were caught red handed, together with their cult "the 8 godesses". This was just recently.

>putting led between their ears.
how are you gonna help make that possible when a tiny PDF full of information is too much work for your lazy ass?

>In response to accusations by a few that I am a "satanist" who has infiltrated the FBI to facilitate a cover-up, how does anyone (or should anyone have to) disprove such allegations? Although reluctant to dignify such absurd accusations with a reply, a.ll I can say to those who have made such allegations is that they are wrong and to those who heard such allegations is to carefully consider the source.

>The reason I have taken the position I have is not because I support or believe in "satanism/' but because I sincerely believe that my approach is the proper and most effective investigative strategy. I believe that my approach is in the best interest of victims of child sexual abuse. It would have been easy to sit back, as many have, and say nothing publicly about this controversy.

>I have spoken out and published on this issue because I am concerned about the credibility of the child sexual abuse issue and outraged that, in some cases, individuals are getting away with molesting children because we cannot prove the allegations of some people that these individuals are satanic devil worshipers who engage in brainwashing, human sacrifice, and cannibalism as part of a large conspiracy.

true, but these book is 25 years old (1992)

>true, but these book is 25 years old (1992)
the south korean thing goes back a long time, but it was recently proven and the people found out.

Remember "Eyes wide shut"? these things have been going on for ages.

>engage in brainwashing, human sacrifice, and cannibalism as part of a large conspiracy.
wow. Imagine being in their grip, being their victims. Hell on earth.