>Le epic WE meme
When will you stop with this bullshit? You know that in real life any black person could beat the shit out of you? Fucking idiots.
>le my memez are more dank than your memez
go kys, why do you even care, faggot?
nice proxy you leftypol piece of trash
> buttmad nigger detected
To the gallows with you, subhuman!
This movie is about Ali, Frazier, and Foreman dominating the boxing world in the early 70s, isn't it? When they were its "kings". It's got nothing to do with the we wuz kangz meme.
Made me chuckle, here's a (You)
>any black person
i don't think so user
Niggers do know that there are still Kings in Africa, right? Like right fucking now
Also, that not every single fucking African was a King, right? And that in fact most of their subject were slaves to their King.
Can someone explain this whole "WE WUZ KANGZ" bullshit? I mean, are they actually retarded enough to believe that all the slaves they brought over were somehow kings or what? Do they not know that African kings actually sold them to Europeans?
It's the sense of entitlement every race has to their history.
It's just that black people are just a little more stupid about it.
I would think the average black person learns about slavery,the leaders of the civil rights movement and how "we" all came from Africa and don't do any more research on the actual facts and carry around this sense of entitlement since "WE WAZ SUFFERIN AN SHITTE" and find shitty reasons to justify being on welfare.
(((They))) are controlling them to further this race war meme, cause it suits them to have diferrent goy groups fighting. It's why they made them all into niggers in the first place.
yeah becuse white people cant fight
>You know that in real life any black person could beat the shit out of you?
That's why white people invented weapons more powerful than sticks and rocks.
We still have to credit Orientals with gunpowder, but at least we perfected it.
Niggers aren't actually human. I think they should have people over them that tell them to do work, beat them leisurely, and fuck their women. Wonder what we should call it.
Its actually are very good film
1 on 1?
he died
You must be the serb fag who posts fuck trump and fuck white people all the time